Seeing this, Zhou Yan shouted coldly, moved violently, brandished the dagger, drew a sharp trajectory, and slashed straight at him.


Instantly, the poisonous python's neck was dripping with blood, its skin and flesh were everted, and Yin Hong's blood spurted out.


Severe pain hit, the poisonous python roared in pain, twisted its huge body, and rushed towards Zhou Yan. The ferocious momentum was heart-stopping.

"Nie Zhan, you really think I'm easy to bully." Zhou Yan frowned, feeling annoyed, his wrist shook, and he slashed the dagger, slitting the poisonous python's throat again.


The poisonous python's body twitched and struggled for a few seconds before losing its breath of life.

"Ding...congratulations to the host, for killing a venomous snake." The system prompt sounded, Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled with relief, it was indeed good and he had gained a lot.

Immediately, Zhou Yan looked up and saw that the surrounding jungle was densely packed with venomous snakes.

"It seems that we need to leave here as soon as possible..."

Zhou Yan frowned, he didn't want to fight with the snakes.


In vain, a roar came from deep in the jungle, the sound shook the forest and disturbed all the snakes.

For a moment, many poisonous snakes turned around and swam away in the direction of the sound source.

"This is……"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

call out!

A black afterimage flashed past, and in the blink of an eye, it flew more than ten feet away, shuttling between the leaves and grass at a very fast speed.

"So fast!"

Zhou Yan took a breath, his eyes filled with fear.

That afterimage was none other than the cub of the poisonous snake just now, a three-foot-long leopard-print black cat that was completely black.

The speed of the leopard-print black cat is very terrifying, like a black lightning, speeding through the mountain forest.


The black cat jumps and prances, light and agile, shuttling through the jungle as if walking on flat ground.


Suddenly, a strange rustling sound sounded, which was terrifying.


Immediately, a black shadow burst out of the ground, as fast as a ghost, opened its mouth suddenly, bit the leopard-print black cat, and dragged it back.


After a burst of noise, the black shadow fell to the ground, revealing a rat with a dark body, an ugly appearance, and two very scary front teeth.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan looked closely and saw a piece of the leopard-print black cat's body in the mouse's paws, gnawing on it and swallowing it.

"Actually...eating cooked food..."

The corner of Zhou Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and there was a chill in his heart. This rat was really cruel.

"Ho ho ho..."

Suddenly, ferocious roars sounded from all directions, and one after another, giant wolves sprang out from the depths of the dense jungle.

The giant wolf is gray and white, with a strong body, hard skin, strong limbs, eyes as red as blood, and exudes bloodthirsty killing intent.


In an instant, one after another giant wolves jumped onto the branches, opened their bloody mouths, and rushed towards Zhou Yan.

"It's a jackal!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were solemn, knowing that jackals are social creatures with huge numbers, fierce and cunning, and are especially good at hunting.

In his previous life, when Zhou Yan encountered a jackal, he had personally experienced the threat of a jackal. Fortunately, he was lucky enough to escape and get a copy of "The Record of One Hundred Beasts".

Therefore, Zhou Yan kept the weakness of the jackal in mind and clearly reflected it in his mind.

At this moment, more and more jackals gathered, forming a wolf tide, overwhelming the sky.


Zhou Yan shouted violently, shaped like a dragon, and ran head-on into the pack of wolves.


When the dagger was raised, its light flickered, sharply cutting through thick tree trunks and chopping up gray wolves.

At the same time, Zhou Yan swung his silver needles, each one containing Yuan Power, and sank into the giant wolves' bodies, causing them to die immediately and fall into a pool of blood.


At the same time, the wolves rioted, strong winds swept through, and giant wolves rushed towards them, opening their smelly mouths.

"court death!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, and he kicked hard with his right foot. There was a bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang.


Suddenly, a giant gray wolf jumped up and charged at him. It had sharp teeth and claws, and was terrifying.


Zhou Yan shouted low, stretched out his palms, firmly grasped the wolf's head, and broke it with all his strength. With a click, the gray wolf screamed, bleeding from its seven orifices, and died on the spot.

Zhou Yan's eyes were indifferent and he moved forward. His movements were elegant and dexterous, avoiding the attacks of the wolves. At the same time, he waved his dagger to harvest the lives of the wolves.

Soon after, the jungle became silent, with only a few wolf carcasses left.

"The harvest this time is pretty good."

Zhou Yan grinned, cleaned up the battlefield, picked up all the wolf meat, tied it with ropes, and hung it on the side of his backpack.

Immediately, Zhou Yan returned to the cave, took out the stone bowl, took a ladle of water to wash his face, wiped away the blood, and restored his appearance.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned and vaguely heard a small movement in the distance, but it was blurry and difficult to distinguish.

After a slight hesitation, Zhou Yan stepped out of the cave and continued moving along the stream.

"Shasha, Shasha..."

After walking for a while, Zhou Yan felt something was wrong. There was a strange sound in his ears, getting closer and closer.


Finally, Zhou Yan stopped and looked around, but couldn't tell the direction.

"Is this a swamp?"

Zhou Yan was shocked and doubtful. He cast his gaze away and suddenly discovered that there was a big pit in front of him.

In the large pit, the mud is filled with mud, the moisture is rich, and there are many white foam floating in the air, presenting a strange scene.

Zhou Yan glanced at it and saw a huge rock, about five or six feet high. There were spider web-like ravines on the rock wall, as if it had suffered a violent impact.


Zhou Yan suddenly realized, his mind changed slightly, and he realized clearly: "This is a swamp. Due to the age, it has deteriorated and corrupted, resulting in miasma."

Ancient books record that in some places, due to lack of water sources, miasma will naturally form, poisonous insects breed, and it is extremely dangerous.

"There must be ferocious birds and beasts in the swamp."

Zhou Yan's heart trembled and he thought to himself: "No matter what, let's test the power of the swamp first to see if we can survive it smoothly."

While talking, Zhou Yan took out a dagger, cut open his clothes, soaked them in the pond water, twisted them into a ball, put it to his nose and sniffed, but there was no smell.

"As expected of a swamp, it has no toxins."

Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief, then untied his belt and threw the dagger in.


In an instant, the lake water surged, ripples spread one after another, and the dagger rolled in the pool water. After a moment, it sank to the bottom.


At this moment, Zhou Yan's eyes widened and his heart shrank. He held his breath and stared at the dagger floating out.

The surface of the dagger was stained with dirty liquid and turned purple-black, as if it was smeared with ink.

"Toxin!?" Zhou Yan's complexion changed slightly, and he was shocked and took two steps back.

"So, there are poisons in this swamp."

Zhou Yan's eyes rolled, thinking about countermeasures. If he really wanted to sneak into the swamp, he would definitely risk his life.

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