However, Zhou Yan was not afraid. After all, his body was strong and capable of resisting the poisonous erosion.

"Let's give it a try."

After thinking for a while, Zhou Yan made a decision and was unwilling to retreat.

In his previous life, Zhou Yan practiced in the northwest wilderness and encountered numerous crises, but still managed to survive. How could he be timid today?



At this moment, jackals came around one after another, with cold eyes and gaping teeth.

"Beasts, you dare to block my way and you are seeking death."

Zhou Yan snorted coldly, raised his fist, and punched it fiercely, bang bang bang... Wherever the fist hit, the wolves flew backwards and their bodies were dented.

In the blink of an eye, all the jackals fell into a pool of blood.

"What a domineering power!" Zhou Yan was shocked, and his heart was filled with joy. This time, it seemed that he did not make the wrong choice.

Although Zhou Yan's attack just now was only pure power and did not use any martial arts moves, it still caused fatal damage to the jackal.

It should be noted that Zhou Yan practices the Jiuyang Body Tempering Technique and Flesh Refining the body. His strength is twice that of ordinary people, and his explosive power is terrifying.


Suddenly, a gray wolf roared and charged again, its sharp fangs tearing at him.

This gray wolf has a majestic body, shiny and smooth fur, agile body, short and strong limbs. When it runs, it is like a tiger descending a mountain with great momentum.

"Evil beast!"

Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, and he was not afraid at all. He punched him directly. The veins on his fist squirmed, bursting out with powerful power.


The fists and claws collided, making a thunderous sound, dust flying, and air waves raging.

After the punch, Zhou Yan remained motionless, but the gray wolf took three steps back and let out a low roar from his throat.


The gray wolf roared angrily, its eyes were red, and it attacked madly.

In this situation, Zhou Yan was not afraid. Instead, he showed an excited expression and stabbed out with his gun.


Gold and iron clashed, sparks flew everywhere, Zhou Yan's spear was bitten by the gray wolf, and he resisted.

This gray wolf was very ferocious. It opened its fangs and wanted to swallow Zhou Yan alive.

"Hmph, looking for death!"

Zhou Yan's eyes turned cold, and he shook his spear. The blade broke through the air, drew an arc, and accurately cut into the gray wolf's neck. Blood spurted out, staining the grass red.

This gray wolf must have eaten something that caused him to be poisoned. His movements were sluggish and his reaction was a beat too slow before Zhou Yan took advantage of him.


There was a sad cry, Zhou Yan pulled out his spear, and the gray wolf fell down, with the spear stuck in its bloody neck, and blood flowing gurglingly.

"So fast!"

Zhou Yan was shocked. The gray wolf was very fast. If it had been anyone else, he would have been caught off guard and would have fallen into a fight.

However, he easily dodged it and reacted quickly without any surprises.

Zhou Yan estimates that his strength is comparable to that of a junior Martial Artist.

"In that case, there's no need to hide your clumsiness."

Zhou Yan's mind moved and he ran the "Heavenly Dipper Technique". The steam in his Dantian was steaming, gathering into his right arm and pouring into it. A majestic power burst out in an instant and swept through the whole body like a tide.


Zhou Yan looked up to the sky and roared, his muscles all over his body were tense and his veins were prominent. His whole body suddenly swelled to a height of nearly three meters. His skin shone with silver light, like steel.


With a crisp sound, the gray wolf's head exploded into pieces, and his brains spilled out.

In an instant, Zhou Yan transformed from a thin child into a strong man with a strong and suffocating aura.

"Ho ho..."

Zhou Yan gasped, looked at his fist, his eyes were hot, and murmured to himself: "This is the first time I have shot with all my strength after regaining my strength, and I actually have such terrifying explosive power!"

"This is my physical body, which has transcended the world."

"If it were an ordinary human being, it would have been stretched to the point of bursting and died."

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, lay down, and scanned his eyes to make sure there were no wild animals nearby. Then he felt relieved, walked to the lake, and jumped into the lake.


After falling into the water, Zhou Yan held his breath and swam forward.

After a while, Zhou Yan came to the bottom of the lake. There were many shells here, densely packed with different shapes and dazzling colors.

"Hey, this is coral!?"

Suddenly, a coral came into view. Zhou Yan was startled. After careful observation, he saw that the coral branches were small and the top was crystal clear, like a glazed gem, with faint spiritual light flowing.

"Spirit Medicine!"

In an instant, a smile bloomed on Zhou Yan's face, and his eyes were blazing, full of desire.

In his previous life, Zhou Yan once heard his father talk about the existence of precious things such as Spirit Medicine, Holy Medicine, and even fairy grass in this world. They have magical effects, are priceless, and are difficult to find for thousands of years.

According to my father, Spirit Medicine and Holy Medicine are both born from heaven and earth. They are spiritual and can float in the wind, and their movements are unpredictable. Only at the moment of picking, Spirit Medicine will stop.

Moreover, Spirit Medicine and Holy Medicine both have special fragrances. You only need to smell a little and you will be able to identify them clearly.

In his previous life, Zhou Yan had tried to capture Spirit Medicine, but failed.

Of course, Zhou Yan knew that in his previous life, these Spirit Medicines were all nationally protected areas and were inaccessible and difficult for ordinary people to obtain.

Now, in this swamp, there is a coral.

"This coral must be mature..." Zhou Yan's eyes were burning with anticipation in his heart, and he immediately stepped forward to check.

The coral tree has a row of sharp corners, like sharp knives, shining with cold light and very eye-catching.


Suddenly, a wisp of black smoke appeared out of thin air, got into the coral tree, and disappeared.

The next moment, the coral tree trembled slightly, and a small green bud emerged. It was crystal clear, as if carved from crystal, and glowed with light fluorescence.


Zhou Yan was extremely excited. This sprout was the seedling of Spirit Medicine. It was extremely rare and of great value.

"How can such small sprouts be eaten?" Zhou Yan frowned and thought to himself.

Immediately, Zhou Yan took out his dagger, cut off the seedlings, and put them into his arms.

"Take it back first and let grandpa identify it."

Zhou Yan had a thought in his mind and continued to move forward.

This lake is quite wide, and the bottom of the lake is covered with mud, moist and dark.

The water in the lake was bone-chilling. Zhou Yan was wearing a raincoat and felt uncomfortable, so he untied his restraints, threw away the raincoat, and jumped into the lake.


Zhou Yan waved his fist and smashed it into the mud, causing water to splash all over the sky. His figure was strong and vigorous, like a Flood Dragon going out to sea, with astonishing momentum.

The mud at the bottom of the lake was very hard. Every time Zhou Yan punched, he felt a huge obstacle, as if he had hit a hard rock.

However, he was extremely strong. With every punch he landed, the mud cracked open, revealing a passage. Following the passage, Zhou Yan quickly reached the end.

Ahead, there is a void, so quiet and dark that you can't see your fingers.


Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows, feeling a little strange. Logically speaking, there should be many fish and shrimps in the mud, and even crocodiles. However, the scene in front of him was completely different.

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