Deep in the cave, there are several huge rocks lying in various directions. On one of the rocks, there is a figure sitting cross-legged.

The man was slender, with his back to Zhou Yan, motionless, as if he had turned into a sculpture, with a hazy mist lingering all over his body, and an ethereal temperament, as if he was a banished immortal coming to the dust, giving him a feeling of elegance and elegance.

This person is none other than Zhou Yan!

"Who are you?" Zhou Yan was silent for a while and asked nonsense.

"Who are you?" Zhou Yan asked again, confused.

There was no one else here, only that back figure, which gave Zhou Yan great oppression. It seemed to contain terrifying power. Just one look at it was frightening.

"Haha, it turns out to be a junior. I have been waiting here for more than two hundred years, and finally I have found a destined person."

Suddenly, the figure from behind spoke, with a hint of vicissitudes of life, and his voice was long and distant: "Young man, you have good potential. If you have the opportunity to enter the world of cultivation in the future, remember to help me avenge you."


Zhou Yan's heart was pounding, and he was a little unbelievable: "Are you the owner of the ancient tomb?"


The back figure was stunned, a little confused, shook his head, sighed and said: "Oh, you don't understand, I died in a catastrophe, my body was buried in the ancient tomb, leaving a trace of his soul, waiting here for the destined person. arrival……"

"What?" Zhou Yan was shocked and lost his voice in shock.

Rumor has it that in the world of cultivation, when a strong person dies, the corpse can be sealed and left to be awakened again by the arrival of a destined person.

If you do this, unless you encounter a great opportunity, you will never be able to be resurrected, let alone recover your cultivation, and can only become a walking zombie.

Zhou Yan never expected that the owner of the ancient tomb suffered a catastrophe, and his body was buried here, leaving his remnant soul waiting here.

"Senior..." Zhou Yan hesitated and asked.

"Call me Master Gu."

Master Gu sighed, with a look of nostalgia on his slightly pale face, and whispered: "My real surname is Gu, and my name is Gu Heng."

Gu Heng, the emperor of the ancient dynasty.

This is a difficult secret. In history, only a few people know about Gu Heng's deeds.

"Master Gu."

Zhou Yan nodded, saluted respectfully, and said: "What you leave behind, I must abide by my promise and deliver it to your descendants. I will not keep it for myself."

"Yes." Gu Heng nodded and said, "No matter who you are, since you are here, you are naturally my disciple."

"Disciple?" Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly understood.

"If you were able to discover me, you must be a destined person. You might as well tell me where you got my remains..." Gu Heng said softly.


Zhou Yan's face was filled with joy and without hesitation, he explained the situation he had obtained.

"My body was originally a defensive Spirit Weapon. After years of changes, it has been seriously damaged and has lost its power. However, it can still withstand attacks from Foundation Building Stage masters, which is quite good." Gu Heng was pleased. Said: "This jade slip is the introductory skill of "Black Tortoise", which is quite beneficial to practitioners."

""Black Tortoise"?" Zhou Yan flipped through the jade slips. The more carefully he looked at it, the darker the joy on his face.

"Black Tortoise Technique" is a martial arts classic that is divided into nine levels, reaching the peak of Third Grade. When you practice to perfection, you can condense Gang Qi and your strength will soar.

"Senior, this junior would like to worship you as my teacher." Zhou Yan knelt down and kowtowed sincerely.

"There's no rush." ​​Gu Heng shook his head and spoke in a gentle tone, "When I died, I predicted a great opportunity, but it's a pity..."

As he spoke, Gu Heng sighed with regret and said nothing more.

"Opportunity?" Zhou Yan's heart moved and he quickly asked: "What opportunity?"

"Can't say."

Gu Heng smiled, waved his hand to refuse, and changed the subject and said: "Although my body is incomplete, it is at the Spirit Treasure level after all. If you can fully control it, you may be able to use its power."

"Spirit Treasure?"

Zhou Yan was shocked and shocked.

Spirit Treasure is the Law Weapon used by cultivators. It is much more powerful than ordinary soldiers. It possesses spirituality and extraordinary power. Moreover, as the cultivation level increases, Spirit Treasure will gradually advance to the next level and possess various magical functions. It can be called It is an invincible weapon.

"However, all I have left is obsession."

Gu Heng sighed softly and said: "Therefore, over the years, I can only barely maintain a ray of residual soul. I can't leave this place at all, and I can't kill the enemy with my own hands."

"Senior, don't worry, I will do my best, junior." Zhou Yan solemnly promised.

"I'm very pleased that you have such thoughts." Gu Heng said, "Now, just follow me."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan perked up and followed Gu Heng's footsteps, walking down the bluestone steps.

The ancient tomb was empty, surrounded by a gray miasma, which was eerie and eerie.

Gu Heng walked among them, but he was not afraid, but full of interest.

"Senior..." Zhou Yan hesitated before speaking.

"What's wrong?" Gu Heng looked in surprise.

"Senior Gu, I see that your life characteristics are weak, I'm afraid you won't last long." Zhou Yan asked tentatively.

Gu Heng smiled and didn't take it seriously: "There are always too many people in this world who want to spy on my inheritance. I have long expected that someone will take advantage of it, so I have already made arrangements."

After a pause, Gu Heng continued: "To tell you the truth, this ancient tomb is the place where I used to practice in seclusion. I have placed many restrictions here and also carved a set of formations, which is enough to trap the Gold Core monks... …”

"My bones are buried here, and they are no ordinary things."

Gu Heng snorted coldly, his eyes were sharp, and he vaguely exuded a ferocious aura that made people tremble.

In an instant, Zhou Yan felt chills all over his body and his hair stood on end. He almost couldn't bear it anymore and immediately retreated and ran away.

Fortunately, Zhou Yan reacted in time, gritted his teeth, overcame his fear, stabilized his mind, and did not show it.

"You don't need to be afraid." Gu Heng calmed down his momentum and said calmly: "I have been dead for many years. Even if I leave a remnant of my soul, I cannot harm you."

"Senior, how could your bones be buried here?"

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered, and he secretly speculated in his heart, wondering, who is Gu Heng, who actually made Gu Heng spend endless efforts to design such an ancient tomb to bury corpses?

"Cause and effect." Gu Heng was silent for a moment and said abruptly: "Do you know that there are several types of creatures in this world that are most similar to the human race?"

"Oh?" Zhou Yan frowned, confused.


Gu Heng said solemnly: "Monster is a strange thing bred by heaven. It is born with intelligence and grows to the extreme. It can even transform into a human form, just like a cultivator, flying into the sky and escaping to the earth, free and easy."

"However, the lifespan of a Monster is relatively short. It usually does not exceed twenty years before it disappears into thin air and is completely wiped out in the dust."

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