Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1341, Encirclement And Suppression

After hearing these words, Zhou Yan raised his eyelids and said in surprise: "Could it be said that the bones in the ancient tomb are Monsters?"

"Yes, exactly." Gu Heng nodded and said thoughtfully: "This corpse was very powerful during its lifetime. Even if it has been dead for thousands of years, it can still erupt with strong fluctuations, causing the entire cave to suffer a huge impact, causing the mountains to collapse and the ground to crack, and the underground palace to collapse. Buried me in."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan sighed with emotion, Gu Heng was worthy of being a cultivator. He had been dead for who knows how many years, and yet he was able to compete with a powerful cultivator with just one corpse. From this, it can be inferred that Gu Heng's fighting power before his death had definitely reached the level of Foundation. Building Stage.

It's a pity that in the end, he was surrounded and suppressed by the powerful men in the cultivation world, and he was brutally killed.

"Don't you think it's strange?"

Suddenly, Gu Heng changed the subject and said: "Logically speaking, when cultivators die, their bones should be turned into fly ash. Why are they preserved?"

"Senior, what you mean is that the ancient senior is not completely dead and is still alive?" Zhou Yan was stunned.

"My memory is fuzzy, I only remember this." Gu Heng said solemnly: "Perhaps, I can help you awaken this obsession and regain control of your physical body."

"Senior Gu, please tell me..." Zhou Yan was excited and said quickly: "If senior can help me restore my physical body, I am willing to work hard for senior..."

For Zhou Yan, as long as he can regain his life, no matter how difficult and tiring the conditions are, it is worth his efforts.

What's more, as long as Gu Heng wakes up and gives some guidance, he can save five hundred years of struggle.

"Little one, you don't have to worry."

Sensing Zhou Yan's attitude, Gu Heng said with a smile: "With your qualifications and potential, given time, you will be able to embark on the Great Dao of cultivating immortals, and even surpass my past achievements..."

"Senior, you are overly praised." Zhou Yan shook his head humbly. After getting to know Gu Heng, he became broad-minded and confident about his future.

"Hahaha..." Gu Heng raised his head and laughed, as if he had returned to his youth.

Night falls.

A crescent moon hangs in the sky.

Zhou Yan sat in front of the tomb, with his knees crossed, his fists against his knees, his face serious, and his eyes closed Nurturing Spirit.

a long time.

"Huh..." Zhou Yan opened his eyes and exhaled turbid breath.

Immediately, Zhou Yan took out a silver needle, pierced the skin of his left arm, squeezed out the blood and dripped it into the coffin.


The silver needle trembled and glowed red, as if it had come alive.

In an instant, the silver needle trembled, like a living creature, swimming around inside the coffin, bringing out traces of blood, which finally gathered on the right hand.


Suddenly, blood gushes out and seeps into the coffin.

Bang bang! Bang bang!

The coffin shook violently, as if something was about to come out from inside, shaking violently.


Zhou Yan screamed, his face turned pale with fright, and his whole body was trembling.

"Calm down, don't panic..." Gu Heng's voice sounded, slightly indifferent, but it had a kind of magical power that made people calm down.

Gu Heng is a cultivator, so he naturally knows that Zhou Yan's current state is only caused by fear, and he can naturally adjust to it as long as he survives this period of time.

Sure enough, before Zhou Yan could regain his senses, a black mist emerged and spread quickly, covering Zhou Yan's whole body.

"Ah..." Zhou Yan screamed and struggled to avoid it, but to no avail. He could only watch helplessly as the black fog entanglement came over.


As soon as the black mist touched Zhou Yan, it immediately corroded the skin, and dense blood bubbles appeared in an instant, which was heartbreaking.


Immediately afterwards, the flesh and blood burst open, and the rich smell of blood hit his nostrils.

Zhou Yan groaned, large beads of sweat oozed from his forehead, and his face became twisted and hideous, showing great pain.

"Senior Gu, save me..." Zhou Yan wailed endlessly.

At this time, Gu Heng stood next to the tomb, with his hands behind his back, a stern look on his face, and turned a blind eye.

"Senior, save me quickly..." Zhou Yan cried.

"Gu Heng, don't forget your original oath."

Gu Heng snorted coldly and said in a cold tone: "I once said that you will never be able to leave the ancient tomb in this life. Since you broke your promise, you should bear the corresponding price."

Although Gu Heng is no longer alive, his reputation is still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

All those who cultivate immortality respect the strong.

In the world of cultivation, strength is respected, and the weak eat the strong.

"Senior, I was wrong..."

Zhou Yan begged, feeling extremely regretful and wishing he could slap himself twice. Why did he bring up these grievances over old sesame seeds and rotten millet when he clearly knew Gu Heng's temper.

At this moment, Zhou Yan only hoped that Gu Heng could forgive his gaffe and not take his life.


Gu Heng sighed: "Boy, I did make a big promise back then, but I couldn't bear to see someone go astray, so I decided to personally destroy your cultivation, expel you, and send you back to your original position. Face, reincarnate again..."

"What?" Zhou Yan was stunned.

"Boy, you are very talented and very diligent. I gave you the opportunity, but you don't know how to cherish it, and you want to seek your own death."

Gu Heng said softly: "I have tried my best to save things, but I still can't prevent the tragedy from happening..."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's face was dull, his head was confused, and he couldn't believe it.

He couldn't figure it out why Gu Heng gave up on him?

Could it be said that Gu Heng had already expected that he would die an unexpected death?

However, why did Gu Heng make such a prediction? Could it be said that Gu Heng was accurate for today decades ago? This is simply too exaggerated. Gu Heng cannot be a monster...

"Little guy, go in peace."

Gu Heng waved his sleeves, and a vast and unpredictable force suddenly swept over, imprisoning Zhou Yan's limbs and pressing him to the ground.

Immediately, Gu Heng stretched out his skinny palm and pressed it on Zhou Yan's shoulder, injecting wisps of pure vitality into Zhou Yan's body.

In an instant, Zhou Yan's whole body froze, as if an electric current was flowing through his body. As the vitality entered his body, the pain subsided and he became warm and comfortable.


After a while, Zhou Yan only heard a thunderous sound coming from his ears.

At the same time, an illusory portal slowly emerged, and bright brilliance spewed out from the cracks in the door.

"The door is open."

Zhou Yan's eyes widened, full of excitement, his heart beat faster, he hurriedly got up, rushed to the crack in the door, and looked out.

Swish, swish, swish...

In an instant, one after another glances came over.


Zhou Yan took a breath, his pupils shrank, he was horrified, and his body trembled.

Outside the crack of the door, in the dark and dim environment, there were densely packed corpse insects.

These corpse worms are spider-like in shape, dark in color, three inches long, small in size, with a bulging abdomen and a scarlet sheen.

Corpse worms, as the name suggests, are corpse worms!

There were so many corpse bugs that they swarmed in, covering the sky and covering the ground, blocking out the sunlight. A gloomy cold wind hit, making Zhou Yan's hair stand on end and his whole body felt chilly.



The corpse insect roared lowly, flapped its wings and flew towards Zhou Yan.

"Go away..." Zhou Yan shouted angrily, and drew his sword to kill several corpse insects. However, it was useless. The corpse insects continued to flow, and they were not afraid of death.

In just a short moment, dozens of corpse insects pounced on Zhou Yan's body, gnawing at his flesh.

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