"This is... Ninth Grade spiritual grass, Purple Flame Lotus!"

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with excitement, he couldn't help but swallowed, and his whole body trembled with excitement.

Spirit grass is divided into three grades: Low Level, Middle Level and High Level.

Among them, the Low Level spiritual grass has only ordinary medicinal effects and is only suitable for consumption in the Body Tempering Realm; the Middle Level spiritual grass has many effects such as healing wounds, improving mental strength, strengthening the body, and strengthening bones; and the High Level spiritual grass contains various The aura helps practitioners understand.

"This Purple Flame Lotus is old enough, at least hundreds of years old. It's priceless and hard to come by."

Looking at the purple flame lotus in the Spirit Field, Zhou Yan's eyes lit up, full of anticipation, and he couldn't wait to pick it.


Suddenly, a wave of terrifying coercion filled the air around Spirit Field, like thousands of mountains suppressing it, making people breathless.

In an instant, the branches and leaves of the trees on the nearby rock wall were broken one after another, and debris flew and scattered all over the ground.


Zhou Yan's eyes widened, feeling the huge danger. His hair stood on end, as if he was being stared at by a wild beast. His whole body was cold and completely stiff, unable to move, and he could only wait for death to come.

Suddenly, a cloud of gray mist spewed out, instantly condensing into a blurry shadow, which was hideous and ugly. It opened its mouth and screamed, roaring incessantly.

This is a ghost!


Zhou Yan's face turned pale with fear, his body trembled violently, and his soul was trembling. He was so frightened that even the depths of his soul were filled with fear.

"What a terrible smell..."

"What are the origins of those ancient ancestors, and they still have residual souls after their death to protect the cemetery!?"

"As expected of the heroic spirits of our ancestors, even though thousands of years have passed, they are still so terrifying and awe-inspiring."

Seeing this scene, many tomb robbers woke up one after another, trembling with fear and fear, and did not dare to make any move.

After all, the origin of that gray mist is so weird that it makes people tremble with fear.

"Damn it, remember, don't forget who brought you in..."

After a long time, Zhou Yan broke away from the state of fear, his eyes rolled around, and he scolded a group of tomb robbers.

Zhou Yan knew that he had caused a huge disaster and could not escape, but he was not willing to sit still and wait for death.

Only by removing the forces behind it may there be a glimmer of hope.

"Zhou Yan, I will truthfully report what happened here."

When the other tomb robbers saw this, they did not stop and hurriedly drove to follow.

It was obvious that the origin of that gray mist was unusual, and he did not dare to act rashly.

"You guys know each other..."

Seeing this, Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at the Spirit Medicine on the hill, sighed secretly, turned around, and galloped away.

"This trip was in vain."

As he was leaving, Zhou Yan sighed in his heart, but he did not dare to stay any longer for fear of being chased.

For him, this exploration of the tomb did not gain much, but it offended Qin Haoran, causing the Qin family to take revenge and get into trouble.

However, I finally got some Spirit Medicine, which can barely make up for the loss.

The mountains and forests are quiet, empty and lonely, without any life.

Along the way, Zhou Yan's mind was racing, thinking about the way out, and the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, as if he had fallen into an ice cellar, and his whole body was as cold as ice.

This time, Zhou Yan sneaked in alone. If he fell into the hands of Qin Haoran, he would be extremely miserable. He would die so badly that not even a whole corpse would be left.

Suddenly, a stone slab moved sideways and stood in front of Zhou Yan.


Zhou Yan was shocked and hurriedly avoided, but it was too late.

A punch broke the stone slab, and a skeleton stood. Its eyes were scarlet, shining with bloody luster, and its body was huge, like a car.

"not good……"

Zhou Yan was so frightened that he quickly turned around and left.

In the blink of an eye, the skeletal frame caught up with him, waving his giant palm and slapping it, setting off a raging wind and flying air waves with astonishing power.

"How is it possible? It actually came back to life..."

Zhou Yan was completely shocked. This skeleton was the guard in the tomb. It had long since rotted and turned into dust. How could it suddenly revive?


In an instant, Zhou Yan reacted quickly, used his martial arts skills, and smashed it down hard.


After the punch, Zhou Yan groaned, staggered, and took two steps back, almost falling.

"Damn it, its strength has actually increased a lot..."

Stabilizing his body, Zhou Yan gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart.

At first, the strength of this skeleton was comparable to the peak of the Qi Refining realm. Zhou Yan managed to kill it with his sword and martial arts. Now it seems that it is far beyond expectations.

Bang bang bang~

The skeleton's attack was ferocious, its fists and kicks fierce, and every move was filled with powerful wind, making the void explode with a rainbow-like momentum.


Zhou Yan was retreating steadily, his body was injured, his mouth was bleeding, his chest was collapsed, his internal organs were shocked, and his whole body was crumbling.

"I am a direct descendant of the Zhou family, how can I allow you, a beast, to bully you..."

Zhou Yan shouted violently and resisted with all his strength. The veins in his arms were bulging and the muscles were tensed, like steel poured into iron, fighting head-on with the skeleton.

Bang bang bang~

After a hard fight, Zhou Yan was left in a miserable state, covered in blood, his clothes were tattered, stained with filth, and his hair was disheveled, like a bereaved dog.


The skeleton roared, its body shape changed, and it was as fast as lightning. It blasted out with a palm, carrying a roaring wind, like a sharp blade, and slashed on Zhou Yan's chest.

In an instant, blood spurted out and Zhou Yan screamed. Seven or eight of his ribs were broken. He flew backwards and fell heavily to the ground. With a look of pain on his face, he struggled to get up.

"Damn it, if this continues, you will be consumed sooner or later. You must escape as soon as possible..."

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered, his thoughts changed rapidly, and he began to think of an escape strategy.

This area is quite secretive and rarely visited by people on weekdays. Even if something unexpected happens, the news cannot be sent out in a short time.

Therefore, Zhou Yan does not need to worry at all. Enemies will come looking for him, and he may even have a chance to escape...


Suddenly, a long howl resounded through the sky.

Zhou Yan's expression suddenly changed. He raised his eyes and saw a flash of blood passing by, and a mass of black mist flying over.


The black mist rolled like a black snake, twisting and winding, wrapping Zhou Yan in it.


Zhou Yan yelled and struggled hard, but to no avail. His whole body was sucked into the black mist and disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, on the hill, a ray of cold starlight fell down, illuminating the entire hill, revealing the figures of Spirit Medicine plants, overflowing with fragrance and rich fragrance.

It turns out that this area is a medicinal field where Spirit Medicine is planted, with different grades and full of spirituality.


Suddenly, an old man appeared, with superb and sharp eyes. He was Qin Yuan, a member of the Qin clan.


Qin Yuan frowned and looked around, with surprise in his eyes: "Strange, I heard some noise just now, why is there no one there?"

"Could it be that I heard it wrong..."

After pondering for a few seconds, Qin Yuan shook his head, and then, his figure was erratic, like a ghost, and he quietly left here.

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