As night falls, the moon shines brightly and silvery light spreads all over the earth.

Deep in a dense forest, after a roar, dust flew into the air.

After a long time, everything calmed down.

A huge beast with scorched black hair and overturned skin fell to the ground.

It died miserably, with a hole in its abdomen and its intestines and other organs scattered on the floor.

Next to them, there are two corpses, which are already stiff, the breath of life has long been cut off, and the state of death is the same.

For a moment, two corpses fell to the ground, bright red liquid flowing.

The blood is pitch black, smells pungent, and is extremely poisonous. If an ordinary person touches it, it will immediately turn into pus.

In the pool of blood, there were two crystal clear beads suspended, with light ripples on the surface.

"Click, click."

There was a crisp sound, and the two beads split open, and two small things crawled out from inside, a pair of gray-white claws, more than half a foot long, shining with cold light, and looked quite sharp.

Soon, the two little things cheered and rushed towards the wild wolf corpse, gnawing wildly. In the blink of an eye, they even chewed up the bones and devoured them cleanly, leaving their mouths full of oil.

Immediately, the two little things seemed to be still unfinished, and stared at the pool of blood on the side, with a fierce look in their eyes, ready to move.

However, the two little things did not act rashly. Instead, they changed their targets and rushed in another direction.

This is a corpse that has almost rotted away. Only the body remains intact and there is still a faint breath of life left.

Not long ago, Zhou Yan sneaked here, intending to attack secretly, but unfortunately, he was injured by a ferocious beast and fell unconscious on the ground.

Although he is very powerful, it is not easy to survive in such a situation.

The two little things screamed, one on the left and the other on the right, pounced on the corpse, and chewed desperately.


After a while, Zhou Yan woke up and opened his eyes.

As soon as he saw this scene, Zhou Yan's pupils shrank, his face twitched, and he was almost horrified to the extreme.

Because, on top of the corpse, there were actually two strange bugs clinging to them. They were about three inches in length. Their bodies were dark, but their heads were somewhat sharp, like scorpion tails, with a thin needle growing at the end.

The two bugs were tearing apart the corpse, sucking it up in mouthfuls, their movements skillful and effortless.

Upon noticing that Zhou Yan was awake, the two bugs immediately stopped and retreated, circling around Zhou Yan as if they were looking at some new toy.

"What on earth are you...?" Zhou Yan asked with sweat dripping from his forehead, holding back his fear.

However, the two bugs turned a deaf ear and continued to circle around Zhou Yan, seemingly observing.

After a while, Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and felt that the aura of these two insects was very weak, but extremely stubborn, and they seemed not to be afraid of him.

"Humph, it is indeed not a mortal thing..."

For a moment, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking a little ferocious: "Since you don't want to surrender, then don't blame me for destroying the flowers with my ruthless hands!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Yan stepped hard with the sole of his foot, his whole body rose into the air, and he punched hard.

With a dull sound, a bug instantly collapsed and turned into a pool of sticky plasma.

Seeing this, Zhou Yan frowned and his heart beat hard.

You must know that these two bugs are very tough, comparable to fine iron. They cannot be damaged by any sword in the past, and can even withstand bullets.

But now, with just one punch, it shattered!

At the same time, the remaining bug realized the danger, turned around and ran away.

"Where to go!"

Zhou Yan shouted angrily and chased after him.

Within a moment, Zhou Yan had already chased to the top of the tree crown, reached out and grabbed the fleeing insect.

Suddenly, the insect's limbs spread out and its back bulged, forming two thick legs.

Immediately, the insect swung, like a whip, towards Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan was caught off guard by this turn of events, and could only barely dodge sideways, but was still hit on the shoulder. His clothes suddenly exploded, and there were two more blood stains on his skin.

With a "hiss" sound, a muscle was scratched.

Zhou Yan felt the pain, let go and gave up the attack, quickly moved away from the tree crown, and hid his figure again.


Zhou Yan cursed lowly with a gloomy look on his face. Unexpectedly, these two bugs actually knew how to cooperate and deceive, and were extremely cunning.

On the treetops, the two bugs were also extremely vigilant, wary of each other, and guarded against each other.

After a long time, Zhou Yan's patience was exhausted and when he was about to attack, a wisp of breeze blew, which was refreshing.


In an instant, the two bugs' eyes lit up, they became excited, and hurriedly turned around and ran away.

The next second, a white shadow came over at an extremely fast speed, grabbing two insects and holding them in his hand.

Looking carefully, Bai Ying is an old man with white hair and a childish face. He smiles kindly and says: "My dear grandson, don't be afraid, grandpa will not harm you!"

While talking, the old man took out a pill and fed it to the two bugs, then threw it to the ground.

The next scene shocked Zhou Yan, because after swallowing the pill, the size of the two bugs increased significantly, and the original two claws became eight.


The two bugs screamed excitedly, seemingly enjoying themselves, and then they lay down together and let the old man stroke their heads. They were like pets, docile, well-behaved, and very obedient.

"This is... a Gu insect?" Zhou Yan was stunned and couldn't believe it.

According to rumors, Gu magic is very evil, and the methods of cultivation are all kinds of strange. Some require the help of heavenly materials and earthly treasures, while others require special means.

It is said that Gu insects are remnants of ancient times and are cultivated from various rare plants and trees. They have unique spirituality and can recognize their masters.

What's more important is that the birth of each Gu insect requires a huge amount of resources, which is enough to make an ordinary Martial Artist bankrupt and leave his family with nothing.

"What a luxury..."

Zhou Yan murmured to himself, dumbfounded.

According to records in ancient books, voodoos are the basic chapter of the voodoo secret code. Once you practice to the peak, you can control voodoos, control them and kill enemies, and you will be invincible.

In Zhou Yan's impression, the secret book of Gu magic should be incomplete. How could an expert suddenly appear?


Suddenly, the two insects began to struggle, twisting and deforming. Their bodies gradually withered and turned into two piles of yellow powder.

Such a strange scene scared Zhou Yan to the point where he was sweating coldly. He was filled with doubts and he couldn't help but guess: "Gu master, is it a Gu master!?"

Zhou Yan remembered that Gu masters were good at raising voodoos and insects, and could perform various voodoo techniques.

However, Gu insects are too rare and their numbers are very small. Once they are born, they will definitely cause a bloody storm and be hunted by many Martial Artists, leaving them with no way to escape.

Who is this old man?

While Zhou Yan was thinking, the old man walked over slowly and said with a kind smile: "Hello, little brother..."

"Senior..." Zhou Yan hesitated, cupped his hands and said, "Junior Zhou Yan, thank you for your help!"

The old man waved his hand, smiled, and explained: "Young man, you misunderstood, I am not a Gu master."


Zhou Yan was stunned and confused. Since he was not a Gu master, where did he find these two bugs? Furthermore, they had that strange effect.

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