"These two bugs are something I get occasionally."

The old man smiled lightly and said: "These two bugs are very strange. They can spit poisonous mist and can kill many venomous snakes and beasts."

"Of course, they also have weaknesses. They can only spit poisonous mist and cannot fight at close range, otherwise they will lose their value."

"I see."

Zhou Yan suddenly realized that this was a highly poisonous insect. Once he got close, he would be poisoned to death and no one could stop him.

"I plan to bring these two bugs back to the village for breeding." The old man said, "Are you willing to return to the village with me?"

"Is it okay?" Zhou Yan was ecstatic.

"Of course it's no problem." The old man smiled and nodded.

Zhou Yan was overjoyed. He had long been tired of city life. Now that the opportunity had come, how could he miss it?

So, with the help of the old man, Zhou Yan escaped smoothly, got on the carriage, and returned to the city.

In a town, in an inn somewhere.

"Zhou Yan, you are back."

When he saw Zhou Yan coming back, Fatty Wang immediately greeted him with a smile on his face.

"Yeah." Zhou Yan nodded slightly and went straight to the room to rest. After washing up, he lay on the bed and fell asleep.

After a series of fierce battles last night, although they were victorious, they were exhausted and had to replenish their strength.

In a daze, Zhou Yan had a dream.

The dream was hazy, and I couldn't see clearly. I could only vaguely see several majestic palaces suspended in the air, with brilliant rays of light and colorful auspicious colors.

"Huh? That's..."

Zhou Yan was startled and tried to open his eyes wide. He finally saw clearly that in the center of the palace complex, there was a huge pillar that stretched straight into the sky.

At the top of the giant pillar, there is a giant egg, with bright brilliance flowing on its surface, exuding a majestic aura.

This breath was very thick, like a vast ocean, so deep and unpredictable that it made Zhou Yan feel breathless.


The dome trembled slightly, and a dazzling silver light bloomed. There was a roar, and the dome cracked open, and strands of silver light were revealed, which was very dazzling.

After a while, the silver light faded away, revealing the true face of Mount Lu.

It was an egg, crystal clear, green in color, like emerald, shining with colorful luster.


In an instant, a baby bird flew out, its wings vibrated, creating a strong wind that made the windows rattle, broke through the roof in an instant, and soared into the sky.

All of this is like a slow-motion movie, slowly pulling through, which is breathtaking.

Zhou Yan was surprised to find that as soon as the baby bird left the nest, a vague and illusory figure appeared, condensing its essence, and it was the old man.

At this moment, the old man was sitting cross-legged, forming seals with his hands. The movements of his fingers were mysterious and complex, seemingly slow but actually fast, and finally stopped at one point.

Then, the old man stretched out his palm and patted it down, and the seal blended into the body of the young bird.


In an instant, the young bird flapped its wings and flew higher and higher, finally disappearing from sight.


The old man sighed, shook his head and said, "Young man, you are very unlucky. Newly born baby birds are the easiest to tame, so I took advantage of the sheep and adopted one."

While speaking, the old man looked around and whispered to himself: "In these years, no one knows the existence of this place except me."

"Unfortunately, I have run out of fuel and I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on for a few more days..."

"That's all. When I fly to the west, the secrets here will naturally be kept forever..."

As he spoke, the old man's figure gradually faded, became ethereal, and disappeared into the horizon...

"call out……"

At this moment, a black shadow flew from the window and landed on the table. It was two black butterflies the size of a palm.

The butterfly flapped its wings, flapped twice, flew out the window, landed on the table again, and continued to flap its wings, as if looking for something.

"Huh? These two little butterflies, why are they a little strange?"

Zhou Yan pondered, focusing on the butterflies, and suddenly discovered that a tiny golden thread grew from the tails of the two butterflies.

The gold threads were thin and metallic, very eye-catching and very similar to Zhou Yan's hair.


Zhou Yan took in a breath of cold air and was confused, his heartbeat quickened, and his heart pounded: "Could it be that these two butterflies are gifts given to me by that mysterious and powerful man?"

"No matter what, these two butterflies won't hurt me anyway, so why not?"

While thoughts were surging, Zhou Yan took out two talisman papers, pasted them on the back of the black butterfly, and said softly: "You guys stay here for now. When I settle down, I will ask someone to find you a good mother."

The black butterfly flapped its wings, seeming to understand something, and then flew out and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

"What a beautiful butterfly."

As he spoke, Zhou Yan touched his chin and said thoughtfully: "Perhaps we can ask someone to help us make a batch of 'Blue Striped Spirit Butterflies' so that we can sell them for money."

As soon as he thought of it, Zhou Yan paid immediately, found a shop, and asked the shopkeeper to help order materials.

Soon after, supplies began to arrive, and Zhou Yan selected materials suitable for making jade talismans and prepared to start work.

"Eh? Zhou Yan, why did you buy so many materials?" the shop owner asked curiously.

"Haha, I have nothing to do and want to give it a try." Zhou Yan replied with a smile.

In fact, the shop owner didn't know that Zhou Yan wanted to make talisman paper, purify the talisman ink, and enhance his spirituality.

In Immortal Cultivation World, talismans are divided into five stages, primary talisman, Middle Level talisman, High Level talisman, talisman treasure, and talisman saint of the talisman sect.

Runes are drawn with runes, and runes are drawn with runes. The runes are divided into ordinary runes, which contain spiritual energy, Low Level runes, which have secular spirituality, Middle Level runes, which have spirituality, and High Level runes, which contain runes and contain mystery. Power.

To make rune paper, you need to refine ordinary rune ink into ordinary rune paper first, and then burn the Middle Level rune ink to ashes with Spirit Fire before it can be used to draw spiritual runes.

This is the second step, called ‘drawing ink’.

"I see, then I wish you success and success in making the talisman."

The shopkeeper flatters you kindly and then goes off to get busy.

After a while, Zhou Yan took out the talisman pen, talisman inkstone, and various materials.

"The talisman pen and talisman inkstone are of ordinary quality and should be successful."

Zhou Yan meditated, adjusted his mood, concentrated, swung his pen tip, soaked it with cinnabar, and then swung it with all his strength.


The pen moves like a dragon and a snake, the pen is as sharp as a knife, and everything is done in one stroke.


As the brush strokes were outlined, a brilliant light flickered, and complex patterns appeared on the talisman paper.

Zhou Yan had quick eyes and quick hands. He hurriedly copied a copy and stuffed it into his arms. With a bright smile on his face, he murmured to himself: "The ink has been completed, only the paper is left."

"I hope this turtle shell talisman will not disappoint me..."

Along the way, Zhou Yan read ancient books and learned a little about talisman paper.

Talisman paper is the ancestor of talismans.

It is said that in ancient times, talisman masters were popular. They could use talisman paper to draw talismans to attack Law Weapons, elixirs, Law Weapons, spiritual pets...

Talisman paper, made from special materials, is tough, durable and expensive. Not only is it scarce in quantity, but it is also difficult and expensive to make.

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