The giant beast in front of him was huge, like a small hill, with red scales all over its body, its scarlet tongue hanging down, and emitting a pungent stench.

"This is a mature blood zombie king!"

Zhou Yan's heart sank.

Blood stiffness is caused by resentment.

Once formed, it has a long lifespan and can live for thousands of years, and its fighting power is extremely fierce.

In particular, the Blood Zombie King's defense is as strong as steel.

Even an ordinary Martial Artist cannot break it.

"The strength of this bloody king is almost that of the Divine King Late Stage, and it is even expected to be promoted to the peak of the Divine King."

Zhou Yan frowned.

The strength of the Blood Zombie King is far superior to that of Martial Artist at the same level. It is difficult for him to kill the Blood Zombie King by himself.

"No matter, kill it first and then talk."

Zhou Yan's heart skipped a beat.

He has received news that the tombs of the ancestors of Longhu Mountain are buried in Longhu Mountain.

If he can capture some treasures, his cultivation resources will be greatly increased.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan kicked his feet fiercely, turning into a stream of light and rushing towards the Blood Zombie King.

The Blood Zombie King roared angrily, opened his bloody mouth, and spat out a stinking breath, tearing the air like a sharp blade, and attacked Zhou Yan.

However, before he touched Zhou Yan, he suddenly stopped.

The next moment, the huge blood-zombified king's body trembled, gradually cracked, blood flowed gurglingly, and finally exploded, turning into endless debris.

Zhou Yan's complexion changed drastically, his heart beat rapidly, and he was so frightened that he felt like he was dying.

too strong!

A blood-stiff king was actually unable to block his blow.

"Lord, what's wrong with you?"

"Lord, are you okay?"

The soldiers of the Iron Guard quickly asked.

"It's nothing, I just stepped on a stone."

Zhou Yan slowly calmed down and responded calmly.


Suddenly, a strange color flashed across Zhou Yan's eyes, and he saw the place where the Blood Zombie King exploded.

There, there is a jade pendant, which is crystal clear and has an Azure Lotus pattern engraved on it, which is lifelike.

"What kind of treasure is this?"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and he reached out to grab the Azure Lotus pattern.

In an instant, the Azure Lotus pattern trembled slightly, as if trying to escape from Zhou Yan's grasp.

"Hmph, want to run?"

Seeing this, Zhou Yan snorted in his heart, True Qi surged throughout his body, and he suppressed the Azure Lotus pattern.

as time flows.

The Azure Lotus pattern slowly quieted down.

Zhou Yan was relieved.

"Lord, did you get the treasure from this bloody zombie king?"

The soldiers of the Iron Guard also noticed the Azure Lotus pattern and came forward one after another.

Apparently, they were also attracted to the Azure Lotus pattern.

"Well, this Azure Lotus pattern seems to contain some mystery. I will keep it in my arms for now and study it carefully later."

Zhou Yan nodded, then waved his hand: "Let's move on."

Another moment passed.

Ahead, there was a sudden roar.

I saw a dark cave appearing on the cliff dozens of feet high.

The cave is so deep that you can't see the end clearly.

Several shadows emerged from the cave.

The leader was an old man with a haggard face, sharp eyes, and a murderous intent exuding from his whole body.

"Haha, I guessed right, indeed, there is something weird here!"

"This cave should be the entrance to the Longhu Mountain historic site!"

The young handsome man showed a look of ecstasy on his face.

Then, he turned his right hand, and two golden pills appeared in his palm. A refreshing medicinal fragrance filled the air, making people feel energetic.

"This is the Spirit Gathering Pill, which can help people break through the realm."

The young hero smiled and tossed the two golden pills across an arc, landing accurately in the hands of the two soldiers.

"Thank you, Master, for the reward."

The two soldiers were overjoyed and quickly thanked him.

Spirit Gathering Pill is expensive and not available on the market.

"These ordinary soldiers are only qualified to take ordinary Spirit Gathering pills."

The young hero glanced at these soldiers with disdain in his eyes.

"Let's go, follow me, and explore the ancient ruins of Longhu Mountain together!"

After the words fell, the young hero took the lead and led the Iron Guards into the dark cave.

At the same time, from the depths of the cave, terrifying and bloody creatures crawled out.

"Retreat quickly!"

Seeing this, the Iron Guards around them all let out a low cry, turned around and ran away.

"Jie Jie... a group of ants who dare to trespass into the forbidden area, I will kill them all."

The Blood Zombie King roared, ferocious and terrifying.

Its skin is blood red, as if it was condensed from magma, exuding a strong evil aura that makes people palpitate.

In an instant, the Xue Zhiwang opened his arms, and hundreds of bloody claws covered the ground and slapped them down hard.

The blood claws fell, and a few unlucky ones among the Iron Guards were swept by the blood claws, and their whole bodies exploded, leaving no bones left.

The remaining people panicked and screamed.


The young handsome man's eyelids twitched, his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was filled with fear.

The horror of the Blood Zombie King completely exceeded his expectations.

The Blood Zombie King roared and pursued the Iron Guards at a very fast speed.

"This guy is so awesome!"

Zhou Yan looked solemn.

This Blood Zombie King was more powerful than the Blood Zombie King he had killed before.

Fortunately, he reacted in time and avoided it.

Otherwise, he will also die under the claws of the Blood Zombie King.

However, Zhou Yan also felt strange. This was the hinterland of Longhu Mountain. Logically speaking, the Blood Zombie King should be in deep sleep.

However, it is simply unbelievable that he is violently hurting people now.

"This bloody king must have been severely injured, which caused him to have a bad temper, so he attacked us."

Zhou Yan murmured to himself.

"Let's go, let's follow!"

Immediately, Zhou Yan led everyone, following closely behind the Blood Zombie King, and walked deeper.

Not long after, Zhou Yan and the others entered the inner area of ​​Longhu Mountain.

"What a rich aura of heaven and earth!"

"As expected of a large sect that has been passed down for thousands of years!"

Zhou Yan and others looked up, and their eyes suddenly widened.

I saw that ahead, in the mist, towering giant trees rose from the ground, blocking out the sky and the sun, with lush branches and leaves, like pillars supporting the sky and the earth.

This scene is like a fairyland!

“This is the real Feng Shui treasure land!”

Someone said excitedly.

"Well, it is said that thousands of years ago, this place was the Sacred Land of Dragon and Tiger Mountain. It had great majesty and the Dragon and Tiger True Monarch sat here. Unfortunately, in recent years, as the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has become thinner, this place has become more and more declining. Reduced to a place of desolation.”

The other person shook his head and sighed, feeling extremely regretful.

"Haha, so what? Today, if we can set foot here and gain the opportunity, we will definitely be able to leap over the Dragon Gate and reach the sky in one step!"

"That's right. The treasures of heaven and earth here, if dug out at random, are enough for us to practice for half a lifetime."

"This time, we are prosperous."

Everyone around was excited.

"Quick! Search for the treasures here."

The young handsome man urged.

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