At that moment, everyone began to loot wildly, and all kinds of treasures were picked up by everyone.

"There are actually other treasures in this ruins."

"Go and find it!"

Soon, in a valley, corpses were laid out one after another, dripping with blood and dyeing the grass red.

It turned out that there was a huge palace hidden in this valley, which was magnificent and extremely luxurious.

"Haha, I'm getting rich. I'm getting rich this time."

someone exclaimed.

"There are many martial arts secrets, as well as many martial arts secrets, and even martial arts books left by our ancestors. This time, the strength of our Iron Guards will definitely be improved."

Many soldiers of the Iron Guard had shining eyes and were full of greed.


However, soon, they were stunned.

I saw several weapons and martial arts books placed next to these corpses, which clearly belonged to the Iron Guards.

"You bastard, hand over these things!"

Someone yelled angrily.

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the Iron Guards with cold eyes.

"We didn't take it!"

The men of the Iron Guards shrank for a while and immediately explained.

"Not you?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone was stunned.

They understood that it was not like the Iron Guard was lying.

"Could it be that other forces have been here?"

Someone said in surprise.

"It's possible!"

Hearing this, everyone changed their colors and looked alert.

If there really are other forces lurking in the dark.

So, aren't they in danger?

"Humph, what are you afraid of? They are just a few thieves, not worth mentioning at all."

Someone shouted coldly: "We have tens of thousands of Iron Guards, who dares to provoke us?"

"That's right, our Iron Guard is definitely not weaker than anyone."

A number of members of the Iron Guards echoed.

"Huh? There's writing there..."

Suddenly, someone noticed that there seemed to be a stone tablet in the corner.

Immediately, members of the Iron Guard carefully picked up the stone tablet.

As soon as the stone tablet was held in his hand, a bright silver light suddenly bloomed, illuminating all directions.

Immediately, mysterious runes flickered, and a desolate and vast aura assaulted his nostrils.

"Is this... pre-Qin writing?"

Looking at the writing on it, everyone was stunned.

"Why are these words so different from what I know..."

"Could it be newly written words?"

Everyone looked at each other.

Then, their eyes instantly fell on Zhou Yan.

These words were all told to them by Zhou Yan.

Could it be that these words were created by Zhou Yan to lure them into taking the bait?

"I have never seen these words..."

Zhou Yan frowned slightly and said slowly.

He confirmed that these words did not belong to any country or nation on earth.

“Since it’s not a text from these two countries, it’s from another world.”

"It's a bit strange that words from another world have spread to the earth..."

Zhou Yan touched his nose and fell into deep thought.

"The things recorded in these words are by no means simple!"

Zhou Yan took a deep breath, his eyes flashed, and he thought to himself: "If these words can be deciphered, the strength of our Iron Guards will definitely be greatly improved."

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan couldn't help but feel excited.

These words contain amazing secrets. If they can be deciphered, they will definitely gain a lot.


Immediately, Zhou Yan jumped into the mountain stream.

He stepped on the lake and quickly swam towards the bottom of the lake with the help of the coral trees growing on the bottom of the lake.

After a while, Zhou Yan approached the bottom of the lake and carefully observed the sand at the bottom of the lake. His pupils suddenly shrank, revealing a look of horror.

There is actually a Spirit Vein buried in this lake!

“Spirit Vein is training in Sacred Land!”

"If we can occupy this place, our strength will increase by leaps and bounds."

"Not only that, the source of this Spirit Vein must be a strong Martial Dao!"

One by one, the members of the Iron Guards shouted in surprise.

Martial Dao, a strong man, even if he has fallen for a hundred years, his body is still alive, his body is strong, and he is full of treasures.

If you can win a set of bones, skin, dantian, blood, meridians...

These are priceless treasures.

"Look, this stone tablet is so ancient!"

Suddenly, someone shouted loudly.

Suddenly, everyone looked in the direction of the sound and saw an incomplete stone tablet standing in the mud at the bottom of the lake.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan's heart was trembling and he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

At this moment, the entire cave shook violently, like an earthquake, making people unsteady.


Everyone's expressions changed, and they hurriedly grabbed the weapons in their hands to guard their surroundings.

The next moment, a crack appeared and spread like a spider web.

Finally, with a loud noise, the entire mountain wall collapsed and shattered, filling the air with smoke and dust that made it difficult to open your eyes.

At the same time, a sharp and shrill cry suddenly resounded and pierced the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a completely black bird egg appeared in everyone's field of vision.

This is a pitch-black bird egg with golden patterns all over its surface.

Moreover, there seems to be a faint ray of glow surging above the bird's egg.

"This is...the Black Phoenix Egg!"

In an instant, everyone took a breath of air and stared at the black egg with fiery eyes.

This is the descendant of Phoenix.

Once it hatches, it will definitely be a terrifying beast.


The next moment, the black egg suddenly exploded, and a palm-sized black bird rushed out.

The wings spread out, covering the sky.

It was bathed in flames and emitted a monstrous aura that made people feel frightened.

The black ferocious bird flapped its wings, set off billowing waves of fire, and headed towards everyone.

Everyone's expressions changed drastically and they hurriedly retreated.

However, he was still a step too slow, and in the blink of an eye, someone was injured, screaming, and dying of serious injuries.

"Damn it!"

Seeing this, everyone gritted their teeth and glared at the black vicious bird.

The next moment, everyone turned and left.

This black ferocious bird is too powerful. With their strength, they are far from their opponents.

The only way is to escape.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yan glanced at the black vicious bird and left with the Iron Guards.

After everyone left, the black vicious bird stopped attacking.

Soon after, it opened its mouth and spit out a human figure.

Surprisingly, it was Zhou Yan.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's clothes were stained with blood, and his whole body was in a state of embarrassment.

He raised his head and looked at the empty cave, his heart beating rapidly.

"so close!"

Zhou Yan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

I almost capsized in the ditch and fell here.

Fortunately, I woke up in time.

Otherwise, the consequences will be unpredictable.

However, even so, it was enough for him to eat a pot.

After all, with his current strength, it is impossible to defeat the black vicious bird.

And those Iron Guards are even worse.

Unless he can find help.

"Forget it, let's get out of here first."

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yan shook his head and prepared to leave.

But at this moment, the ground suddenly sank under Zhou Yan's feet.

In an instant, the entire lake seemed to be boiling, fluctuating violently.

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