"This also makes your physical body become particularly strong."

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed and he suddenly said: "No wonder, I always feel that I am infinitely powerful. That's it."

"However, it seems that this power alone is not enough. I need more vitality to nourish my body!"

Zhou Yan gave a low drink and sat down cross-legged again.


A ray of majestic vitality surged into his body.

In an instant, Zhou Yan felt that his physical strength had increased a lot again.

"What a powerful body!"

Zhou Yan opened his eyes, showing a look of shock.

"My current fighting ability is probably comparable to that of an Innate Sixth Layer master."

"As expected of a foreign race, they are indeed tyrannical."

Zhou Yan's heart was racing.

A foreign race with extraordinary talents, far superior to monks of the same level in all aspects.

However, he had no fear.

Instead, he became excited.

"Let's go! Let's go to the edge of Secret Realm."

"As long as we transmigrate the river, we should be able to reach the outskirts of Secret Realm."

Zhou Yan stared into the distance with burning eyes, jumped up and walked along the mountain stream.

Soon after, Zhou Yan successfully crossed the river.


However, when he stepped into the Secret Realm, his face froze and he stood stunned.

Because, in front of him, stood a huge statue of a giant beast.

This statue is three feet tall, completely black, and looks like it is made of steel.

An extremely terrifying and sinister aura filled the air.

It’s daunting.


Suddenly, the statue roared angrily, and a thick claw smacked towards Zhou Yan.

With a "bang" sound, the void trembled and ripples spread in the space.

With a "click", Zhou Yan was directly thrown away by the palm, and fell hard on the stone wall, collapsing the stone wall and sinking into the soil.


Blood splattered, Zhou Yan vomited blood in his mouth, and was extremely embarrassed.

"Oh my god."

"What kind of existence is this? Just a statue, but it has such terrifying attack power?"

Zhou Yan's face turned pale and his mind was shaken violently.

He looked up.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

I saw the giant beast statue moving slowly, looking down at him condescendingly.

"What a strong evil spirit!"

Zhou Yan took a breath and felt a chill coming over him.

The giant beast statue seemed not to be a living thing, but a dead thing.

However, the sinister aura emanating from his body was even worse than that of a living creature.

"I don't know, what secret is hidden here?"

Zhou Yan pondered for a moment, then walked forward, ready to get closer and observe.


Suddenly, the giant beast statue seemed to sense his actions and let out a roar.


In an instant, the monstrous black mist swept in and turned into a giant black hand covering the sky, grabbing Zhou Yan.

This blow was faster than lightning and almost impossible to dodge.


The giant beast statue pinched Zhou Yan and suppressed him firmly.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan turned pale in horror.

This giant beast statue can actually mobilize the power of heaven and earth to seal the void!

Such methods are simply appalling!

"It's over!"

Zhou Yan's face changed wildly.

This giant beast statue definitely has the terrifying power of Qi Refining Eight Ninth Layer.

How could he be his opponent?


"How dare a mere ant offend this king?"

However, at this time, a domineering voice sounded.

The next moment, the scene before Zhou Yan's eyes changed drastically.

The originally dim environment quickly disappeared.

Instead, there was a magnificent palace.

"where is this place?"

Zhou Yan looked around blankly, extremely surprised.

He found that the palace was extremely vast, as vast as a city.

There are countless powerful people gathered in the palace.

A burly man stood on the highest stage, wearing a yellow robe, with a shocking aura.

Next to him, there is a statue of a giant beast standing, lifelike, like a living creature.


Suddenly, the earth shook and there was a roar from the ground.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the palace, an army came to attack and swallowed up the mountains and rivers with rage.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

"Kill all the aliens in the world!"

As the legion charged, there were piles of corpses and blood flowing along the way.

One by one, strong men fell, and their corpses were scattered everywhere, which was shocking.


Zhou Yan's eyes widened, his face full of shock.

"Could it be said that this is a war relic left by the fierce battle between the human race and the alien race?"

"Is this a collision of two races?"

There was a storm in his heart, and he was inexplicably shocked.

This situation is too rare.

You know, even in the human race's Saint Kingdom, wars rarely occur.

"This should be a Secret Realm of a foreign race."

"Moreover, it is a high-grade Secret Realm."

"Otherwise, we wouldn't even be able to meet the strong ones on the Foundation Building Stage."

Zhou Yan sighed secretly.

If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have dared to believe that such a Secret Realm existed in a remote place like Nanling?


While Zhou Yan was thinking, the statue roared up to the sky, opened its teeth and claws, and pounced on Zhou Yan, trying to devour him.

A "buzz" sound made Zhou Yan's mind sting.

For a moment, Zhou Yan only felt that the scene in front of him was distorted. When he recovered again, he had already left Secret Realm.

In front of him, there was a towering mountain.

An ancient tree takes root here.


Zhou Yan's figure flashed, climbed onto the branch of the ancient tree, and looked into the distance.

At this sight, my whole body suddenly felt horrified.

He saw that as far as he could see, there were ruins and ruins everywhere.

The corpses of strong aliens were piled up like a mountain.

Among them, there is even a humanoid puppet.

Its chest was shattered and its abdomen was dented, obviously suffering a fatal blow.

But, strangely, it still maintains its vitality.

It's just the body that is imprisoned on the ground, making it difficult to break free.

"How can it be?"

Zhou Yan was shocked.

Although the scars on these alien corpses were horrific, they were not fatal.

And this humanoid puppet had obviously had its head blown off, but it was still alive.

What a terrifying defense is this?


Suddenly, Zhou Yan frowned and discovered something strange.

On this puppet, traces of blood actually appeared, like ripples on water, gathering into runes.

These runes were densely packed like a spider web, covering the humanoid puppet's body.

At the same time, under the influence of these runes, the injuries on the puppet's body gradually healed.

"These runes..."

Zhou Yan was awestruck and his eyes were solemn: "It seems to contain some kind of strange legal principle."

"Perhaps these runes are the key to this puppet's spirituality."

"Anyway, now that I have discovered the secret of this puppet, I must take it away!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan's eyes burned.

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