The value of this humanoid puppet far exceeds that of the previous aliens, enough for him to exchange it for a Foundation Building Pill!

"call out!"

Zhou Yan stretched out his hand, held out a long sword, and swung out a bright sword light.

It instantly cut through the void and slashed down, directly hitting the puppet.


Sparks shot out.

Zhou Yan felt the tiger's mouth tremble violently and almost lost his grip on the sword.

"What a hard body!"

Zhou Yan was surprised.

This humanoid puppet actually had no damage at all, not even a single crack on its skin.


Zhou Yan sneered, flipped his wrist, and unleashed a strike that swept across the entire army.


This sword was extremely powerful, knocking the humanoid puppet back several meters, but it still failed to cause fatal damage to it.

Such a result made Zhou Yan even more vigilant.

With a "swish" sound, he leaped up and fell into the branches of the ancient tree, keeping distance from the humanoid puppet.

Then, he took out a jade token from his arms.

"Crack, click, click..."

An ancient character is engraved in the jade tablet.

At this time, under Zhou Yan's urging, the jade plaque lit up with dazzling golden light.

Immediately, wisps of divine light surged and enveloped Zhou Yan.

The next moment, the faint aura of Martial Apprentice on his body completely subsided, as if disappearing out of thin air.


Zhou Yan bent his legs and knelt on the ground, looking groveling and trembling.

This posture is completely different from the one he had just now!

However, when all this was happening, the huge humanoid puppet showed no reaction, as if it didn't notice it.


The next moment, it suddenly became furious.

A pair of giant copper bell eyes were shining with scarlet luster and filled with bloodthirsty color. He took one step forward and forced himself towards Zhou Yan.


With this step, the entire ground trembled.


Zhou Yan got shorter, dodged the attack, and ran away.

However, after all, he has a low level of cultivation and cannot escape at all.

Soon after, the giant humanoid puppet caught up and grabbed his shoulders.


There was a soft sound, and Zhou Yan's clothes were torn on the spot.

Fair and delicate skin was exposed, as well as a black dragon scale.

This is Zhou Yan's armor, worn on the body, it can withstand attacks from the strongest Body Tempering masters.

But at this time, this layer of armor completely collapsed.


The humanoid puppet used its five fingers to slam Zhou Yan to the ground.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan groaned and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.


The humanoid puppet roared wildly, raised its big hand like a cattail leaf fan, and grabbed Zhou Yan's throat.


Zhou Yan's pupils shrank suddenly.

At this time, he was severely injured.

And this humanoid puppet is more powerful than the previous demons.

If he is really captured, it will definitely be a dead end.


At the critical moment, Zhou Yan took a deep breath and his eyes became determined.


In an instant, a surge of true energy spurted out from his body.

It surged and roared in the body, turning into a torrent, sweeping in all directions, like a tidal wave, rushing towards the right arm.

"Get out of here!"

With a low shout, Zhou Yan punched out with all his strength.

This punch, carrying a huge force, directly hit the humanoid puppet.


A flash of astonishment flashed in the eyes of that huge creature.

Obviously, it did not expect that an ant could actually resist its attack.

But immediately, it grinned and looked at Zhou Yan with a playful face.

"Ants are ants!"

Immediately afterwards, a gray-brown brilliance lit up in its palm, quickly gathering and condensing into a ball of light.

The light ball exudes a strong evil spirit, which is frightening.


The humanoid puppet raised one arm and threw the ball of light fiercely.

The howling wind stirred up smoke and dust all over the sky.

This ball of light was the size of a millstone, and it was like a meteorite. It was carrying the power of destroying everything and crashed towards Zhou Yan.


In an instant, the ball of light hit Zhou Yan's fist and exploded into a rain of light that filled the sky, drowning Zhou Yan.


The shrill wails came out from the light and rain in the sky, which seemed particularly harsh.

"Hahaha, this time, you are dead!"

At this time, Zhou Yang, who was hiding in the dark and observing, suddenly laughed wildly.

In this Secret Realm, there are many ferocious beasts.

However, these ferocious beasts are suppressed deep in the Secret Realm.

And Zhou Yang happened to master a secret technique.

With the help of this secret technique, he was able to lurk here quietly, waiting for an opportunity to seize the treasure!

Unfortunately, he is too greedy!

Only one puppet can be refined at a time.

Therefore, even if he is powerful, he can only choose to refine a humanoid puppet in the end.

"This puppet has the combat power of the seventh level of Body Tempering."

"Coupled with the blessing of secret techniques, even the ninth level of Body Tempering can't even hope to get any benefits."

"This kid is dead!"

Zhou Yang felt happy in his heart, with a cold smile on his lips.

"Buzz buzz!"

At this time, in the rain of light, the humanoid puppet was stiff and motionless.

However, there was a thin wound on its chest, slowly bleeding.

Soon, the blood dyed its armor red.

And from this wound, wisps of strange green mist escaped.

Originally, this green mist would slowly corrode the puppet's body.

But now, within the body of this puppet, a golden light shines, driving out the green mist and keeping it intact.

"This humanoid puppet still has some Spirit Medicine left in its body."

Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and he was extremely excited.

Spirit Medicine is an artifact refining material that can improve the quality of spiritual weapons.

"This is my chance!"

Zhou Yan licked his dry lips, his eyes burning.

He knew that he had found the right method. As long as he continued to refine it, he would be able to refine this humanoid puppet into his own puppet sooner or later.

This is his opportunity to rise, and he cannot afford to miss it.

At the moment, Zhou Yan was immediately immersed in refining the humanoid puppet.

His mind was highly concentrated, focusing on every inch of the puppet's organization, structure, and operating principles.


After repeated attempts, cracks appeared on the surface of the humanoid puppet, as if it could not withstand such huge pressure.

But Zhou Yan turned a deaf ear and continued to control the true energy in his dantian and instill it into the puppet's body.

Gradually, those cracks healed a lot.

Moreover, a strange fluctuation came from inside, vaguely spiritual.

"Did you make it?"

Zhou Yan's heart was beating loudly.

He is ready to welcome the dawn of victory.

But at this moment, the humanoid puppet suddenly broke out.

It suddenly stretched out its arms and hugged Zhou Yan tightly.

"what happened?"

Zhou Yan panicked.

The next moment, the humanoid puppet suddenly exerted force.


The fragile bones shattered at this moment.

Zhou Yan's body went limp.

The humanoid puppet loosened its arms and stood aside, quietly waiting for Zhou Yan to wake up.

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