There are places to set up stalls in the trading markets of all races, and there are even many storefronts. You only need to pay rent to set up stalls.

The stalls and stores in this kind of place can only be rented. Even if you have money, you can't buy them at all, because the stores here are not for sale.

This is just a trading platform, but it differentiates many worlds.

And every time an item is sold, a tax will be collected.

Taxes are very low, ranging from one thousandth to one ten thousandth.

If the amount does not meet the tax, one spirit coin will be charged.

If you are like Zhou Yan and don't set up a stall to buy and sell items, as long as someone trades with him, that's fine.

There is indeed no need to pay taxes, but someone needs to buy and sell like this all the time.

Moreover, he is not allowed to enter stalls or commercial areas when he is talking about business like this.

However, Zhou Yan was worried that these equipment would not be sold before, but he did not expect that these stone tribes were so short of equipment that every stone tribe would buy a lot of equipment and leave.

A few pieces or dozens of pieces are usually purchased by the Stone Tribe who buy one or two hundred pieces.

Many people just buy the entire set of equipment directly.

Those big lords even purchased thousands of pieces of equipment at once.

In just one hour, he sold out all the equipment inventory in the territory.

Then, he could only say to the remaining Stone Tribe people: "I'm so sorry, because I don't carry a lot of equipment, so I can't sell it to you for the time being, but I will definitely bring you enough equipment tomorrow. "

"I only have one request, that is, I hope you can help me promote it so that more Stone Tribe friends can come here to buy equipment, and this kind of transaction will be effective for a long time..."

Although they had no equipment, these stone tribes were still very happy to hear what this "Shi Tan" said.

"If you keep your word, I will order a thousand sets of Black Iron equipment first."

"I also want to order five hundred sets of Black Iron copper equipment, one hundred sets of bronze equipment, and ten sets of silver equipment."

"I have several friends who want to buy equipment. You can't fool us tomorrow!"

"Then let's come back tomorrow."

"If you encounter trouble here, just tell me and I will protect you!"

"Shi Tan, whoever is in trouble with you, I, the stone bomb, will be the first to kill him!"



Many Stone Tribes have added him as friends.

Although they live in different worlds, they can still add friends.

He had no idea that these stone tribesmen were so lacking in equipment. This kind of hugely profitable business had to be done, and it had to be big.

Tomorrow he plans to ask people in the territory to go to various worlds to purchase, so that there is no need to teleport back and forth between worlds.

If it were other lords, it would definitely not be possible.

Because other lords' territorial warehouses cannot perform such operations at all.

But his [treasure room] can be used as long as he opens the permissions and is within the territory.

[Myriad Worlds Trading Mall] itself is a territorial building, so they are indeed still within the scope of the territory and can naturally be used.

The only troublesome thing is that they are in trading areas in different worlds and can't communicate.

This problem is easy to solve. I believe there must be items in Myriad Worlds that can solve this communication problem.

By then, they will be able to communicate at any time and purchase various items at any time.

He had to buy enough ore quickly.

So, he started heading towards the place where the stall was set up.

How cheap is the ore here?

One-star iron ore costs 2 spirit coins per piece, and a set is sold for 99 dollars, only selling for 190 spirit coins.

You know, one star of iron ore in Canglan Continent costs at least 10 spirit coins.

That's a five-fold difference.

A piece of two-star iron ore costs 5 spirit coins.

Samsung's are only 10 spirit coins each.

People here sell minerals ranging from one to three stars in groups, and the prices are even more favorable.

The four-star ones only cost between 100 and 300 spirit coins.

Because there were relatively few ores with four stars and above, he sold less in groups, but he still bought a lot.

These High Level ores are of great value whether he uses them to build equipment, upgrade his territory, or sell them to others.

These ores are so cheap that they are almost the same as being given away for free.

He started frantically shopping, and took away all those who were selling ore.

He has no time to look at anything else now, only the ore.

Although there are very few ores above five stars, there are so many lords setting up stalls and shops. If one family buys some, the quantity will not be small.

He accidentally discovered that there was very little wood here, but the price was also very cheap.

He asked these stone tribesmen and found out that they all like to use stones to build houses, and their buildings basically only require stone materials.

Only a small amount of wood is used to upgrade the territory. Since there are few people who need it, the price is naturally not high.

This gave him an advantage.

So, he also started collecting wood.

Although he possesses more than one billion spiritual coins, if he wants to consume a world's ore and timber reserves, this amount of money is simply not enough.

The other stone tribesmen were just curious that he would buy so much ore and wood, and ignored him.

To them, these Low Level ores are indeed worthless.

However, High Level ores are more in demand.

It took him a long time to buy almost all of the more than one billion spiritual coins.

He found that spending money is also a very hard thing.

But he was miserable and happy.

Because these billions of spiritual coins will be doubled at least five or six times.

Then the doubled spirit coins will be doubled again.

Just doubling it and doubling it...he'll be a billionaire in no time.

After completing the purchase, he immediately chose to teleport back.

The moment he returned to the territory, he directly found Diao Chan, Zhen Mi, Nie Xiaoqian, and Li Shuang.

All the people in the territory who could be summoned were summoned.

"What's so exciting and urgent? You even called everyone in the territory."

Diao Chan and the others were very curious and didn't know what was going on with Zhou Yan. They called them over in a hurry, which was very strange.

"A good thing, of course it is a good thing."

Zhou Yan took them directly and teleported them to the [Myriad Worlds Trading Mall].

After the light flashed, they came to the mysterious space.

"There are actually people here."

They looked at Zhou Yan curiously, and suddenly saw Xiaowei, and were amazed by her appearance.

This woman is beautiful and has a great figure.

Even he was wearing too few clothes.

"It's not a person, it's just an intelligent system. It has no entity, you see."

Zhou Yan grabbed Xiaowei personally and passed his whole hand directly through Xiaowei's body.

It's just a virtual projection.

"Oh I see."

The girls understood, and then asked Zhou Yan why he asked them to come here.

Zhou Yan began to explain his plan to them in detail.

After half an hour, the girls finally understood what Zhou Yan wanted to do.

They had no idea that the ability of this [Myriad Worlds Trading Mall] was so powerful.

It actually works like this.

However, Xiaowei reminded: "There is a limit to the number of people that can be teleported in [Myriad Worlds Trading Mall]. The higher the level of the territory, the more people can be teleported. The current territory level is Level 24, so the maximum number of people that can be teleported is 24." Individuals go to different worlds.”

"So there are still such restrictions." Zhou Yan said he understood.

Even so, 24 people can do a lot of things and make a lot of money.

And he can also use these resources to upgrade his territory.

"Xiaowei, let's search first to see if there is any item that can allow us to communicate with each other no matter which trading area of ​​the world we are in."

Zhou Yan felt that it was still necessary to prepare everyone's communication equipment so that they could communicate better and avoid having to come back if something happened.

He wasn't worried about the transmission fee.

I just think it's better to solve the problem at its root.

"Okay, please wait...please look at the big screen." Xiaowei said.

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