Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 139, Go To Moon Star Trading Market

He started looking at the screen.

A lot of stuff appears on it.

The first one, called an interstellar communication mobile phone, comes from a place called [Micro Morning Star·Trading Market] and sells for two million spirit coins each.

The signal of this mobile phone is quite far, and it naturally has all the functions of a mobile phone at a short distance. However, if the two planets are too far apart, it can only send messages, and voice messages are also possible.

This interstellar communication mobile phone is also highly recommended by Xiaowei, because it says that a signal tower can be built here to ensure the communication function between each mobile phone.

Xiaowei also searched for information about this signal tower, which came from another world called [Pegasus Hamsk Human Trading Market] and the price was 10 million spiritual coins.

Although the prices of these things are quite high, these are items that must be purchased.

Zhou Yan felt that these names looked like the names of aliens, and the level of civilization on these planets seemed to be quite High Level.

He then looked at other similar things, including high-tech communication-type items.

But some are either too big or too expensive and not suitable for purchase at all.

Some are even single-use items that are gone after use.

Of course, Zhou Yan also has a method, which is the teleportation magic of the immortal cultivation profession.

Unfortunately, this kind of magic requires a cultivation or immortality profession to learn.

Their profession restricts them from learning this kind of magic.

So in the end, he chose the first interstellar communication mobile phone.

"Xiaowei, can you check which resource this [Pegasus Planet] lacks the most?"

Since he was going there to buy something, he couldn't return empty-handed. He had to earn some traveling expenses.

He is a thrifty person.

If you can earn some pocket money along the way, don't waste it.

"I can only check the most traded items on [Pegasus Planet] on the trading market, but I can't know what resources their planet is most lacking."

Xiaowei replied that it can only obtain data for items listed on the trading market.

For those private transactions, such as Zhou Yan's trading practices in [Stone World], it cannot obtain data.

"That's okay, as long as I know which of their resources has the largest trading volume, and I know the resource prices of their planet, it will be easy to handle."

As long as you know which kind of resources on their planet have the largest trading volume, it will be easy to handle.

Xiaowei quickly displayed the most traded items in [Pegasus Star] in recent years on a large screen.

Xiaowei then added: "I checked that in the past ten years, the prices of some items on [Pegasus] have increased year by year, and the quantities have gradually decreased. Can you list them?"

When Zhou Yan heard this, he quickly said: "Of course we have to list them. These items must be in urgent need of them."

"Okay." Xiaowei quickly displayed on another large screen the items with the largest price increases within ten years, and also showed the comparison of the quantity of [Pegasus Star] ten years ago and now.

This is like big data. You can clearly see the items with the largest trading volume and the largest price changes in [Pegasus Star] in the past ten years.

He only needs to bring the items that [Pegasus] urgently needs.

Of course, as for the true situation of [Pegasus Star], he cannot guarantee it. He can only say that there is a high probability that it will not lose money.

He discovered that most of the things that [Pegasus] was in urgent need of were rare metals and rare ores.

Some of them were ores that he had purchased in [Stone World] before, and the quality of the ores was quite high, and he had only purchased hundreds of thousands of them.

This kind of reselling of items from the two worlds requires a lot of manpower, because the items that are lacking in each place are in different worlds.

This requires a group of people to perform statistical processing and then conduct reasonable reselling.

The key point is that there are no people who can count these things now.

Because Diao Chan and the others are not modern people, they don't understand these things.

Of course, he also had his own idea, which was [cinema].

Among the movies, there is no shortage of movies about business elites. With his arrogant and awesome abilities, it would not be easy to trick them into working for him.

It's just that the cooling time of the [cinema] has not yet come, and he is worried about the people on Canglan Continent.

As long as his territory information is leaked, countless lords will probably try their best to snatch it away. Facing the endless army of lords, he does not have the confidence to be able to repel them all.

Don't think he is very strong.

The world of lords has developed for so long, and the strength of those veteran lords cannot be underestimated.

For the sake of safety, he could not hire any of the social elites on the Canglan Continent, no matter how powerful they were.

Even if they wanted to, they would have to work on Canglan Continent and let them purchase supplies for the territory.

Because Canglan Continent has strict labor laws, any lord who hires others to work in his territory in the form of employment is not allowed to restrict his freedom of life and return to Canglan Continent for a long time.

Once violated, the contract signed between them will be activated directly, and they will face jail time.

Even if you ask the madman Zhang San to come, it will be useless.

After all, Canglan Continent is not going to talk to you about words. Breaking the law is breaking the law. There is not so much nonsense.

It is precisely because of this that Zhou Yan does not want to hire anyone from Canglan Continent.

Except for himself, he didn't trust anyone from Canglan Continent.

Except for those summoned by the territory.

He asked Xiaowei to search the scarce resources of [Pegasus Star] again. After recording them, he stopped searching because the cost of teleportation to this planet was very low, only 100 spirit coins.

It's a human planet, and it's not far away.

He asked Xiaowei how many spiritual coins it would take to transfer to [Canglan Continent·Trading Market], and Xiaowei said it was free.

Because he is in this world, he cannot spend spiritual coins at all.

The planet where those rare metals are located is called [Moon Star Trading Market]. He seriously doubts that the people on this planet immigrated from other places.

Since it is a human planet, there is no need to worry too much.

"Teleport to [Moon Star Trading Market]." Zhou Yan said.

Xiaowei replied: "Spirit Coin -100, start teleportation..."

"The transmission to [Moon Star Trading Market] was successful!"

Generally speaking, this kind of trading market is very similar to the world in online games, very large.

The architectural style here is quite peculiar, with unique shapes and a rather sci-fi appearance.

The various buildings are dazzling to others.

"I'll collect five stars to buy a High Grade quality moon stone. The price guarantees your satisfaction. You can trade just one. The whole moon stone has the highest price. Welcome to try it!"

"Selling gold-quality sets, starting from ten sets, with powerful attributes and favorable price, it's fast if you have friends who want to cooperate with you for a long time."

"Diamond-forged Great Master Lucian's newly released weapons are all dark gold and platinum quality. There are only ten pieces in total. We need to go fast."

"The level 70 pseudo-dragon I just killed, hurry up and eat the dragon meat, dragon tendons, and dragon bones. If you are slow, you will be gone."

"Come and take a look. Jewelry Great Master customizes personal jewelry. The price is not expensive. Just pay for it."



The human trading market has never lacked excitement.

They have smart brains and will use various methods to sell the items in their hands.

Regardless of whether the thing is good or bad, their professionalism is still very advisable.

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