Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1381, Nothing Can Be Done


The spear exploded, and its attack did not stop at all. It still pushed forward and pressed towards Zhou Yan.

This scene made Zhou Yan's pupils shrink and his eyelids twitch.

"It's over. This time, I'm dead."

Zhou Yan's face turned pale and his face was dull.

He didn't expect that the Triceratops could be so powerful.

He tried his best to strike, but he couldn't do anything to the opponent.

The long knife shattered, and he raised his left arm, trying to stop the one-horned rhinoceros.

But soon, he felt his arm go numb, the tiger's mouth split open, and the sword in his hand came out.


Zhou Yan howled in grief.

However, it was too late.

The one-horned rhinoceros is incredibly fast and rushes towards it in the blink of an eye.

"It's over!"

In an instant, Zhou Yan's eyes widened, his head went blank, and his whole body felt like he had fallen into an ice cave.

He knew he was dead!


The next moment, a strong wind blew against his face, and the huge body of the one-horned rhinoceros was so close that its sharp horns almost touched his neck.

"Do not kill me!"

At the critical moment, Zhou Yan had panic in his eyes and quickly begged for mercy.

He doesn't want to die.


Hearing Zhou Yan begging for mercy, the one-horned rhinoceros hesitated.

"Don't kill me. As long as you don't kill me, I will promise you anything."

Zhou Yan said quickly.

In order to survive, he didn't care much.


The one-horned rhinoceros roared angrily, staring at Zhou Yan with a pair of bull eyes, filled with strong hatred.


Zhou Yan was slightly startled, not knowing what made the other party angry.

"This ferocious beast actually understands human language?"

Zhou Yan frowned, feeling surprised.


However, at this moment, an earth-shattering beast roar came from deep in the ferocious beast forest.

There was a strong murderous intent in this voice.

In an instant, deafening roars resounded in all directions.

The roars of these beasts contain strong resentment and hatred.

There was a hint of excitement and greed in the roar.

In all directions, all kinds of ferocious birds and beasts began to stir.


Zhou Yan's expression changed. He suddenly thought of something and quickly turned around to look.

I saw, in the distance, black clouds rolling, a dark wind hunting, and a black leopard slowly approaching.

This leopard was four to five meters tall, covered with dark scales, and its eyes were blood red, like a crescent moon.

With every step it took, the ground shook slightly.

"Bloodthirsty Leopard!"

Zhou Yan took a breath of cold air.

Bloodthirsty Leopard, a Rank Four ferocious beast, with strength comparable to Innate First Layer.

And, most importantly, the bloodthirsty leopard has a keen sense of smell and can distinguish the smell of Spirit Medicine, Monster Core and blood.

Therefore, once the bloodthirsty leopard appears, it will definitely trigger a beast tide.

"It's over, I'm dead."

Zhou Yan's lips trembled and his face was distorted.

He originally wanted to enter the forest to hunt, obtain resources, and strengthen himself.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped in, he suffered a fatal blow.

"Hmph! How dare a mere ant break into my territory?"

However, at this moment, another old voice sounded.

Immediately, an old man in gray robe came flying from the horizon.

"Huh? It's actually him!"

Zhou Yan's eyes suddenly widened.

The old man in gray robe has silver hair and carries a long bow. He is short and fat, with sunken cheeks and a rosacea look.

This person is obviously worshiped by the Zhou family: Mr. Zhao.

"Little bastard, it's you!"

As soon as he saw Zhou Yan, Mr. Zhao immediately showed a ferocious look, and murderous intent burst into his eyes.

This evil beast killed his grandson when he was in Zhou's mansion, and also robbed the treasure chest, causing him heavy losses.

Today, I happened to kill this evildoer and avenge his grandson.

"Haha, I should have expected it."

Zhou Yan looked bitter.

In the Zhou family, no one knows Mr. Zhao.

Obviously, this bloodthirsty leopard was also raised by Mr. Zhao.

No wonder, when Mr. Zhao appears, the bloodthirsty leopard will go crazy and kill him at any cost.

"Evil beast, seeking death!"

Mr. Zhao shouted coldly, kicked the ground with his right foot, and his body was like lightning, and he flew in front of Zhou Yan in an instant, and swung out a palm.


Zhou Yan was so frightened that his soul was gone, and he rolled and crawled, trying to escape.

Unfortunately, Mr. Zhao's cultivation was better than his, and he captured Zhou Yan with just one move.

"Hey, little brat, you can't escape after all."

Mr. Zhao grabbed Zhou Yan and said with a ferocious smile.

"Little bastard, I won't let you die so easily today. I will play with you slowly and make you taste life worse than death."

As soon as he finished speaking, he kicked Zhou Yan hard with his right leg, knocking Zhou Yan to the ground.

Then, Mr. Zhao held a golden needle in one hand and pierced Zhou Yan's body.

Suddenly, golden light flashed, the acupuncture points on Zhou Yan's body were sealed, and the True Qi could no longer be activated, and the True Qi in the body collapsed.

"Little bastard, can you still run now?"

Mr. Zhao had a joking look on his face and stretched out his hand to grope Zhou Yan's body.

Soon, he took out a jade plaque from Zhou Yan's arms.

"Tsk, tsk, little bastard, you're lucky, you actually got the 'Tempering Jade Card'."

Mr. Zhao rubbed the jade plaque in his hand, a look of joy on his face.

"Tempering jade token?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan's heart trembled.

This is a precious item for Flesh Refining the body. After taking it, it can cleanse the muscles and cut the marrow, improve the physique, and enhance the cultivation level.

The tempered jade token can only be used by level three Martial Artists.

"Haha...this jade token belongs to me!"

Mr. Zhao laughed, his face full of excitement.

Suddenly, at this moment, there was a harsh sound of breaking wind in the depths of the forest, and countless ferocious beasts rushed in crazily.

"what happened?"

"Is there a treasure that has appeared in the world, so there are so many ferocious beasts swarming here?"

"Eh? Isn't this the Devouring Spirit Cat?"

"There are also blue-striped wolves and iron-toothed tigers..."

In the forest, there were more and more ferocious beasts, each one with scarlet eyes, rushing towards Mr. Zhao.

Among them, some ferocious and cruel beasts even opened their mouths and bit, trying to devour Mr. Zhao.

"Damn it!"

Mr. Zhao cursed secretly and did not dare to stay. He turned into an afterimage and disappeared on the spot.

The ferocious beasts jumped into the air, vomited blood one after another, and lay on the ground whining continuously.


Seeing this scene, Zhou Yan felt chilled in his heart and couldn't help but gasp.

This bloodthirsty panther has amazing fighting prowess, rivaling that of the Innate Second Layer Martial Artist.

But now, under the siege of many ferocious beasts, he is still injured and dying, on the verge of death.

And what about him?

At the peak level of Innate First Layer, even the bloodthirsty leopard can't stop it, let alone these terrifying beasts.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, there is no Law Manifestation letter.


However, at this moment, a huge creature came across the void.

It is huge and blocks out the sun.


Accompanied by a deep roar, the bloodthirsty leopard seemed to be afraid of this ferocious beast, and quickly retreated to get out of the way.

"Is this a Rank Four ferocious beast, a bloodthirsty python?"

After seeing the appearance of the ferocious beast clearly, Zhou Yan's expression changed drastically.

Although the bloodthirsty python is a Rank Four ferocious beast, its combat power is extremely terrifying.

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