It is said that an adult bloodthirsty python is powerful enough to rival three to five Divine Kings, and has a very ferocious reputation.

At this moment, the bloodthirsty python is entrenched on the canopy of the tree, looking down at all living beings, full of intimidation.

All of a sudden, all those ferocious and violent beasts were lying on the ground, trembling, just like the subjects who did not dare to act arrogantly when they saw the monarch.

At this time, the cold eyes of the bloodthirsty python slowly fell on Zhou Yan, revealing a humanized mockery.

Immediately afterwards, it jumped down from the tree crown and swept Zhou Yan dozens of meters away with a sweep of its giant tail.


This time, Zhou Yan could no longer bear it, smashed into a big tree and rolled to the ground.


The violent collision caused Zhou Yan's sternum to dent, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned extremely pale.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhou Yan raised his head, looked at the bloodthirsty python, and asked in a trembling voice.

At this moment, he has understood.

He was so unlucky that he was used as food by a bloodthirsty python.

No wonder these ferocious beasts gather here.

It turns out that the bloodthirsty python has strict requirements on food and needs to be alive, otherwise it will not bother to do anything.

"Despicable human being, you should be lucky that you met this king today."

The eyes of the bloodthirsty python emitted scarlet light as it stared at Zhou Yan with a touch of teasing.

call out!

As soon as he finished speaking, the bloodthirsty python opened its mouth and shot out a ball of venom.

The venom is like an arrow, faster than lightning, and strikes and kills instantly.

Zhou Yan's face was pale and he felt stiff all over, as if he was being pressed down by a mountain and couldn't move.

Even if you are contaminated with this kind of poison, you will definitely die.

At the critical moment, Zhou Yan tried his best to roll to the left.


The venom splashed and hit a big tree nearby, immediately corroding a hole and sending up bursts of black smoke.


Zhou Yan breathed a sigh of relief after escaping the fatal crisis, and his face showed the joy of surviving the disaster.

However, he soon discovered that the situation did not improve.

The bloodthirsty python seemed to have identified him. No matter how he ran, the bloodthirsty python was chasing after him.

In the end, Zhou Yan collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and was unable to escape.


In the next moment, the bloodthirsty python approached, opened its bloody mouth, and bit down hard.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened, his heart almost lifted to his throat, he held his breath and waited for death to come.


Suddenly, the bloodthirsty python's movements froze, its mouth opened slightly, and a stream of blood flowed out.

At the same time, Zhou Yan only heard a soft sound in his ear.

Immediately, he saw a small silver-white fish emerging.

The small fish is about two inches long, and its whole body is crystal clear, glowing with light fluorescence, as if it were carved from a precious stone, and is beautiful.

However, the pattern on Xiaoyu's back made Zhou Yan freeze in place.

It was a ferocious dragon head pattern, lifelike, as if it existed in real life, and filled with terrifying power.

"Could it be...that this is the legendary dragon fish?"

Zhou Yan's eyes were blurred, and a memory flashed through his mind.

The dragon fish is a strange beast that was born in the Spirit Vein and has extraordinary spirituality.

According to legend, once the dragon fish reaches adulthood, it can have combat power comparable to the Martial Master level, and can even practice to reach the Martial Master level.

However, the reproduction rate of arowana is extremely low, and one may not be found among millions of humans.

Because if you want to give birth to an arowana, you need not only Spirit Vein, but also huge energy and the assistance of many rare medicinal materials.

Moreover, these things are extremely rare and priceless.

Although Arowana is powerful, the number is too small, so the transactions on the market are basically dominated by heads of state or royal nobles.

"Could it be that...that drop of blood just now was the essence of the dragon fish?"

Zhou Yan frowned slightly and thought to himself.

He knew very well that the blood beads just now contained powerful energy, but he was not aware of it.

It can be seen from this that the essence of arowana is extremely hidden.

Only those with cultivation beyond the realm of Martial Master can sense it.

"Hmph, you idiot, how dare you eat the emperor's clone."

A cold and ruthless voice echoed in the mind of the bloodthirsty python.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the bloodthirsty python shook as if struck by lightning.


In an instant, the bloodthirsty python was so frightened that it curled up and kept whining.

This voice is of ancient origin, as if it comes from far away in time and space, penetrating hundreds of millions of miles of rivers and mountains, and reaching the heart of the bloodthirsty python.

At this sound, the bloodthirsty python's will collapsed, completely losing the courage to resist, and lay prone on the ground, trembling.

Then, an illusory and blurry figure appeared out of thin air.

This figure is highly condensed, like a god, standing in the clouds, overlooking the ants in the world, full of indifference, disdain, and indifference.

"I have met His Majesty the Dragon Emperor."

The bloodthirsty python was frightened and crawled on the ground, shouting respectfully.


Immediately afterwards, as the phantom waved its hand, a strong wind swept through it, sweeping away the bloodthirsty python and disappearing into the depths of the jungle.

"Who was that figure just now?"

Zhou Yan's eyes were dull and he murmured.

That figure was tall and majestic, like a god above the nine heavens, looking down at all things and looking down upon the heaven and earth, giving him a huge impact.

"Forget it, don't think about this for now..."

After a while, Zhou Yan suppressed his distracting thoughts and said with a wry smile: "Since we are trapped here, we can't escape even if we want to..."

This jungle is full of dangers. If you are not careful, you will lose your life and leave no bones.

Moreover, Zhou Yan was exhausted and couldn't hold on at all.

The only way now is to recover from the injury and then make plans.

After all, in Zhou Yan's current state, it is impossible to break through to the Body Tempering Eighth Layer and go to Qingzhou to find his relatives.


Zhou Yan stood up and walked towards the depths of the jungle.

The jungle is deep and dense, blocking the sunlight and making it look eerie and mysterious.

There were many poisonous insects growing on the surrounding plants, they were densely packed, overwhelming and creepy.


Suddenly, a group of ants crawled over, very fast, and in the blink of an eye, they surrounded Zhou Yan in the center.

"Soul-Eating Ant!"

Zhou Yan was so frightened that he trembled all over. He quickly closed his eyes, held his breath, and let the ants crawl around him.


At this moment, a strange scene appeared. The soul-eating ants seemed to have touched some kind of restriction, and they stopped attacking and retreated one after another.


Zhou Yan opened his eyes, slightly stunned.

Those soul-eating ants just rushed towards him like crazy, almost desperate for their lives. However, the moment they got close to his body, they stopped inexplicably.

This scene is so weird.

"There must be some kind of mechanism hidden in this jungle. I must find it."

Zhou Yan's eyes flickered, he pondered for a moment, and walked straight into the depths of the jungle.

Soon after, he came to a canyon.

This area is lush with vines and flowers.

But at the entrance of the canyon, there is a giant tree growing, with branches stretching out and covering the entire canyon.

"This ancient tree is actually three meters high!"

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