In his previous life, he gained the power of blood, and after just six months, he advanced to the Body Tempering Ninth Layer realm and became Martial Dao Grandmaster.

Even with the power of dragon blood, even the Body Tempering Eighth Layer Martial Artist can easily suppress the challenge beyond the level.

From this we can see how powerful the power of dragon blood is!

"My bloodline level is as high as Fifth Grade. Once the power of bloodline is activated, it is enough to break through to Body Tempering Eighth Layer..."

"Also, my physique has increased and my explosive power has become extremely strong!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Zhou Yan's mouth: "These days, after being bullied by you, I can finally feel proud..."

During this period, Zhou Yan had suffered so much humiliation that he had already been filled with anger.

Now, Zhou Yan feels that he can finally rise.

"I wonder what the status of that Rank Six silver-horned wolf is now?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed, staring at the cave on the top of the mountain.

The silver-horned wolf just now seemed to have come out of this cave...


At this moment, the ground shook slightly, and a monstrous evil aura enveloped the entire ancient mountain range.

In Zhou Yan's field of vision, a huge figure rushed towards him from a distance.

"This is……"

Zhou Yan looked horrified.

That black shadow was clearly a black bear.

"What a scary black bear..."

Zhou Yan was frightened and unable to resist.

But, immediately after, his eyes darkened, his mind whirled, and he secretly made a decision: "Since I can't escape, then if I fight to the death, I might be able to escape..."

Thinking of this, Zhou Yan no longer hesitated, and immediately mobilized the remaining vitality in his body, frantically gathered in his Dantian, and prepared to fight to the death!


The next moment, there was a burst of thunder, and the black bear descended, hitting with a huge fist, like a mountain bearing down on the top.

Zhou Yan's eyes widened and he was so frightened that he lost his soul.

"Get out of my way!"

At the critical moment, Zhou Yan shouted violently, holding a long sword and resisting with all his strength.


A crisp sound sounded, sparks flew everywhere, Zhou Yan's tiger's mouth burst open, blood sprayed out, and the sword flew away from his hand.

Thump thump thump…

Zhou Yan took a few steps back and fell to the ground, panting, his forehead was covered with sweat, his heartbeat was racing, and his face was flushed.

"Damn it!"

Zhou Yan was angry and gritted his teeth.

Although the dragon blood in his body has awakened and his strength has greatly improved, after all, it is only the Body Tempering Second Layer, which is far from the Rank Six Silver Horned Wolf.

If he hadn't exerted all his strength with his swordsmanship, I'm afraid he wouldn't have been able to take even one of Black Bear's moves and would have died in an instant.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed suddenly and he looked at the black bear's neck.

I saw a faint scar on the black bear's neck, oozing with traces of blood.

This scene made Zhou Yan feel happy.

"Could it be that this black bear was seriously injured?"

Zhou Yan observed carefully and found that the scar on the black bear's neck was not deep, but it left a blood stain.

Obviously, the black bear was seriously injured, otherwise, it would not stop attacking.

"Haha, I am indeed blessed with great blessings..."

Zhou Yan was ecstatic.

"However, this black bear is too strong and is beyond my ability to deal with..."

Zhou Yan frowned, and with a thought in mind, he took out another storage ring.

He bought this storage ring in Qingzhou City.

There is a long bow stored inside.

This long bow, named [Wind Chasing Arrow], is a Treasure Weapon and is worth a lot of money.


Zhou Yan drew his bow and nocked an arrow, aimed at the black bear, pulled the bowstring sharply, roared with energy, and the arrow turned into a stream of light, and attacked and killed the black bear.

call out!

The arrows are extremely fast and arrive in the blink of an eye.

"Huh? What's going on?"

Zhou Yan's complexion changed slightly.

Because, he found that after the arrow was shot, it did not hit the black bear, but penetrated directly through it.

This feeling was like hitting the air, which made his hair stand on end.

"Could it be that the black bear is really injured?"

Zhou Yan's face was filled with joy and his heart was beating fast.

In this way, maybe there is still a chance!


Zhou Yan used the [Godfiend Devouring Technique] to absorb all the vitality in his body. Immediately, he stood up suddenly, his body flashed, and he slapped the black bear with a palm.


This palm contains the power of the dragon and elephant, and is powerful.


However, the black bear had rough skin and thick flesh, and was slapped without any damage. On the contrary, Zhou Yan's right hand felt a sharp pain and numbness.


Zhou Yan took a breath.

You know, his physical body is comparable to Treasure Weapon, ordinary Invulnerability To Spears and Sabers, and he was actually crushed by a Monster.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's heart felt cold and he had the intention of retreating.


However, this black bear roared angrily, stared at Zhou Yan with ferocious eyes, and raised its claws to scratch.


The sharp nails scratched across, pierced the clothes, and landed on Zhou Yan's chest.


In an instant, heartbreaking pain surged throughout Zhou Yan's body.

At this moment, Zhou Yan's face was distorted, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help but scream.

"Boy, if you dare to anger me, you are seeking death..."

The black bear was violent, waving its two thick forelimbs and beating Zhou Yan crazily.


Zhou Yan was knocked to the ground, his chest collapsed, he coughed up blood in his mouth, his vision went dark, and he almost fainted.

"This beast is so terrifyingly powerful, almost as powerful as a calf..."

Zhou Yan's heart palpitated. The black bear's strength was definitely more than a thousand pounds, more powerful than the ordinary Innate Seventh Layer Martial Artist!

"I only have the last bit of energy left, and I can't continue to struggle with it..."

Zhou Yan struggled to get up, turned around and ran away.


The black bear roared and chased Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan ran away and soon came to a bush, got into the bush and hid in the darkness.

"Boy, you can't escape!"

Suddenly, the voice of the black bear sounded, and the sinister voice reached his ears.


Zhou Yan was trembling all over and his face was earth-colored.

The black bear is catching up!


A black mist filled the air, covering Zhou Yan's body and blocking the fluctuations of his aura.

Suddenly, Zhou Yan disappeared like a ghost, hiding in the woods, holding his breath and waiting for the opportunity.


Then, the leaves rustled, and a black shadow rushed over and landed where Zhou Yan had been just now.

Zhou Yan's body was stiff, his mind was tense, he was sweating profusely, and he even forgot to breathe...

This time, Zhou Yan was really frightened.

He felt that the dangerous aura emanating from this black bear was frightening.


The black bear raised its head and roared, exhaled from its nostrils, and looked around with sharp eyes, but found nothing.

Obviously, Zhou Yan has left.


The black bear roared, with a hint of anger and confusion in its deep roar.

"Strange...why is that boy missing? Could it be that he escaped?"

The black bear shook his head, not bothering to think too much, and took steps toward the outskirts of the forest.

On the other side, Zhou Yan hid in the woods, secretly watching the black bear leave.

"Fortunately, I have learned a secret technique to hide my figure..."

Zhou Yan was overjoyed. If it weren't for the "Godfiend Devouring Skill" he practiced, his spirit was different from ordinary people and he could keenly sense the movements around him, and he would have been buried in the belly of a black bear.

This black bear is extremely powerful.

"This canyon should hold some secret..."

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