Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 1385, Secret Of The Canyon

Zhou Yan is very active.

At this moment, he finally understood why the old man stopped here for half a day.

It turned out that the old man wanted to explore the secrets in the canyon.

Unfortunately, in the end, he died in the hands of a black bear, with no bones left.

"With the old man's strength, he should be at the level of a master in Jiangnan County. How could he die here? Could it be the black bear?"

Zhou Yan guessed in his heart, his eyes getting brighter and brighter.

There must be something fishy about this canyon!

"No! We have to figure out the situation!"

Zhou Yan was heartbroken and decided to venture into the canyon again.


Zhou Yan tapped his toes and leaped into the air, flying towards the depths of the canyon.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

Along the way, all kinds of Monsters came to attack them one after another, baring their teeth and claws, becoming ferocious and ferocious, bringing up a fishy stench.


Zhou Yan yelled angrily, and his whole body exploded with momentum. He punched out, and the fist shook the void, as if it was going to penetrate the air and set off a huge wave of weather.

Bang bang bang...

The fist light swept across, and the monsters' bodies exploded, and their blood spilled.

Although the levels of these Monsters are good, they are just Low Level Monsters after all and do not pose a fatal threat to Zhou Yan.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan's eyes narrowed and he looked ahead.

In front of him, he saw a giant python covered in gray-white scales slowly swimming over from behind a towering ancient tree.

"Profound Rank Monster?"

Zhou Yan's eyes showed vigilance.

Snake Monsters are the most cunning and unpredictable.

Especially the Profound Rank demon python in front of him, which is huge, covered with gray and white scales, covered in poison, and extremely violent.

"Hmph... It's just a Profound Rank monster python. I will kill you today and make soup for you!"

Zhou Yan sneered, holding the hammer, and rushed behind the ancient tree.


Zhou Yan swung the hammer and slashed at the monster python's body.

In an instant, blood spattered.

The Profound Rank demon python's extremely tough body could not withstand Zhou Yan's blow.

clang! clang! clang!

The hammer swung, sparks flew out, the monster python whined, its huge body kept swinging, and hit the mountain wall, making a roaring sound.

Zhou Yan's eyes flashed, and he took this opportunity to fly to the black bear's side, reached out to grab the black bear's shoulders, jumped up, and fled towards the distance.

Although this black bear was extremely powerful, it was not smart enough and could not help Zhou Yan.


After a while, Zhou Yan distanced himself from the black bear and heard the black bear's violent roar and bursts of rumbling sounds.

"It seems that the black bear has caught up with the old man."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan felt relieved, gave up the search, and returned along the river bank.


Zhou Yan panted heavily, sitting on the ground and wiping the sweat from his forehead.

During this period, Zhou Yan stayed awake and exhausted because of the fear of being chased by the black bear.

At this moment, Zhou Yan collapsed on the ground, his face pale.

This fight is so hard!

"How much fighting power does the black bear have, and how many humans have it killed over the years?"

Zhou Yan was still frightened.

This black bear is a Second Grade beast, with strength comparable to Innate Grandmaster.

"I need to regain my strength quickly, otherwise, if I encounter other Monsters..."

Zhou Yan gritted his teeth, took out an elixir, stuffed it into his mouth, and began to close his eyes and regulate his breathing.

At night, the breeze blows slowly, bringing a light coolness.

"Where is this?"

Zhou Yan opened his eyes and looked around.

When you see it, towering trees tower into the clouds, blocking out the sky and the moon.

This is a desolate world, with withered vegetation, yellow leaves, and a strong smell of decay.

Zhou Yan frowned. The location he was in seemed to be a cave. The cave was empty except for a bronze mirror inlaid on the stone wall, blooming with brilliance.

This scene shocked Zhou Yan.

"The bronze mirror left by the old guy is still here..."

Zhou Yan was surprised.

According to what the old man said, the bronze mirror is a treasure that can distinguish good from evil. It also has great power and once saved his life.

It's a pity that the bronze mirror was left in Heifeng Village and its whereabouts are unknown.

Now it seems that those rumors are true, and the old guy really has no good intentions.

call out!

Zhou Yan's figure flashed to the bronze mirror and observed carefully.


Zhou Yan was surprised and found that the surface of the bronze mirror was rusty and severely damaged.

Not only that, there was actually a corner missing inside the bronze mirror.

"This bronze mirror seems to have been severely damaged!"

Zhou Yan touched his chin and murmured to himself.

"Forget it, it doesn't matter if it's damaged or not. Anyway, I don't need it!"

Zhou Yan shook his head, put away the bronze mirror, sat cross-legged, and silently nursed back his injuries.

at the same time.

Three hundred meters away from Heifeng Village, in a dense jungle, a man in tattered clothes and unkempt hair stood on a rock with a long sword on his back, staring in the direction of Heifeng Village in the distance with cold eyes.

"Everyone in Black Wind Village should die..."

The man clenched his fists, his eyes full of resentment, and said word by word: "And you, Zhou Yan..."

Before he finished speaking, the man swayed and almost fell to the ground.


He quickly held onto a tree trunk, coughed a few times, and spat out a mouthful of bright red blood foam.

"Zhou Yan!"

The man's eyes were red, staring in the direction of Black Wind Village with overwhelming hatred.

"Unexpectedly, the martial spirit of the leader of Black Wind Village has actually awakened and become stronger!"

After a long time, the man calmed down his anger and sighed secretly.

Immediately, the man turned around and left the place quickly.

Zhou Yan didn't know all this.

That night, Zhou Yan slept soundly and even dreamed.

In the dream, he transformed into a Godfiend, conquering the ages and suppressing the Nine Nether Demon Emperor!


In the dream, Zhou Yan couldn't help but laugh wildly, feeling extremely happy in his heart.

"Ah...it hurts..."

The next day, Zhou Yan woke up slowly and suddenly woke up.

The dream last night touched him a lot and gave him a new understanding in his mind.

"I am now in the Innate Great Completion realm, and my True Qi is strong. I can definitely try to condense the wheel of vitality."

Zhou Yan's eyes were burning. After thinking for a moment, he was ready to find a secluded place to gather his energy wheel.

The Wheel of Vitality contains the power of vitality and can amplify attacks, making it extremely domineering.

But the Wheel of Vitality is extremely difficult. It not only requires the accumulation of True Qi, but also requires opportunities, or some special opportunities...

Soon after, Zhou Yan walked into the jungle and opened a small cave.

In the cave, Zhou Yan sat on the ground and ran the "Yuan Devouring Technique" to absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, temper the bones and muscles, and strengthen True Qi.

After a while, Zhou Yan stopped practicing.

"The wheel of vitality is too difficult to condense. It needs an opportunity, some kind of natural treasure, or a chance encounter..."

Zhou Yan murmured to himself and fell into deep thought.

His cultivation resources have been exhausted. Unless he can find heavenly materials and earthly treasures, he can successfully condense the wheel of vitality.

However, this process is very long and by no means easy.

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