Zhou Yan thought for a long time and still had no clue.

"Hey, forget it, let's go look for food first..."

In desperation, Zhou Yan could only give up and choose to leave.

"Huh? Is there anyone?"

Suddenly, Zhou Yan's ears twitched, and he vaguely caught a trace of abnormal fluctuations.


In an instant, Zhou Yan's eyes were sharp and he followed the sound, only to see two embarrassed figures not far away, running away quickly.


Zhou Yan shouted sharply.

call out!

Immediately, he swayed and ran straight away.

These two people were obviously injured, their steps were shaky and their speed slowed down.

Soon, the two were intercepted by Zhou Yan and fell in front of him.

"Little beast, how dare you ruin our good deeds?"

When they saw Zhou Yan, the two men became furious and shouted harshly, showing their fierceness.

These two people were wearing black robes, their faces were cold, and they exuded bloodlust.

"Two losers!"

Seeing the appearance of the two of them, Zhou Yan smiled contemptuously and said disdainfully: "The people from Black Wind Village actually sent you to die..."

"You little beast, how dare you insult us?"

Hearing this, the two became furious and trembled with anger.

"The bastards of Black Wind Village actually asked you to die, then I will help you!" Zhou Yan sneered, raised his right palm, and was about to shoot.

"Wait a moment!"

Suddenly, one of them shouted hurriedly.

"What? Are you scared?" Zhou Yan sneered.

"Hmph! Afraid?"

The two of them twitched their faces, snorted coldly, and said proudly: "We are from the 'Blood Fiend Sect', and we are here to kill you on the orders of Black Wind Village."

Blood Fiend door!

Zhou Yan's face stiffened and his heart skipped a beat.

The Blood Fiend Sect is a first-rate sect in the world with a profound foundation. It is said that its sect leader has reached the pinnacle of the Foundation Building Fifth Layer and is Martial Dao Grandmaster.

Such powerful people are definitely considered top-notch beings in Qingyang County.

"Now that we're here, why are you still hanging around? Let's take action quickly."

After thinking for a moment, Zhou Yan waved his hand, signaling for the two of them to take action.

"Boy, this is your own death wish..."

Upon hearing this, the two men's eyes flashed fiercely, and they activated True Qi one after another, using various secret techniques to kill with a roar.

"Little tricks..."

Seeing this, Zhou Yan sneered and didn't take the two of them seriously at all.

boom! boom! boom……

In an instant, muffled sounds spread all over the place, and Zhou Yan easily eliminated the two men with just his fists and kicks.

"how come?"

"You clearly haven't broken through the realm, how can your strength improve so much?"

Feeling the crisp punch marks on their chests, the two of them opened their eyes wide with shock on their faces.

"Not only did I fail to break through the realm, but my Martial Dao Talent has also declined!"

Zhou Yan's face was pale and he felt miserable.

Originally, his Martial Dao Talent was excellent and he had already reached the Innate Great Completion level. He was only one step away from becoming the Martial Dao Grandmaster.

However, due to taking Dragon Tiger Pill, Martial Dao's talent declined, and eventually he became a waste.

"Is this retribution?"

Zhou Yan smiled bitterly.

"Boy, I advise you to surrender obediently, kneel down and kowtow to confess your sins. Maybe we can spare your life!"

At this time, the thin man on the left spoke in a hoarse voice with his lips moving.

"Spare my life?" Zhou Yan laughed and shook his head: "If I surrender, my life will be at risk!"

"If you two guys want me dead, why bother pretending..."

Zhou Yan's eyes were indifferent.

"Boy, you are so stubborn!"

Another big man roared angrily, brandished his sword, and slashed down hard.


The next moment, a harsh sound of metal and iron was heard.


The bodies of the two men shook violently, like kites with broken strings. They flew several feet away and hit the ground hard. After struggling for a few times, they could no longer get up.

"How can it be?"

The two of them were stunned and stunned.

This was a Second Grade soldier, extremely sharp, and yet it was blocked by Zhou Yan with his bare hands!

This scene simply overturned their worldview.

"Boy, who are you..."

After a brief period of confusion, the two men turned pale, shivered, and screamed in terror.

They couldn't believe that a mere young man could have such terrifying strength!

"Who am I? Haha, you are not qualified to know!"

Zhou Yan looked cold and slowly approached the two of them.

Although these two people are ordinary Martial Artists, they cannot stay!

After all, the identities of these masked men in black are unknown.

Zhou Yan's thoughts were racing, and he wanted to take the opportunity to kill the two people and silence them.

"Boy, don't mess around!"

Sensing the danger, the two men were so frightened that they immediately moved out and threatened: "Let me tell you, Black Wind Village is not easy to mess with. If you kill us, they will definitely kill your whole family..."

"Oh? So what?"

Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and said disapprovingly: "I, Zhou Yan, always act as I please. I do whatever I want. How can I care about others?"

"Boy, you..."

Upon hearing this, the two of them were immediately speechless, their faces turned red, and they were speechless.


The next moment, Zhou Yan's eyes were cold, unwilling to waste time, he suddenly took action.

Bang! Bang!

Two palm knives were struck out, two heads flew up, and blood sprayed out, staining the ground red.


Zhou Yan exhaled turbid air and his expression calmed down.

"Martial Dao Talent is reduced, resulting in a lack of True Qi in the body, and even True Qi cannot be used..."

Zhou Yan frowned, feeling a huge obstacle.

Originally, he had three times the physique and True Qi of a Martial Artist of the same level, coupled with his higher martial arts attainment, he could instantly kill a Martial Artist of the same level once he used his martial arts.

However, today, his Martial Dao Talent dropped by 30%, his True Qi became thinner, and his combat effectiveness was greatly reduced.

"Anyway, my current cultivation speed is as slow as a snail compared to before..."

Zhou Yan sighed secretly, but he was not discouraged.

Anyway, he has a long lifespan. As long as he practices patiently, sooner or later, he will recover his cultivation level.


Suddenly, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and noticed something.

"This is……"

Looking at the situation, I saw a faint silver light blooming on the body of the thin man.

The silver light shines brightly in all directions.

"Silver light?"

Zhou Yan looked confused.

"No...there's something weird about this silver light!"

After staring at the silver light carefully for a long time, Zhou Yan's face became solemn.

This ball of silver light seemed to possess some kind of special energy.

"Could it be that this is a Profound Level pill?"

An idea flashed in Zhou Yan's mind and he blurted out.

Back then, Zhou Yan once obtained a silver pattern grass.

Silverweed grass can temper Muscle Refining bones and increase physical strength.

Logically speaking, the medicinal effects contained in silverweed grass should not be so overbearing.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yan is just a useless Martial Dao and cannot absorb the effects of the medicine.

"It seems that there is a treasure here!"

"My luck is indeed incredible!"

Zhou Yan licked the corners of his mouth, his eyes bright.


The next moment, Zhou Yan jumped out, turned into an afterimage, and pounced towards the ray of silver light.

"Haha... I'm just saying, these people have weird identities and must be carrying good things with them!"

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