In the dense forest a thousand meters away from him, there was a rustling sound.

"Could it be...that there is prey?"

For a moment, Zhou Yan's eyes flashed with excitement.

Monster is synonymous with savagery. The meat is delicious and rich in nutrients.

If you can kill a Monster, you will definitely make a fortune.


Immediately, Zhou Yan stepped forward and rushed towards the place where the sound came from.


Soon, Zhou Yan stopped and stared straight ahead with burning eyes.

In the dense forest, there are two tigers, leopards and jackals fighting with each other.

They are powerful, and when they fight, their energy overflows, tearing the surrounding vegetation apart and sending debris flying.


Suddenly, one of the tigers pounced, jumped up in the air, and bit the other leopard.


The sharp fangs bit through the leopard's neck, blood spurted out, and the leopard struggled twice before dying.

Immediately afterwards, the tiger pounced and dragged the leopard carcass into the forest to prepare for dinner.

"What a beast!"

Zhou Yan was so excited that she couldn't help but cheer.

Scenes like this are simply pleasing to the eye.

If ordinary people saw it, they would definitely feel disgusted, but in Zhou Yan's eyes, this is actually a picture of gourmet food.


At this moment, the black dragon roared and approached with a fishy smell.

Apparently, someone was approaching.


The black dragon opened its bloody mouth and attacked like lightning.

"You evil beast, don't harm your master's life."

However, at the critical moment, a childish voice sounded in Zhou Yan's mind.

The next moment, a fist-sized copper coin appeared on Zhou Yan's chest.


The black dragon was too fast and hit the copper coin. It flew out and fell heavily to the ground.

"what happened?"

Zhou Yan was startled.

"Master, don't panic, I am the copper coin sword spirit."

At this time, a milky voice sounded.

The next moment, the void twisted, and a small copper coin sword emerged, suspended in mid-air.

"Copper Coin Sword Spirit?"

Zhou Yan was stunned.

This copper coin sword is no different from ordinary copper coins.

Only, there is a shadow in it.

This phantom was clearly a child around five or six years old.

Not only that, there is a copper coin mark on the forehead of this phantom.

However, the mark on this copper coin is no different from ordinary copper coins.

"Are you the Copper Coin Sword Spirit?"

Zhou Yan asked with some suspicion.


The Copper Coin Sword Spirit nodded, with a serious look on his face: "Master, please rest assured, the Copper Coin Sword Spirit is willing to follow you forever!"

While speaking, the copper coin sword spirit flicked his finger and threw the copper coin in his hand towards Zhou Yan.

With a "ding dong" sound, the copper coin fell, and the crisp sound was soothing to the eardrums.

Zhou Yan picked up the copper coins, which were cold to the touch and felt great.

"Ding! Ding!"

Moreover, this copper coin has a light yellow color and seems to have spirituality.

"Are you really a copper coin sword spirit?"

Zhou Yan looked at the copper coin suspiciously and asked.

Although this copper coin is full of spirituality, it has been in disrepair for a long time and has become rusty. It doesn't even have a trace of coercion.

"Master, this copper coin was left by my master. It is a spiritual weapon."

"Its level is not high. It only reaches the level of a Rank Two spiritual weapon. It can barely perform some minor spells."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit shook his head and said a little depressed.

"Rank Two Spirit Soldier? Can you barely cast some small spells?"

Hearing this, Zhou Yan was shocked.

Such spiritual soldiers are not a rare thing at all in Nanyang County.

What's more, Zhou Yan is also a Body Refiner.

I am not interested in spiritual soldiers.

"Master, you don't know something."

"The owner of this copper coin sword was once a strong man from the Wuzong!"

The Copper Coin Sword Spirit continued to explain: "The powerful martial artist spent a lot of effort to forge this sword when he was dying."

"He hopes that after his death, the next generation of disciples can use the copper coin sword to summon his remnant soul to come!"

"Summoning the remnant soul of the Wuzong to come?"

Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and he was quite surprised.

A strong man from the Wuzong, with monstrous fighting power, roams across the wilderness, he can be called a land god, destroying mountains with a single movement of his hands.

If his remnant soul returns, it will be an invincible force.

"That powerful martial artist finally got his wish."

"But he has forgotten that in the secular world, there is an old saying - a man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade!"

The Copper Coin Sword Spirit shook his head, and there was a trace of regret in his tone: "Back then, after that powerful martial artist forged the Copper Coin Sword, he was attacked by his enemies."

"As a result, one of my arms was cut off by my enemy and I was severely injured!"

"In order to prevent the news from leaking, he sealed his thoughts in copper coins."

"If you want him to reunite with his remaining soul, you must find a 'Three Flowers Gather On The Head' Spirit Medicine."

"Three Flowers Gather On The Head is a kind of Spirit Medicine that has the effect of nourishing the soul."

"If it is refined into elixir, it can heal the remnant soul and revive it."

"However, Three Flowers Gather On The Head is extremely rare. Even my owner doesn't know where to look for it."

The Copper Coin Sword Spirit spoke eloquently.


Zhou Yan nodded, deeply convinced.

However, he still felt that this copper coin sword was ordinary.

"Master, please take a closer look."

Suddenly, the copper coin sword spirit reminded.


In an instant, Zhou Yan raised his eyes and stared at the copper coin sword.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank, and his whole body froze on the spot, his expression frozen.

He was shocked to find that lines appeared on the surface of this rusty copper coin.

These lines are so mysterious that they seem to outline a majestic body, standing between heaven and earth.


This scene is like a miracle!


Even with Zhou Yan's mental toughness, he couldn't help but take a breath of air.

He never expected that such an astonishing scene would be hidden in this copper coin sword.

"Master, please don't misunderstand. Those scenes just now are just my master's fantasy."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit explained: "This is just the mark of residual thoughts."

"If the master can control this residual memory, he can obtain part of the memory of this powerful martial artist. Perhaps, he can obtain the Three Flowers Gather On The Head."

After saying that, the Copper Coin Sword Spirit fell silent again, silently guarding Zhou Yan's side.


After a while, Zhou Yan took a long breath, and his mind gradually returned to calm.

"The origin of this copper coin sword must be extraordinary..."

Zhou Yan murmured and put the rusty copper coin away.

Although Zhou Yan's trust in the copper coin sword is very low.

But after all, the copper coin sword saved him once, and he didn't mind giving him a reward.

"Master, you'd better leave here now."

At this time, the Copper Coin Sword Spirit spoke.

"Let's go."

Zhou Yan nodded slightly and stepped forward.

Soon, he left the Blacksmith Shop.

However, during this period, Zhou Yan also learned something from the Copper Coin Sword Spirit.

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