This ruins is surrounded by dangers and dangers.

Even with the copper coin sword, it would be difficult for him to leave safely.

Therefore, they need to plan for the long term.

"Master, you are penniless now, I suggest you change your clothes first."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit spoke.

"Oh? Can you help me buy clothes?"

Zhou Yan was startled and a little surprised.

In Qianyuan City, unless they were members of the royal family, who would dare to show off with a banknote?

"Ahem, of course my subordinates can't do it."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit coughed lightly and touched the tip of his nose awkwardly.

He is a magic weapon who can only refining artifacts but cannot sell clothes.


Suddenly, the Copper Coin Sword Spirit hesitated for a moment, as if hesitant: "Master, you are a member of the royal family. The management of this site must know you."

"You can go and beg them."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit suggested.


Hearing these words, Zhou Yan raised his eyebrows and a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes.

"In this case, without further ado, I'll go take a look now."

Zhou Yan urgently wants to know the secret of this site.

"Hey, master, come with me."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit chuckled and took Zhou Yan around a few streets to a mansion.

"Huh? Why is there this mansion here?"

Zhou Yan frowned when he saw the two words on the door plaque, feeling a little familiar.

"This is the property of the royal family!"

Copper Coin Sword Spirit spoke slowly.


Zhou Yan was startled, and then a hint of ridicule appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Is your master's tomb located in this mansion?"

"This mansion is the residence of an old friend of my master."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit explained: "However, this old friend has died for many years, and there is only an old servant left, named Uncle Lin."

"Master, this Uncle Lin is a peak Martial Dao Innate expert. He is only half a step away from the Grandmaster Realm!"

"If you can ask him to take care of you, I'm sure he will be happy to do it."

Hearing this, Zhou Yan nodded, and immediately walked straight to the door of the mansion.


The door of the mansion was closed, but it could not stop Zhou Yan's footsteps.

After a while, Zhou Yan opened the door and stepped into the mansion.


Stepping into it, Zhou Yan was stunned.

What comes into view is a spacious courtyard, lined with green trees and filled with the sounds of birds and flowers.

Deep in the courtyard, there is an elegant attic standing, with pavilions, waterside pavilions, carved railings and jade inlays, which is beautiful.

Looking around, the surrounding area was extremely empty, without any human habitation.

Only in the distance, there were bursts of noisy sounds.

"Master, it seems to be a gambling house over there."

At this time, the Copper Coin Sword Spirit reminded.

Zhou Yan looked up and saw the scene of the gambling house.

In the center of the gambling house, there is a stone tablet.

The stone tablet is several feet high, with rows of small seal characters written on it.

"Gamblers like to gather here and gamble their fortunes."

"As far as I know, hundreds of taels of silver are received here every day."

Copper Coin Sword Spirit spoke.

"Hundreds of taels of silver?"

Zhou Yan was moved.

This number is definitely heart-pounding.

He is now strapped for cash.

Now he is just a beggar.

Not to mention practicing the "Azure Lotus Technique", even eating is a problem.

Therefore, Zhou Yan is determined to get this fortune.

"Master, please come with me."

Soon, the copper coin sword spirit led Zhou Yan through the casino.

In the center of the gambling house, there are tables.

And around this table, there was a crowd of people, and it was very lively.

"Sir, what kind of Pai Gow do you want to play?"

A young boy came over enthusiastically and asked Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan didn't answer, glanced at it, and walked straight towards the nearest dice cup.


Zhou Yan stretched out his big hand and exerted force suddenly.


In an instant, the dice cup cracked and debris flew everywhere.

"This... what kind of monster is this!"

Seeing this scene, the boy was frightened.

He originally wanted to take advantage of the situation to trick a group of customers, but unexpectedly, he met a violent maniac!


Zhou Yan narrowed his eyes and stared at the boy indifferently.

"Yes, yes, sir, wait a moment."

The boy trembled all over and quickly stepped back to get the dice cup again.


Zhou Yan reached out and threw the dice, and the dice spun and finally stopped.

"Five, six, seven!"

The boy's face turned pale and he was stunned for a moment before he came to his senses and announced quickly.

"Haha, good luck."

Zhou Yan smiled and put the gold coins in his arms.

At the same time, he raised his right hand and threw out two red banknotes.

"Thank you, thank you, sir."

The boy tremblingly took the banknote and said respectfully.

"get out."

Zhou Yan waved his hand and signaled the boy to leave.

"Sir, is this little brother new here?"

After the boy left, an old man suddenly appeared.

This old man has a stooped figure, sunken cheeks, and sallow and shriveled skin, looking like an old man in his final years.

He leaned on crutches and approached Zhou Yan tremblingly, with a smile on his face: "Master, what do you want to bet on?"

"I came here to find the grave of my old friend."

Zhou Yan didn't cover up.

"I see."

The old man suddenly understood, and then pointed behind him: "Sir, the owner of this mansion is your old friend."

"What you are looking for should be in his tomb."

The old man spoke slowly.


Hearing this, a blazing light burst out from Zhou Yan's eyes.

Then, he took steps to enter the mansion.

However, when Zhou Yan stepped through the gate of the mansion, he was stunned again.

The huge mansion was actually empty, with no one around.

"It's strange. According to what the Copper Coin Sword Spirit said, the remnants of the royal family should be buried in this mansion..."

Zhou Yan frowned slightly.


Just when he was about to continue his investigation, suddenly, a black mist appeared in the void, condensing into a human face.

"Jiejiejie... I didn't expect that there are outsiders hiding in this mansion. You are very brave."

A sinister laugh erupted from the human face.


Seeing this, Zhou Yan's expression changed slightly and he quickly retreated a distance.

"Hmph, just a ray of remnant soul wants to kill me?"

The next moment, Zhou Yan snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he suddenly rushed out, his palms turned into dragon claws, and he suddenly grabbed the person's face.


At this time, the ghost also shouted angrily.

In an instant, the surrounding darkness gathered crazily, turning into a monstrous black tide that struck hard.

These black tides contain terrifying corrosiveness.

Even the hard wall was corroded with a hole.

"How dare you display your ugliness despite your small skills?"

Zhou Yan sneered and shook his arms suddenly.

The next moment, a pitch-black giant stick emerged out of thin air, bursting out with overwhelming pressure and roaring like the top of Mount Tai.

In an instant, all those surging clouds were shaken away.

Moreover, the vast power carried by the giant pillar directly blasted the human face into powder.


Seeing this scene, the gamblers around them gasped and looked shocked.

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