Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 144, Purchase Star-Rated Mobile Phones And Signal Towers

Zhou Yan smiled at them and said: "This time [Fantasy World] and the group really gained a lot. I discovered that there are a lot of luck-enhancing equipment sold in that world, and the prices are very low."

"In that world, equipment that increases spiritual power, or equipment and skills related to magic power, sell for very high prices, and the market is very large. Therefore, we need to pay more attention to these items in the future..."

Zhou Yan told everyone about the market situation of [Fantasy World] and then asked them to record it.

Then he asked Xiaowei which world had the most equipment and skills, and the specific location.

Because they recorded a lot of things, Zhou Yan simply asked them to start dividing the work. He was even afraid that they would forget, so he gave each of them a small notebook to write down everything in it.

One person is responsible for a world, and Xiaowei will provide general command and follow-up here. You can communicate with Xiaowei about anything.

However, before that, he needed to deal with the Star Communication mobile phone and signal tower.

Zhou Yan put on the "Mask of the Phantom God" and changed his appearance to that of a person on the planet [Micro Morning Star].

The people in this world don't look like humans at all, but they look a lot like aliens from foreign science fiction movies on Earth.

Very ugly and weird.

"Why are there such people in the world?"

Diao Chan and the others frowned when they saw Zhou Yan's changed image, wondering why these people looked like this. They looked very uncomfortable, like monsters.

"There are a lot of weird-looking people in the world. Wait until I come back. I will buy a mobile phone from that world first."

Zhou Yan mainly bought interstellar communication mobile phones in the past so that everyone could communicate in time. Even if they didn't understand, he could pass various messages to them in a timely manner through Xiaowei.

After teleporting to [Micro Morning Star Trading Market], he found that this place was indeed a science fiction-like world, with various high-rise buildings and even many airships flying high in the sky.

This is a high-tech science fiction world.

According to Xiaowei's tips, he didn't stay in this world for a long time and directly took a taxi to the corresponding place.

People here only need to pay a certain amount of spiritual coins to take a taxi to any place.

This flying car is suspended in the air without a single tire. It is very high-tech and very comfortable to sit on. There is no feeling of shaking at all. It is indeed much more convenient than trading markets in other worlds.

These flying cars are driverless, fully automatic and intelligent, and are very intelligent.

Arriving at a commercial building with several hundred floors, he saw many aliens.

These aliens look strange and strange. Although they are humanoid and can walk upright, the shape of their brains is very different from humans and is relatively large.

The frontal bones are prominent, and many aliens even have surprisingly large heads, like pumpkins.

If "Mask of the Phantom God" hadn't changed his appearance, I'm afraid he would have been regarded as an alien when he appeared.

He quickly took the high-speed elevator to the 100th floor and entered a store. A female alien shopping guide politely asked him what he needed to buy. He directly told him what he needed, and the other party immediately took him to the corresponding store. The place.

These are all high-end mobile phones with all kinds of strange shapes.

He finally saw the interstellar communication phone, and it came in many shapes.

He chose one with the same shape as a watch. It only needs to be worn on the hand to perform various operations, which is very convenient.

"Give me a hundred of this mobile phone." Zhou Yan said.

Alien shopping guide: "(゚ロ゚ノ)ノ"

The other party was very surprised. She did not expect that the other party would buy a hundred units at once. She had never met such a buyer.

"Okay, I can give you a discount. Welcome to buy again next time."

The alien shopping guide was very happy and said politely to Zhou Yan.

She even winked at Zhou Yan. Her expression and appearance... no matter how you looked at it, she seemed to be... seducing him.

One hundred interstellar communication mobile phones, each worth 2 million spiritual coins, were originally worth 200 million, but were finally sold for 180 million.

Ignoring the alien shopping guide's flirtatious glances, he quickly left here.

He really couldn't appreciate the aesthetics of this world.

He teleported back quickly.

However, he still needs to go to the [Pegasus Hamsk Trading Market] to buy a signal tower.

Only by building signal towers can signal transmission in various worlds be guaranteed.

After placing the interstellar communication phone here, he changed his appearance again and turned into an octopus head.

There is no way, why do people from [Pegasus Star] look like this?

"Haha, Lord, you are too ugly."

Next to them, Liu Yue and the others were all smiling brightly. It was true that Zhou Yan looked like this, not only weird, but also ugly.

"Smile, I don't like this look either."

Zhou Yan started teleporting and left here.

After arriving at [Pegasus Star Hamsk Trading Market], he did not expect that this place was a trading market built in the air.

And it looks like this trading market is all made of steel, like a huge spaceship floating in the sky.

This is also a high-tech alien world, but it is very different from [Micro Morning Star].

People here will fly on a suspended instrument similar to the size of a balance car.

Although it doesn't fly very high, it looks quite strange.

He thought this thing was pretty good and planned to see if it was sold here.

Because as the territory area increases, the time required to walk also increases. If you use this thing to travel, you can save a lot of time.

Of course, not all people on [Pegasus] fly on that suspended instrument, and some [Pegasus] also walk.

The heads of people in [Pegasus Star] are basically octopus-shaped, and their bodies are as thin as bamboo poles, but they are all quite tall. Adults are all over two and a half meters tall.

Someone like him who is less than two meters tall is considered a 'dwarf winter melon'.

He came to the trading area and looked curiously at the items sold here.

All are high-tech items.

Particle bombs, micro pistols, laser swords, blasters, electric blasters...

Everything made him itchy, and he wanted to pack up the entire trading market.

Anyway, he could afford the price of these weapons. He bought some of each, maybe it would be useful.

Seeing that he bought so many weapons, the store also introduced him to better weapons, such as suspended combat vehicles, suspended helicopters, suspended tanks, armor-piercing cannons, high-energy ion mines, star battleships,...

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