Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 145, Bargaining With Aliens

Zhou Yan: "Σ(゜ロ゜;)"

I just want to buy some small weapons, and you show me these?

Do you want me to invade other worlds?

Not to mention, this [Pegasus] is really a war planet, with the goal of attacking other planets and plundering the resources of other planets.

According to this understanding, the other party introduced these Transcendent Level weapons to him, which was indeed a "check".

These tools of war do look good, but they cannot be mastered in a short time.

Although he really wanted these, he still didn't buy them.

But he might come back to buy it in the future. After all, these things do have their merits.

He found the floating scooter. The price was not very expensive, ranging from a thousand spirit coins to tens of thousands of spirit coins.

He has taken a fancy to a floating scooter that costs 10,000 spirit coins. This kind of floating scooter can not only be directly charged by solar energy, but is also very fast.

He even tried it, and it was very easy to operate. He only needed to stand up and control the speed freely.

He liked it immediately.

"Boss, I need 10,000 units of this floating scooter. Can you give me a preferential price?"

Zhou Yan said.

"Oh, okay, no problem..."

Afterwards, the alien boss was stunned, and then asked a little surprised: "Um, how much did you just say you needed?"

"Ten thousand units." Zhou Yan replied.

"One, ten thousand units..."

It took the alien boss a long time to come to his senses, and he quickly said with a smile: "Friend, your choice is definitely not wrong. I will give you the best price, nine thousand units."

"Six thousand." Zhou Yan replied.

Alien boss: "(;゚Д゚i!)"

It is naturally impossible to get one unit with six thousand spirit coins, which is not even enough for the cost price.

The two began to bargain. Zhou Yan did not expect that the aliens here were quite good at bargaining. It seemed that businessmen in many worlds were similar.

In the end, they successfully traded for 8,000 units.

When he came to the store designated by the signal tower, he bought the [Super Planet Signal Tower] directly from the boss.

Ten million spirit coins is not a penny.

The price of every item in this store is very high, the lowest items are hundreds of thousands of spirit coins, and the highest items are even worth tens of billions of spirit coins.

The [Super Planet Signal Tower] was not big, only three meters high. After buying the things, he left here.

After teleporting back, he placed the [Super Planet Signal Tower] on the ground.

"Does this signal tower only need to be placed before it can be used?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Wait a minute while I connect these phones to the towers."

After Xiaowei finished speaking, he connected the signals of the hundred interstellar communication mobile phones with this [Super Planet Signal Tower]. A few minutes later, Xiaowei said: "Lord, the connection has been completed. You only need to put on the communication mobile phone. , you can communicate in various worlds.”

“Just connect.”

The interstellar communication mobile phone and the [Super Planet Signal Tower] cost him a total of 190 million spiritual coins, but this money had to be spent.

Everything was ready, and he gave each of the twenty-four people a mask that could change their appearance.

The function of this mask is naturally not as good as his Phantom God Mask, but it does have the ability to change one's appearance.

Next, everyone wore an interstellar communication mobile phone, and he also wore one. If anything happened, he could be contacted in time.

Zhou Yan began to arrange for them to enter each world to purchase various items. They followed each person to each world, and finally he was left alone.

The rest of the time, he just had to sit and wait to receive the money.

I looked at the time and didn't expect it was already the next day.

He returned to Canglan World first and received a lot of missed calls on his mobile phone.

Some of them were companies that he had contacted yesterday, but most of them were cold calls from companies that got the news relatively late and wanted to establish a cooperative relationship with him.

He ignored it. He wouldn't stay in Xia City for long.

After staying for a month at most, he will leave Xia City and head to the city where Ziwei Academy is located.

Although the admission notice has not yet come out, I believe that within a few days, my old classmate will tell him the good news.

He took the initiative to contact yesterday's company and asked them to deliver all the items to the gate of the community.

The other party had been ready for a long time and was waiting for his call. After getting the address, they immediately asked the driver to pull the items over.

Not long after, vehicles from these companies arrived outside the community one after another, which made the nearby residents surprised.

"Yesterday I saw a lot of big trucks. Why are there so many big trucks today? What on earth are they transporting?"

"Isn't this sent to the wrong place? With so many things, shouldn't they be sent to the warehouse?"

"I seemed to see a young man in the community yesterday. They all seemed to belong to him, but the strange thing was that he seemed to look behind the big truck. Not long after, the trucks drove away."

"No way, you brought the big truck here just to let him take a look?"

"No, the car was full when they came, but empty when they left."

"So, there is a High Level lord in our community. I heard that it will take a lot of their mental energy to deliver so many goods to the territory."

"Who knows, ordinary people like us, how can we understand the methods of those lords."


As more and more residents came to watch, they were also very curious as to when the community had a High Level lord.

In addition to some lords who lived in old communities like theirs when they were first built, those lords later moved away one after another as other sites were developed.

Therefore, there is no lord in their community.

Even a newly graduated lord would not be able to use so many supplies. Therefore, they determined that these many supplies must belong to a High Level lord.

Everyone was curious when a High Level lord came to the community, so they were all waiting for him to show up.

When Zhou Yan appeared, no one paid attention.

After all, Zhou Yan is too young to be a High Level lord.

When Zhou Yan appeared, several good-looking women who had obviously been carefully dressed appeared from several cars. They quickly came to Zhou Yan holding documents one after another.

"Hello, I am the merchandiser of Hailang Food Co., Ltd., my name is..."

"Hello, Lord Zhou Yan, I am..."

"Hello, you are Lord Zhou Yan. Let me introduce myself. I am..."


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