Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 146, The Terrifying Speed Of Making Money

These people were all staff of those companies, and even several company bosses came in person.

"Zhou Yan, it is indeed you!"

One of the girls was very surprised when she saw Zhou Yan. She was very shocked.

She is Zhou Yan's classmate, but she has not awakened the Heart of the Lord. This time she came with her father to take a look, but she didn't expect that she was actually her classmate.


Zhou Yan also said hello kindly.

He wasn't very familiar with anyone in the class, and they just had an ordinary relationship with each other as classmates. He didn't show any concern or alienation, he just said hello.

The girl gave a bitter smile. Although she wanted to get close to the other party, after feeling the casual and indifferent greeting from the other party, she did not want the other party to think that she wanted to get closer deliberately.

Although her father has been urging her, he wants to use their classmate relationship to help sign the contract, and even develop a relationship if there is a chance.

But the girl was obviously very dissatisfied. Could it be that she was just a tool used by her father?

She was very dissatisfied with her father's behavior and left directly, causing her father's face to darken immediately.

"Come one by one."

Zhou Yan asked them to line up and began to receive the items one by one. After checking the number of items, he immediately transferred the money to the other party, and finally collected all the items in the car into the territory.

He always refused any cooperation with other companies and did not give them any hope.

The surrounding residents were shocked!

They never thought that so many supplies belonged to a young man like Zhou Yan.

"I have the impression that this young man has lived here since he was a child. I didn't expect that he not only awakened the Heart of the Lord, but also had so much money to buy so many supplies. Could this be funded by a large enterprise? Bar?"

"Isn't this Zhou Yan? He has awakened the Heart of the Lord!"

"Look at today's newspapers and the city's news. There is news about Zhou Yan!"

"What? It's even on TV. I'll watch it too..."

"Oh my god! He actually scored 750 points in the exam, ranking 900th in the country. This is a college of the four major lords!"

"I never expected that such a genius would appear in our community!"

"This child has really made it through. Although his parents were also lords, they died when he was very young. Unexpectedly, unexpectedly... He was a good child, and he was also very self-reliant... ."


After collecting all the supplies, Zhou Yan persuaded all the people in those companies to leave. Naturally, they would not offend a promising new lord and had no choice but to leave.

Later, under the admiration of countless residents, Zhou Yan walked up to several familiar neighbors and took out many precious gifts from the territory: "Grandpa Niu, thank you for your care over the years. I have nothing to give, so these are I’ll give it to you.”

"Okay, okay, Grandpa Niu is happy that you can achieve what you have today."

"Aunt Zhang, thank you for always bringing me delicious food."

"It's nothing, it's nothing. Aunt Zhang has treated you as her own son since she was a child, haha."



These people were all happy for Zhou Yan's current achievements. They were really happy to see Zhou Yan's current achievements and status, and some even cried with joy.

They all grew up watching Zhou Yan. Although they were not related by blood, they were almost like relatives.

"Brother Zhou Yan, I will become an outstanding lord like you in the future."

A little boy of five or six years old walked up to Zhou Yan and said with a serious expression.

Zhou Yan smiled, picked him up, and said, "Then you can't be picky about food all the time, and you can't eat too many snacks, otherwise you won't be able to awaken the Heart of the Lord when you grow up."

There was laughter all around, and the entire community was filled with a cheerful atmosphere.

Many neighbors began to make arrangements to celebrate Zhou Yan. This kind of thing was originally done by Zhou Yan's parents, but Zhou Yan had no relatives, so they treated Zhou Yan as their junior.

Zhou Yan did not refuse. These neighbors had taken care of him since he was a child and treated him very well. After eating a rich meal, he returned home.

Outside the community, fireworks filled the sky. Many people felt that the emergence of a Prodigy from one of the four major colleges in the community was something worthy of celebration, and they began to celebrate.

Zhou Yan smiled and teleported back to the territory.

The territory seems a bit deserted.

People within the territory either went to the [Heritage Temple] to receive inheritance transfers, or they went to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] to purchase items.

He can always detect changes in the territory's funds and items.

Even so, the territory's funds have always maintained a rising rate. If the outside world knew about this rate of making money, they would probably be stunned.

In a short period of time, his spiritual currency data reached 5 billion, and it was still increasing at an extremely fast rate. He didn't know how high it would be in one day.

Twenty-four people, in each of the twenty-four worlds, purchase the items with the lowest prices in that world, and then sell the items that are most needed in that world. It is too difficult not to make money.

Only he can have this method of making money.

This kind of pleasure of making money is something that most people simply cannot experience.

He was very happy in his heart. The more spirit coins he had, the faster the territory would develop.

There are still some people in the territory. After all, there are only twenty-four people who can enter [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] now.

As the territory becomes larger, more manpower is needed, but the territory still lacks many people.

There are still many things that need him to do in the territory.

He took out the hover scooter, stood on it, and started moving.

The hover scooter is very fast, much faster than walking.

Coupled with the acceleration function of the floor tiles, it can save people in the territory a lot of walking time.

He first went to the [Sansheng Stone] to sign in, and then went to the [Mysterious Shop] to buy out the items inside.

Today’s [Mysterious Shop], what’s refreshed is the job transfer scroll.

What was refreshed twice were job transfer scrolls, ten in total, one of which was an S-quality job transfer scroll called "Shadow Assassin".

Others are low-quality job transfer scrolls.

He already has a lot of job transfer scrolls, and he will deal with them when he has time.

Although there are too many things that need to be done in the territory, things still have to be done one by one.

He came to [Tongque Terrace] first.

The territory still doesn't have enough manpower, so we need to summon more heroes.

Even if you don't summon heroes, those palace ladies and maids are still very good.

The current level of [Tongque Terrace] is level 25. He has purchased some upgrade materials and started to upgrade [Tongque Terrace].

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 80,000 spirit coins and 60 one-star energy Spirit Stones will raise the level of [Bronze Bird Terrace] to Level 26."

Territory prompt: "Consume 90,000 spirit coins and 70 one-star energy Spirit Stones to raise the level of [Bronze Bird Terrace] to Level 27."

Territory prompt: "Consume one hundred thousand spirit coins and eighty one-star energy Spirit Stones to raise the level of [Bronze Bird Terrace] to Level 28."


[Building: Tongque Terrace]

[Level: Level 40]

[Required for upgrade: 700,000 spirit coins, 200 four-star energy Spirit Stones]

[Quality: RRR]

[Defense: 200000/200000]

[Function: Summon]

[Special Attribute 1: Female Hero]

[Special Attribute 2: Summoning Heroes Success Rate +40%]

[Special attribute three: Success rate of summoning special items +20%]

[Special Attribute 4: Probability of high-quality items appearing +10%]

[Introduction: There are many female heroes from other worlds living in it, each of them has very powerful abilities. Basic summons consume 100 soul coins each time, Middle Level summons consume 500 soul coins each time, High Level summons consume 1,000 soul coins each time, and Transcendent Level summons consume 10,000 soul coins each time. Note: The more you consume, the greater the probability of summoning a hero! ]

After upgrading the Tongque Terrace to Level 40, he has no more materials.

He doesn't have much of the four-star energy Spirit Stone.

For him now, it is enough.

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