Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 150, Dealing With The Elf Queen

Zhou Yan did not overtake the car and said directly: "Dear Elf Queen, do you want to make money?"

Elf Queen: "(#゚д゚メ)???"

One word can stop her.

"Can you explain it more clearly? I'm not sure."

The Elf Queen was so pure, so naturally she couldn't understand the meaning of Zhou Yan's words.

Zhou Yan smiled, like a big gray wolf meeting a beautiful sheep.

Explained: "I need a lot of materials, wood is just one of them, and because I am too busy and have limited time and energy, I cannot collect enough materials."

"So, I want you to help collect the materials, and then I will buy them directly from you. In this way, hello, me, and everyone."

It's a very simple cooperation, but it's still a win-win situation. Anyone who isn't a fool will not refuse.

As the leader of the entire Spirit World, the Elf Queen is the strongest in terms of manpower and prestige. As long as she raises her arms, the spirit coins will not go into her pocket.

"I probably understand what you mean. You want me to buy the items you need from my people, and then you buy those items from me. Is that what you mean?"

It was obviously the first time for the Elf Queen to come into contact with a 'businessman', but she still knew the truth.

"That's it. Think about it, it's not easy for your people. If you can help them get a little more income, it will be a great achievement on your part."

"This will not only allow you to obtain additional financial income, but you can also use this money to benefit the entire elves, allowing more elves to worship you, and making you the most admired queen by elves in history. This is a very beautiful thing. matter."

Zhou Yan's words indeed touched the heart of the Elf Queen, but she was still a little unsure and asked: "Do you know that this is not a small amount of money? How can I believe that you have so much wealth? "

In the entire Spirit World, apart from her, it is very unbelievable that other elves want to have a lot of wealth.

"Dear Elf Queen, although I want to remain mysterious, in order to make you believe, I can only reveal a little information. I believe you will keep the secret for me."

Zhou Yan started to talk nonsense, but he thought it was a white lie.

"Don't worry about this. My guards and I will keep the secret for you. We in the entire Spirit World are people who keep our promises, so you don't have to worry."

The Elf Queen said with great certainty.

Zhou Yan then made a relaxed expression, and then said: "That's it, I have obtained a source channel for weapons and equipment. As for what channel it is, I regret to tell you that I can't tell you. You also know that the entire In Spirit World, weapons and equipment are very scarce, so you don’t have to worry about me running out of money.”

Before coming here, Zhou Yan had a general understanding of this place. After coming here, through his personal investigation and questioning, he did find that weapons here are in short supply, and even equipment is also in short supply.

Elves don't like equipment made of heavy armor. Few elves will wear that kind of heavy armor equipment because it will affect their flight.

Therefore, the most popular items here, besides bows and arrows, are equipment such as leather armor.

Moreover, the heavy armor equipment here is just like giving it away for free. He has collected a lot of heavy armor equipment along the way.

"This is true!" The Elf Queen was indeed very surprised when she heard this.

No one in Spirit World can forge weapons and equipment. All equipment can only be found by opening boxes, but the probability is too small.

This is also an important reason why equipment is so scarce in the entire Spirit World.

"Dear Elf Queen, we elves never lie, and I can't lie in front of you."

Zhou Yan said very sincerely, he is not an elf anyway, lying has nothing to do with his human identity, right?

The Elf Queen nodded and said: "I think your proposal is very good, but I want to buy a batch of equipment from you first. Is that okay?"

These words also have the meaning of temptation. If Zhou Yan can't come up with it, then he is lying.

"Of course, I wonder how much quantity you need?"

He had already contacted Xiaowei before and asked others to collect more equipment such as bows, arrows and leather armor.

After these few hours, the territory already has a lot of weapons and equipment, and the first batch of equipment will definitely satisfy the Elf Queen.

"I wonder if there are ten thousand sets?" the Elf Queen asked.

"Yes, dear Elf Queen, I think we can trade in barter. As for the price difference, how about paying it with spirit coins?"

Zhou Yan is very satisfied with this journey. As long as there is a source of wood, the rest of the matter will be much easier.

"Okay." The Elf Queen was indeed satisfied with Zhou Yan's words.

They began to discuss the prices of various equipment and wood.

Two hours later, they reached an agreement, negotiated a price, and began trading the first batch of items.

Zhou Yan used 10,000 sets of leather armor, as well as bows and arrows, and crossbows to trade wood, heavy armor, wood-attribute crystal cores and other items with the Elf Queen.

Zhou Yan even suggested that the Elf Queen recycle the damaged equipment, and he would buy it when the time comes.

The other party naturally agreed and sold him a lot of damaged equipment at extremely low prices.

Zhou Yan is naturally very happy. These equipments only need to be repaired before they can be sold again.

The Elf Queen was also very happy, because these broken equipment would have to be discarded even if they were not sold. She also gained additional financial income, which was indeed a good thing.

They all ended the transaction happily and started discussing the next transaction.

The time was set for tomorrow, so Zhou Yan naturally agreed.

He returned to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] with a large amount of wood of various stars and various items. He checked the time and saw that there was still some time left. He asked Xiaowei to continue collecting bows, arrows, leather armor, etc. equipment, and he returned to the territory and began to upgrade various buildings.

He started to upgrade the [King Crystal] first.

Naturally, what was consumed was the spirit coins and three-star wood attribute crystal cores. These crystal cores were obtained from the [Elf Forest Continent] in exchange for the Elf Queen.

There are a lot of wood-type crystal nuclei there, and their prices are several times cheaper than those in other worlds.

When the [King Crystal] is upgraded to level 30, the King Crystal has one more attribute.

[Building: King Crystal]

[Level: 30]

[Required for upgrade: 150,000 spirit coins, 150 three-star crystal cores of the same attribute]

[Quality: SS (0/1)]

[Required for upgrade: a piece of Lord Crystal]

[Defense: 17000/17000]

[Shield: 70000/70000]

[Special Attribute 1: Thunder Attack]

[Special Attribute 2: Within the territory, all elemental attacks +30%, defense +30%]

[Special Attribute Three: Chain Lightning]

[Special Attribute Four: Vine Entanglement, Wood Thorn Attack]

[Introduction: The core hub of Lord Space, the evolved crystal, integrates offense and defense, and will actively attack all malicious creatures within a hundred meters. When using the same type of crystal to upgrade, there is a certain probability of obtaining the attack bonus of that attribute. ]

The attack of the wood type was always a little weaker. Next, he wanted to change another attribute to upgrade the [King Crystal], so he put this aside for now.

(Author: At least six updates today, let’s see what my limit is.)

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