Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 151, Summoning The Hero Gao Shun

Next, he started to upgrade the [Aura Bamboo House]. Although he now has the [Lingxiao Palace], the items needed for that building are too High Level, and he has no idea of ​​looking for those materials now.

Territory prompt: "Consumption of 30,000 spirit coins, 100 three-star wood, [Spirit Vein Bamboo House] level is upgraded to Level 21."


Territory prompt: "Consumption of 120,000 spirit coins, 1,000 three-star wood, and [Spirit Vein Wooden House] level will be upgraded to Level 30."


Territory prompt: "Consumption of 320,000 spirit coins, 2,000 three-star wood, and [Spirit Vein Loft] level will be increased to Level 40."


Territory prompt: "Consume 900,000 spirit coins, 1,000 four-star wood, and raise the [Spirit Vein Courtyard] level to Level 50."

[Building: Spirit Vein Courtyard]

[Level: Level 50]

[Required for upgrade: 1 million spirit coins, 100 wood of five stars or above]

[Quality: S(0/1)]

[Upgrade required: One Low Grade Spirit Vein]

[Defense: 150000/150000]

[Special Attribute 1: Condensing Spirit Gathering]

[Special attribute two: Cultivation speed +50%]

[Special attribute three: +50% all recovery speed]

[Special Attribute Four: Perception +20%]

[Special Attribute Five: Gathering Spirit Vein]

[Introduction: Able to absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, allowing people to speed up their cultivation. It can also gather Spirit Vein to speed up recovery. ]

From the Level 20 [Spirit Vein Bamboo House] to the Level 50 [Spirit Vein Courtyard], it has completely changed. It is not what it used to be.

It turned into a huge yard, and the area was more than ten times larger than before. If his territory hadn't greatly increased in area, even upgrading the buildings would have been a huge problem.

[Spirit Vein Small Courtyard] is full of spiritual energy, with pavilions, flowers, trees, rockeries and ponds all available, just like a unique small courtyard in ancient times.

There are also a lot of rooms inside. Each attic is five stories high and can accommodate many people.

He was very satisfied with the changes in this building and wondered what it would look like after it reaches full level.

But this requires a lot of resources, and he can only do it step by step now.

Next he started to upgrade [White Robe Ghost Soldier].

There are still too few soldiers in the territory. He previously obtained an S-quality barracks [Broken Camp Army]. He originally thought about whether he could exchange it for something better, but now that he thinks about it, he can still use it himself.

According to his thoughts, this S-quality barracks [Broken Camp Army] is likely to evolve into the most Apex Level barracks.

He was still looking forward to it.

After consuming countless materials, I finally raised the level of [White-robed Ghost Soldier] to Level 50.

[Building: White-robed Ghost Soldiers]

[Level: Level 50]

[Required for upgrade: 1.1 million spirit coins, 500 five-star wood, 500 five-star stone]

[Quality: SSS (0/3)]

[Required for quality upgrade: 3 SS quality barracks]

[Defense: 400000/400000]

[Attribute: Every 1,000 soul coins consumed can summon a white-robed ghost soldier. Current maximum number of people (700/7000) ]

[Special Attribute 1: Military training experience +50%]

[Special Attribute 2: Combat Power +40%]

[Special attribute three: all attributes +30%]

[Special Attribute Four: Damage +20%]

[Special Attribute Five: Defense +10%]

[Introduction: Famous teachers and generals should not stay in prison, and thousands of troops should avoid white robes. If the unparalleled ghost general Chen Qingzhi is in charge, this army will be difficult to stop! ]

[White-robed Ghost Soldier] After the level of the barracks was upgraded, the area it occupied also increased more than ten times.

However, his current territory is very large, which is enough for the time being, and the remaining buildings at the same level are still not a problem.

You can summon 6,300 more soldiers.

[White-robed Ghost Soldier] Prompt: "Consume 1,000 soul coins to summon an ordinary soldier."

[White-robed Ghost Soldier] Prompt: "Consume 1,000 soul coins to summon a corps commander."

[White-robed Ghost Soldier] Prompt: "Consume 1,000 soul coins to summon an ordinary soldier."



A total of 6.3 million soul coins were consumed and 6,300 soldiers were summoned, including many more positions.

They are respectively the Zhonglang General, the Duwei, and the Partial General.

And their quality ranges from SSS to RR.

This is definitely a good thing for him.

He raised the levels of 6,300 soldiers to Level 30, spending hundreds of millions of soul coins.

As for the soldiers above the rank of corps commander, he only raised their level to Level 50.

The more soldiers you have, the more soul coins you need to upgrade.

To upgrade an S-quality soldier to Level 100, approximately 28.3 million soul coins are needed.

The tenth place is 283 million soul coins, the hundredth place is 2.83 billion soul coins, the thousandth place is 28.3 billion soul coins...

If the hero is upgraded to full level, the soul coins will be doubled.

So the number of his soul coins is far from enough.

More than a billion soul coins are used to upgrade the level of soldiers, which can only make a splash.

Besides, he has spent a lot of soul coins now, and he doesn't have more than a billion at all.

This is the difficulty of improving the level of high-quality troops.

If the soldier's quality is below A quality, the soul coins will be halved, but the combat effectiveness will be several levels worse.

He then began to upgrade the level of the [Trapped Camp] barracks.

It is also upgraded to Level 50 and there is no further upgrade.

[Building: Trapped in Faction]

[Level: Level 50]

[Required for upgrade: two million spiritual coins, one thousand five-star wood, one thousand five-star stone]

[Quality: R(0/2)]

[Required for quality upgrade: 2 R quality barracks]

[Defense: 500000/500000]

[Attribute: Every time 1500 soul coins are consumed, a soldier trapped in the camp can be summoned. The current maximum number of people that can be summoned (500/8000)]

[Special Attribute 1: Increase all attributes of all trapped camp soldiers by 50%. ]

[Special Attribute 2: Increase the morale of all trapped camp soldiers by 50% and combat effectiveness by 50%. ]

[Special Attribute Three: When surrounded, the will to be trapped breaks out, all attributes +100%, combat power +100%, charge speed +100%, lasts for 60 minutes. ]

[Special Attribute Four: Defense +40%]

[Special Attribute Five: Strength +30%]

[Introduction: The ambition to stay in battle, life and death, strict discipline, and invincibility. If the trapped camp is led by Gao Shun, greater combat effectiveness will erupt. ]

Like the [White Robe Ghost Soldier] barracks, after the [Trapped Camp] was upgraded, the area of ​​the entire barracks also increased more than ten times.

A lot of facilities and buildings for military training have been added.

He is very satisfied with the upgraded barracks.

Then the soldiers began to be summoned.

[Trapped in the camp] Prompt: "Consume 1,500 soul coins to summon an ordinary soldier."

[Trapped in the camp] Prompt: "Consume 1,500 soul coins to summon a general."

[Trapped in the camp] Prompt: "Consume 1,500 soul coins to summon a captain."


[Trapped in the camp] prompt: "Consume 1,500 soul coins to summon the hero [Gao Shun]."

"Damn it! I finally summoned [Gao Shun]!"

He looked happily at the audience, a ray of light flashed, and a mighty soldier cupped his fists and saluted him: "General Gao Shun, pay your respects to the lord."

(Author: I try to keep as few attributes as possible, but if I don’t write about the added building attributes, you will find it unclear. It’s too difficult for me.)

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