"General Gao, please get up quickly!"

He admired Gao Shun extremely.

This man is really a great talent.

Not only did he command the troops well, he was also extremely loyal and loyal. He was a man who would rather die than surrender.

He immediately checked Gao Shun's attributes and found that he was indeed an Apex Level RRR-quality hero.

Such a hero must be upgraded to full level.

After spending more than 50 million soul coins to raise Gao Shun's level to full level, he began to check Gao Shun's attributes.

[Name: Gao Shun]

[Sex: Male ]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Human race]

[Lord: Zhou Yan]

[Quality: RRR]

[Loyalty: 100]

[Level: 100]

[Upgrade required: Full level]

[Charm: 220 (Basic 2)]

[Luck: 220 (Basic 2)]

[Strength: 220 (Basic 2)]

[Physique: 231 (Basic 3.1)]

[Agility: 230 (Basic 3)]

[Spirit: 220 (Basic 2)]

[Talent: Mammoth War Spirit]

[Skills: Commanding troops (army combat effectiveness +100%), training troops (can be trained to fall into the camp, soldiers' combat effectiveness and discipline are greatly increased), trapping (charge into the formation, increase the army's all attributes by 20% + combat effectiveness +100%), treat death as if it were home (all attributes 50%, +100% morale), loyalty (damage received -50%)]

[Qualification: RRR]

[Skill: None]

[Realm: None]

[Introduction: Evolved by mysterious energy, basic attributes increase tenfold. He is unparalleled in loyalty, first-class in military training, and strict in commanding troops. ]

"You will still be the commander-in-chief of [the trapped camp] from now on, and you will still be the supreme general of this army!" Zhou Yan said.

"Thank you Lord, Gao Shun will go all out and not let the Lord down."

Gao Shun was full of dignity and answered loudly.

He summoned all the soldiers who could be summoned by the trapped camp. Although he also summoned many heroes, those heroes were not as good as Gao Shun, so he left them to Gao Shun to make arrangements for himself.

He still raised the level of these soldiers to level 30, and then asked Gao Shun to take people to the [Heritage Temple] for job transfer.

Recently, soldiers from the Heritage Temple have failed one after another. Those trials are not so easy to complete.

He doesn't care. Anyway, he can enter once a month. If he fails once, he will succeed the second time or the third time.

If that doesn't work, use the job-changing scroll. Anyway, he has a lot of job-changing scrolls.

After that, he took out the S-quality barracks [Broken Camp Army] and started building them.

Territory prompt: "Build [Broken Camp Army], [Broken Camp Army] evolved into [Han Cavalry]."

Zhou Yan: “( ̄□ ̄;)”

"It turns out to be a Han cavalry!"

I didn't expect that such an army would evolve. This is a cavalry team, very powerful.

He checked the attributes of this army and found that it was indeed an Apex Level RRR quality army. He did not hesitate and immediately raised the level of the Han cavalry.

[Building: Han Dynasty Iron Cavalry]

[Level: Level 50]

[Required for upgrade: three million spiritual coins, five thousand five-star wood, five thousand five-star stone]

[Quality: RRR]

[Defense: 2000000/2000000]

[Attribute: Every time 3000 soul coins are consumed, a Han cavalry can be summoned. The current maximum number of people that can be summoned (0/10000) ]

[Special Attribute 1: Riding Speed ​​+100%]

[Special attribute two: Cavalry combat effectiveness +100%]

[Special attribute three: Cavalry mobility +100%]

[Special attribute four: Cavalry impact +100%]

[Special attribute five: Cavalry all attributes +50%]

[Introduction: The Han cavalry, famous far and wide, swept across the barbarians and recovered the mountains and rivers! ]

The Han Dynasty was a dynasty with a long history. He was quite curious about the strength of this army. Unfortunately, he did not have a breeding farm now.

Can a cavalry without a mount still be called a cavalry?

But he can summon the soldiers first and let them complete the job transfer first. As for the breeding farm, he will go to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] to check it out later.

[White-robed Ghost Soldier] Prompt: "Consume 3,000 soul coins to summon a Han cavalry."


[White-robed Ghost Soldier] prompt: "Consume 3,000 soul coins to summon a hero [Li Guang]."

Hearing this prompt, he was obviously startled, and then became shocked.

"It can't be 'Flying General Li Guang'!"

He quickly looked at the person he had just summoned.

"Li Guang, the last general, pays homage to the lord."

A man knelt down and worshiped Zhou Yan. This man looked heroic and tall. He looked like a fierce man at first glance.

Although Li Guang's reputation is not as big as that of Wei Qing and Huo Qubing, his strength should not be underestimated and he is also a good general.

It's just not suitable for military training, and the discipline of the army is not very good, but as a general, he is still very powerful in combat, and few generals can compare with him.

Li Guang's quality is RRR, and various skills also increase the combat effectiveness of the cavalry. It is very good. He has raised Li Guang's level to Level 50.

Then he began to summon the [Han Iron Cavalry], and obtained many generals in the process, such as Deng Yu, Kou Xun, Feng Yi, Cen Peng, Jia Fu, and others among the twenty-eight generals of Yuntai.

But their quality is from R to RR, which is not comparable to Apex Level heroes like Li Guang.

After the 10,000 [Han Cavalry] were summoned, he still failed to get the general he imagined.

"Hey! It seems that my Wei Qing and Huo Qubing can only be summoned later."

After raising the level of 10,000 [Han Cavalry] to level 30, he asked Li Guang to lead these soldiers to the [Heritage Temple] in batches for job transfer.

Of course, Li Guang was very happy to temporarily become the general of an army of 10,000 people, but he was a little hesitant, as if he had something in mind.

"General Li Guang, if you have something to say, you might as well say it directly," Zhou Yan said.

"It's like this. I don't know when the lord will be equipped with mounts. If there are no mounts, how is my team different from the infantry?"

Li Guang replied quickly.

It turned out that this was what Li Guang was going to do even if he didn't say anything. He replied: "Don't worry, you will have this when you come out of the [Heritage Temple]."

Since it is an Apex Level army, he cannot use ordinary mounts. He has to take a good look at [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] to see if there are any good mounts. If not, he can only use ordinary war horses instead.

"I'll take my leave then."

Li Guang quickly led his soldiers to transfer positions. For generals like him, only fighting can show their role.

(Author: Come on, tell us about the hero you want to summon.)

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