Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 154, Go To Canglan Continent Trading Market

He first asked Xiaowei about the trading markets in various worlds. Xiaowei replied that everything was normal, and he had begun renting shops and hiring others to trade in many worlds.

The things they sell are the most needed items in that world, so it is expected that they will be popular.

The spirit coins in the territory are growing at an alarming rate every second. He does not need to worry about the trading market for the time being.

Zhou Yan has asked Li Shuang to arrange for people to come in [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] as soon as possible, let Xiaowei conduct simple training, and then replace Diao Chan and the others.

It is such a waste of talent to let heroes like Diao Chan and others buy and sell things.

The trading markets in each world are proceeding steadily. He asked Xiaowei to search for the prices of various attribute crystals. After recording them, he asked Xiaowei again to search for the buildings for sale in each world.

Mainly search for buildings such as defensive towers.

In the entire Myriad Worlds, not all worlds are worlds such as lords, but there are many. He checked at random and found that there were many people selling defense tower buildings in the [Canglan Continent Trading Market].

And the price is similar to other places in the world.

As a member of Canglan Continent, he has never been there yet, which is really unreasonable.

He asked Xiaowei to remember these places, and then asked Xiaowei to contact one of the maids and ask her to come back to [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall], otherwise there would be no place for the teleportation.

After one of the maids teleported back, Zhou Yan asked Xiaowei to open the teleportation channel and teleport him to [Stone World·Trading Market].

As soon as he walked outside the trading market, he was already recognized by the Stone Tribe, and a large group of bad old men surrounded him.

"Everyone, don't be anxious, don't be anxious, come one by one, I have plenty of time. (๑*◡*๑)"

He has plenty of 'ammunition' today, and he will definitely be able to satisfy these Stone Tribes. (* ̄︶ ̄)

"I want I want!!!"

"I'll come first, I'll come first."

"Don't be anxious, don't be anxious, we have enough equipment today, everyone, please line up, don't jump in line, don't fight!"

Zhou Yan didn't expect that the Stone Tribe was so powerful yesterday. There were at least a thousand Stone Tribe people queuing up today, and as the curious Stone Tribe learned about the situation, the number was still increasing rapidly.

The queue quickly formed into a long line.

He thought he should open a store here, which would be more convenient.

He immediately contacted Xiaowei: "Xiaowei, let's see if anyone else has time and arrange to come over to [Stone World Trading Market] to help sell equipment."

Xiaowei quickly replied: "Okay Lord, I will start asking now."

Although he can directly contact and inquire, Xiaowei is responsible for the trading market and can leave everything to it.

He began to trade with these Stone Tribe people.

Not long after, a man walked up to him and said, "Lord, what do you need me to do?"

"Go find a shop and put the equipment on it. If you do this one transaction after another, you won't be able to finish it in a few days."

As the number of people queuing up to buy equipment increased, such transactions would last for several days, and he had no time to waste here.

"Okay." The maid hurriedly walked towards the trading market.

Zhou Yan also said loudly to these Stone Tribes: "My maid has already gone to open the store. Then everyone will be able to go to the store to buy equipment..."

"That's great. You don't have to queue up here to buy equipment anymore."

"This is long overdue."

"He has so much equipment."

"Hurry up and drive, I've been waiting for a long time."

The maid opened the shop very quickly, and after ten minutes, she sent a message to Zhou Yan and told him the location.

He immediately walked towards his shop, followed by a group of Stone Tribes buying equipment.

This made the Stone Clan who opened a shop on the roadside look confused. People who didn't know it thought they were trying to steal someone and start a fight.

"The store has been opened. Come with me. You can choose good equipment as you like."

As soon as they arrived at the store, these people couldn't wait to rush into the store and started buying equipment.

Zhou Yan was very happy. The more these Stone Tribes bought, the more spiritual coins he earned.

But there were still too many people, and we had to wait in several queues.

He also started to help put equipment on the shelves. He was too lazy to look at the attributes of the equipment anyway. Equipment of different qualities could be set at different prices according to their respective qualities.

Equipment is constantly being put up for sale here, while people in other worlds are quickly clearing the market of equipment.

They even reached cooperation with several large businessmen and were able to purchase a large amount of equipment every time.

This greatly ensured the source of equipment, and his spiritual coins were increasing at a terrifying speed.

He is setting up information to automatically recycle items, mainly recycling stones, crystal cores, and damaged equipment that are above three stars.

After finishing these tasks, he left here and returned to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall].

He must collect enough materials to raise the level of the territory, so that more people can go to various worlds to make money.

There are already more than a dozen girls here. They were all arranged by Li Shuang. They all have more or less business talents and are best suited to do these things.

"Hello, Lord."

They saluted and said hello to Zhou Yan, who nodded with satisfaction.

He said to Xiaowei: "Teleport me to [Canglan Continent·Trading Market]."


With a flash of light, he finally arrived at [Canglan Continent·Trading Market].

As soon as I entered the human trading market, I heard the motivational voice of humans:

"Some people are admitted to Longqing College, some are admitted to Beidi College, and some are admitted to Shengyang and Ziwei Colleges. If they are not admitted, then you must not have purchased my equipment."

"You take your Yangguan Road, and I'll take my single-plank bridge. If there's no way to go, come into my shop, you can choose from various skills, and you can fly directly to the Immortal World."

"Even the dragon is about to fall. What are you waiting for? Ponzi Poison welcomes you."

"Have a bargain with the price of a thirty-meter-long sword, never bargain, shoot everything for the price, act quickly!"

"Do you want to have a bright night? Do you want to shoot like a dragon with a gun? Do you want to be in trouble every night? If so, why don't you come quickly, Yunnan Baiyao, your most trustworthy friend."



This is what human beings should be like, and there are countless bragging advertisements.

This is much more lively than the trading markets in other worlds.

Human beings can always play great tricks with a small gadget. This is human wisdom.

After looking at his position, he came to a place where mounts could be summoned and summoned his [Lightning] Blood Horse.


Riding [Lightning] all the way to the teleportation array, headed towards the south of the city.

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