Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 155, Buying Buildings In Large Quantities

Arriving at the entrance of a shop called "Hanlin Yuan", he put [Lightning] away.

Although [Lightning] was a good mount, he saw many lords riding various exotic beast mounts, not to mention how envious he felt.

But this is only temporary. He will definitely ride a cool and stunning mount in the future.

After entering the store, a fashionably dressed and beautiful shopping guide walked up to Zhou Yan and asked, "Dear lord, do you need any service?"

Zhou Yan looked at the other party. The deep career line was pretty good. As for the service... he was afraid that this store was too serious and wouldn't provide service.

"Well, I want to buy a few building-type items."

He spoke directly.

"I don't know what kind of construction-type items they are?" the shopping guide asked.

"Any type is fine. Can you take me there to have a look?"

There are many buildings he needs, and as long as the price is right, he can buy them.

Anyway, the territory is quite large, so it’s okay to build more special buildings.

"Please follow me upstairs." The shopping guide smiled.

Zhou Yan followed the other party to the third floor. There was a counter selling construction-type items, ranging from ordinary buildings to C-quality buildings.

Buildings with quality higher than A rarely appear, and even if they do, the price is very high.

He does not need those high-quality buildings. Buildings with C quality or below are enough. The key is to be different.

He began to check.

There are a total of five defensive tower-type buildings, all of which are of the lowest quality, E quality.

Generally speaking, high-quality defense towers are still in demand, while low-level defense towers are not in demand.

So he can easily buy this kind of Low Level building.

The price of these defense towers is a unified price of 50,000 spirit coins. Even in other worlds, the prices of this type of defense towers will not differ much.

This little spiritual coin was nothing to him.

He looked at other types of buildings.

[Building: Well]

[Quality: E]

[Introduction: Water wells can be built. ]

[Building: Farmland]

[Quality: E]

[Introduction: Farmland can be built. ]

[Building: Grassland]

[Quality: C]

[Introduction: Grassland can be built. ]


The quality of these buildings ranges from E quality to C quality.

And he needs a lot of them, and the price is relatively reasonable.

The most important thing is that he finally found a building that can breed mounts. He believes that after this [pasture] is built, it will evolve into a good building.

He was looking forward to it.

The prices of these buildings were almost the same in every world, so he was too lazy to run around. Anyway, he couldn't bear the small price difference.

So, he waved his hand and said to the shopping guide: "I want all these buildings."

"Okay..." When the shopping guide heard this, she laughed at first. Then, she was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise: "You just said you want them all? (°Д°)"

"Yes, is there anything wrong?" Zhou Yan asked.

"No, no, I'm just so surprised that you need so many buildings!"

The shopping guide was really surprised. Although the quality of these buildings was relatively low, there were more than 20 buildings in total, which together required several million spiritual coins.

The second generation of rich people generally look down on such low-quality buildings, and will look for buildings with B-quality or above no matter what.

But when she saw that Zhou Yan just took one look at it and packed up all the buildings and took them away, she was a little surprised that this person bought so many low-quality buildings. Did he want to build them himself?

Since we have money, why not build better buildings?

She really couldn't figure it out.

"Calculate the price for me." Zhou Yan said.


Several million spirit coins are only a small amount in the entire trading industry, and there is nothing surprising about it.

After buying twenty-five buildings, he left here and headed towards the next store again.

He needs to purchase a lot of buildings this time.

Anyway, there is no one competing with him for Low Level buildings, so even if they are bought, it doesn’t matter.

Because in the entire Myriad Worlds, this kind of Low Level building cannot be said to be everywhere in the streets, but if you look for it, you can still find quite a few.

He then searched for several shops and bought all the Low Level buildings inside. A group of people were stunned and wondered what he was doing by buying so many Low Level buildings.

He didn't stop until he bought about two hundred buildings.

The total cost of these buildings is only tens of millions of spiritual coins, which is just trivial to him.

His spiritual coins are increasing all the time, and even if a high-quality building appears, he will buy it without hesitation.

As long as you have money, you can do whatever you want.

Having buildings does not mean that we can build so many buildings.

He had to prepare enough materials first.

Without enough materials, these buildings can only stand.

But he has more important things to do now, which is to find a better store to rent in [Canglan Continent Trading Market].

This is the trading market in his world, so he can directly recruit corresponding talents for management in Canglan Continent.

The people who work as shopping guides in [Canglan Continent·Trading Market] are all people from Canglan Continent, and they are all ordinary people.

After they graduate, they pass various examinations. After passing, corresponding certificates will be issued to them.

After obtaining the certificate, they need to purchase something called a virtual helmet or virtual cabin, go to the trading market, and apply to become a shopping guide in various stores.

He first needs to rent a suitable store and then recruit.

He wants to develop in [Canglan Continent], so it is very necessary to rent a store here.

He wanted to find a better shop, but a good place and a good location had long been rented by other lords, so it would not be possible to find it in a short time.

He doesn't want those places that are too remote, so this matter still depends on the timing and whether anyone will transfer it.

As long as the information is linked to the transaction information, Xiaowei will tell him immediately. However, for many store transfers, the transfer will be written directly outside the store and not placed in the information database. This requires him to personally Wandered around various stores.

The entire [Canglan Continent Trading Market] is so big that if you want to visit it all, you won’t be able to finish it in just a few days.

He really found a few stores that he wanted to transfer, but because they saw him as young, they actually wanted to trick him. The transfer fee was only one to two hundred million, so he left directly. A guy like this who has no sincerity at all can't do it. No need to think about it.

After all, it's just a transfer of a store, and the price depends on the location. If the location is good, it can cost one or two billion.

But most shops only require tens of millions of spiritual coins to win.

In the end, he didn't find the right one. Either the boss was too stupid and didn't want to transfer it, or he was a pure liar.

He is very clever, and there is no way these bad old men can deceive him.

All day long, he couldn't find a suitable place.

Looking at the time, he saw that he had not rested for two consecutive days, so he planned to go back to the territory to rest.

Mainly because I have been busy lately and have a lot of things going on.

But he is so powerful that it doesn't matter if he doesn't sleep for several days and nights.

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