Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 159, 100,000,000 Points Are Not Too Many

He didn't know if there were many high-quality woods like this in the world. If there were many, he would be able to collect some.

If the quantity is small, it will take time to collect it, and he will definitely not waste time collecting it.

After the auction, some crystal cores appeared. He saw that the price was right and bought them.

And he also discovered some valuable things. In other worlds, the price of these things could be at least four or five times higher, but the price here is extremely low.

When he encountered them, he naturally wouldn't let them go and bought them all.

Unknowingly, he spent tens of millions of spiritual coins.

But if these tens of millions are resold, you can earn 100 million.

Because of his generous spending, many people noticed him.

Even Luo Jiahao, who arranged for him to come in, was surprised. He never thought that this man was actually quite rich.

An hour or two passed, and Zhou Yan found that his dark gold equipment had begun to be auctioned.

In Canglan Continent, although jewelry is relatively scarce, it can still be purchased.

His two pieces of dark gold quality jewelry have average attributes and skills, and the price is about six million spirit coins.

"Next, as you can see, these are dark gold quality earrings. I believe many beauties will be moved by them."

"Dark gold quality jewelry and equipment are not common. If you miss it, you will regret it for the rest of your life..."

"The starting price is 10 million, please bid!"

"I'll pay eleven million!"

"One hundred and one million!"

"Twelve million!"


But the auctioneer here set the starting price at 10 million spiritual coins.

And there were so many people shouting, just like the aunties selling vegetables in the wet market, they were shouting so loudly!

He looked at the people bidding the most fiercely. Without exception, they were all men, and they were all accompanied by a good-looking woman.

In this world, there is never a shortage of men who are willing to spend money on women.

Goose... He actually found out that he was also this kind of person! (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)

"thirty million!"

When the last voice fell, everyone looked at the man.

This man looked ordinary and unremarkable, but his deep eyes were filled with a light of wisdom.

Moreover, there were actually several beautiful women following him.

At this moment, Zhou Yan felt four words flashing on the man's head: Son of Fortune.

There are Sons of Fortune in every world, and he is more awesome than these Sons of Fortune.

Because he is a jerk!

The second piece of dark gold quality jewelry has just come out.

The man spoke domineeringly again: "Thirty million!"

One sentence left the others speechless.

Who can afford the high price?

Zhou Yan felt a little regretful. He should have brought out more equipment.

The price of this auction far exceeds the value of the item itself.

He can use 30 million to purchase at least five pieces of dark gold quality jewelry in other worlds.

This is the benefit of hanging up.

The next items to be auctioned were also his things, A-quality skill books and job transfer scrolls.

These two things are also items that are in short supply in this world, so as soon as they appeared, they once again attracted everyone's attention. As soon as the auctioneer announced the price, many people rushed to bid.

Each item was sold for far more than four or five times the total value of the goods.

But this price is only available at auctions. If it is a large-volume transaction, I am afraid this price will not be available.

Therefore, this world is still not suitable for reselling business. It is really a waste of time.

He didn't buy anything next. He had been waiting for the two S-quality buildings to appear.

He waited for another hour before the two buildings started to be auctioned.

"Next, let me introduce this thing to you. As you can see, this is a building, and it is also a very high-quality building..."

The auctioneer began to introduce the building and said that it was an S-quality building, which immediately shocked everyone.

An S-quality building is indeed very surprising, and such high-quality buildings are indeed rare and precious.

However, when they checked the properties of the building, they were immediately disappointed.

"I thought it was some kind of building. It was just a building that could kill monsters. Such a building is of no use at all."

“If you can’t kill all the monsters in the real world, why build a building like this?”

"Although this building is of high quality, it is of no use at all. We can also get various rewards by killing the monsters outside, so why bother to spend time and energy building this unnecessary building? I am really disappointed."

"It's a pity. I thought it was some kind of building. This kind of building has appeared before, but the quality is higher, and the rewards are not better than the monsters outside. This is a waste of time."

"This building is useless to begin with. If I have this time to kill monsters, I would rather kill more monsters in the real world."

"This building is not worth wasting money and material resources to build."


Everyone was extremely disappointed. No one was interested in this kind of building.

Because although there are not many buildings of this type in this world, there are still quite a few.

Countless people have regretted building this kind of building because it is of no use.

This building is a monster building. They have this time to kill the monsters in the building, so they might as well kill more monsters in the real world, which can also reduce the number of monsters in the real world.

So, even though the building was of high quality, no one wanted to buy it.

Because they can't kill all the monsters in the real world, so why bother building such useless buildings.

Even the man with some characteristics of 'Son of Fortune' has no interest and obviously will not waste financial resources to purchase such a building.

Zhou Yan curiously clicked on the attributes of this building. He did not think that an S-quality building would be useless.

[Building: Spider Demon Den]

[Quality: S]

[Introduction: The passage leads to the spider cave. Kill the monsters inside to get rewards. ]

Zhou Yan was surprised when he saw it. Isn't this similar to a replica building?

After looking at the reactions of others and hearing their words, he understood something.

This building is indeed useless to them.

Mainly because there are many monsters in their world, which seriously threaten their safety.

Moreover, the explosion rate of monsters inside this kind of building is no higher than that of the outside world, and if they die inside, they will really die.

Why would they waste their base area by building this kind of building?

But Zhou Yan is different.

He is not from this world.

If there was another place in the territory where he could fight monsters and explode treasure chests, it would only be good for him, and there would be no harm at all.

The most important point is that even if the residents of the territory die inside, he can still resurrect the residents through the [Underworld].

Therefore, this building is only good for him and has no harm at all.

If such a good building were placed on Canglan Continent, every lord would rush to buy it.

But the people here looked disgusted.

He really came to the right place.

He doesn't have too many buildings like this.

And I also want to ask: Is there any more?

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