Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 160, How Many Names Do You Have?

The auctioneer was a little embarrassed. He encountered such a situation before the auction started.

They had considered this issue before, but everyone's reaction was beyond their expectations.

Fortunately, they had already prepared a second plan.

So, the auctioneer smiled and said, "This time we are auctioning more than just this building. In fact, there is also an S-quality building."

"However, these two buildings need to be auctioned together, so please look at the second building."

The auctioneer immediately unveiled the second building so everyone could view the properties.

But there are still many people who criticize this auction house for being unscrupulous.

If their reaction had not been too cold, they would have auctioned the first building first, and then the second building, and would not have auctioned the two buildings together at all.

If they are interested in the second building, they will have to pay a certain price to buy it regardless of whether they are willing to buy the first building.

Naturally, they hate the fact that the auction house really knows how to play tricks.

Let them see what this second building is.

[Building: Steel Shipyard]

[Quality: S]

[Introduction: A steel shipyard can be built. ]

After seeing this building, everyone was stunned again.

Why is this such a worthless building again?

Although this [Steel Shipyard] is better than the previous [Spider Demon Den], at least its function is quite good.

But the reality is.

The ocean has been occupied by various sea monsters for hundreds of years at the moment when the monsters resurrected.

Today's humans, no one would build a Foundation Building on the beach.

Even if there were, there was no one who knew which sea monster had eaten them to the point where no bones were left.

The ocean has long been the inviolable ‘territory’ of humans.

Therefore, this [steel shipyard] can only be built next to the river.

But today's human beings can't even eliminate monsters on land, so how can they have the energy to deal with sea monsters in the water?

It is better to waste this financial and material resources on shipbuilding than to build more other buildings.

Even if they buy it, if this [steel shipyard] is not built on the riverside, it will have no effect at all.

Most of their bases are on land. If they purchase this building, they will need to send a large number of people to guard the river and defend against sea monsters in the water.

Many conditions and restrictions have greatly reduced the value of this building.

But there are still some people interested in this [steel shipyard].

The auction house put two useless buildings together for auction, which made many people lose interest.

Only those whose base is close to the river will bid for such a building.

As for the others, they have no intention of bidding at all.

Zhou Yan laughed again in his heart.

He was not prepared to face the ocean situation, but now that he has this building, he has a small idea.

Sea, land, and air, he now only has the ability to fight on land.

But he will definitely face the ocean in the future. If he doesn't have the ability to deal with the monsters in the ocean, then his trip will be in vain.

Be prepared to face the sea in advance, and you will not be stunned when you face the sea in the future.

Therefore, he will definitely not let go of these two buildings.

As for bidding with him.

He glanced at the territory's spirit coins.

Good guy!

Not counting the accumulated items purchased, the number of spiritual coins alone is already over 80 billion.

Even he himself doesn't know exactly how much money he has.

But he is definitely a billionaire.

The next goal is to become a trillionaire.

My next goal is to become a billionaire.

My next goal is to become a millionaire.


As an upright person, he will take this opportunity to break into the enemy and see how depraved the lives of these capitalists are!

He had never known the happiness of these capitalists before.

But now, he has successfully penetrated into these capitalists and has become a capitalist that everyone curses.

But he swore that he just had a few hundred million dollars.

Therefore, in order to deeply understand the depraved lives of these capitalists, he must first learn how to degenerate.

This can be regarded as sacrificing the small self to complete the big self.

Let more people know how hateful the depraved life of capitalists is.

A successful capitalist must buy whatever he likes.

This is the path that a fallen capitalist must take.

He was waiting for the auctioneer to bid.

When the auctioneer called out the lowest price of 'five million' spiritual coins, he said directly: "Ten million spiritual coins."

Then he saw everyone looking at him.

He blurted out: "Twenty million spiritual coins."

Everyone: "Σ( ° △ °)"

As a result, everyone was silenced by his two words.

For these two buildings, they didn't think they were worth even 10 million.

But you're lucky, you actually shouted 20 million.

What courage do they have to compete?

In the end, he bought these two buildings for 20 million spiritual coins.

He made big money again.

I feel very helpless.

He obviously didn't want to make money, but no one competed with him, and this made trouble.

Even if he doesn't use these two buildings, if they are put up for auction in Canglan Continent, they are guaranteed to sell for several hundred million.

But he is not short of money, he is not short of money at all.

Subsequent items were auctioned one after another, but Zhou Yan was no longer interested.

He left directly and came to the VIP trading room.

The person who received him was the auctioneer Luo Jiahao. This time he was much more respectful than before. He said to Zhou Yan in a friendly manner: "I don't know your name yet?"

"Just call me Zhou Xingxing." Zhou Yan said nonsense.

The other party was stunned. If he remembered correctly, the person who signed the agreement seemed to be Zhou Yan.

He just didn't formally ask for the other person's name. It doesn't mean that he didn't see the real name signed by the other person.

(You cannot write a pseudonym when signing the agreement.)

"Do you have two names?" Locke asked.

Only then did Zhou Yan realize that when signing the agreement before, he could only sign with his real name.

But Zhou Yan lied too much, his face didn't turn red, and his heart didn't beat.

He immediately replied: "In my hometown, a person has several names. My nickname is Jay Chou, my nickname is Zhou Shen, my real name is Zhou Yan, and my pen name is Zhou Shuren, but outsiders like to call me Zhou Xingxing."

Gary Locke: "(๑°⌓°๑)"

He was completely confused and didn't know what to call him.

Luo Jiahao smiled and said to Zhou Yan: "I will exchange you for a gold VIP card, and these are the items you auctioned, as well as the equipment you gave us for auction before, a total of... "

In the end, Zhou Yan not only got the items from the auction, but the other party also gave him tens of millions of spiritual coins.

Zhou Yan did not leave, but said: "I want to make a deal with you, but I don't know if you can make the decision."

When Luo Jiahao heard this, he immediately laughed and said, "Don't look at me as just an auction appraiser on the surface. In fact, I can also be responsible for other transactions."

Being able to reach a transaction agreement with such a wealthy man means that his future 'money prospects' will be absolutely unlimited.

"Please help me collect more high-quality buildings, especially these two types of buildings. The more the better, the price will be easier to negotiate," Zhou Yan said.

"plz follow me."

Sure enough, he knew that the other party couldn't make the decision at all.

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