Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 161, The Big Fish Is Coming

Locke really can't make the decision.

Mainly because the two types of buildings Zhou Yan mentioned are really worthless.

This time, these two buildings were able to sell for 20 million, all because of Zhou Yan's uniqueness.

Otherwise, according to the previous situation, I am afraid it can only be sold for more than 10 million at most.

How could Luo Jiahao dare to agree to the other party easily? He could only bring Zhou Yan to someone who could make a decision.

Following Luo Jiahao, he finally came to the door of a room.

After Locke asked him to wait a moment, he walked in himself.

Not long after, Luo Jiahao came out and invited him in, then closed the door and left.

Inside was a man in his thirties who looked like a successful man.

He looked at Zhou Yan and then said, "I heard that you need to cooperate with our store?"

"I think you must need a lot of high-quality equipment, such as jewelry of gold quality or above."

Zhou Yan's words aroused the other party's appetite.

Materials were scarce in their world, especially high-quality materials.

Even if you have a blacksmith, you can't forge much good equipment. High-quality equipment is basically obtained by killing monsters.

Therefore, upon hearing Zhou Yan's words, the other party's attitude also changed 360 degrees.

He quickly stood up, walked to Zhou Yan, smiled, stretched out a hand, and said: "Hello, let me introduce myself. My name is Gao Jin. I am the general manager of [Longyao Store]. I am the general manager of the entire store." The general person in charge.”

"Hello, just call me Zhou Xingxing." Zhou Yan replied.

"Please sit down. I wonder what items we can purchase for you?"

Gao Jin started to make tea for Zhou Yan. Although this was a virtual world, all the experiences were similar to the real world.

"All kinds of buildings, of course, I have no shortage of ordinary buildings. It's best if you can help me collect some high-quality buildings, D-quality or above buildings will be fine."

"Also, you can help me collect some high-quality wood, and..."

Since he chose to cooperate, he would let the other party collect things that were cheap in this world but could be sold at high prices in other worlds.

The other party wrote down all the types of things he mentioned in pen, and also asked about the price. They also needed to purchase the items according to the price given by Zhou Yan, so as not to make a loss-making transaction.

Zhou Yan naturally gave the other party a reasonable price, and both parties were very satisfied.

After talking about what he needs, the next step is to talk about the items the other person needs.

"I wonder how much supply you can provide us with?"

This is the issue Gao Jin is most concerned about.

"It depends on how much equipment you can take."

Anyway, this kind of equipment can make four or five times the profit here, and it will be the same to anyone who sells it. Naturally, he dares to boast like this to Haikou.

"What you said is true!"

Gao Jin was indeed surprised.

Although he was curious about the source of the other party's equipment, he was smart enough to know that he shouldn't ask about such things.

"Can we sign an agreement? Of course, we will not have mandatory quantity requirements. We will only focus on the items you need our help to purchase. We are also afraid that you will not need them by then. These things will not be easy to deal with by then. Then My life will also come to an end."

Gao Jin said.

"This is natural."

Anyway, if you sign it once, it won’t matter if you sign it a second time.

The other party is just worried that they have worked so hard to help him acquire a lot of things, and if he regrets and says he doesn't want them anymore, he will be in trouble.

The two of them read the contract carefully, and after confirming that there were no problems, they signed their names on it.

After signing the contract, the other party asked: "I don't know when your first batch of equipment can be traded with us. I will have someone buy the items you need as soon as possible."

"It's OK now. How much do you need?" Zhou Yan asked.

Gao Jin: " (゚△゚;ノ)ノ"

"Now!" Gao Jin was stunned, but quickly reacted and said, "Then how much can you provide in the first batch?"

"Eighteen thousand," Zhou Yan said casually.

Gao Jin: "‼(•'╻'•)꒳ᵒ꒳ᵎᵎᵎ"

Gao Jin was stunned.

I never expected that the other party would be able to come up with 18,000 pieces of high-quality equipment at will.

Oh my God!

This is not bronze and silver equipment, these are gold or above equipment, and most of them are weapons and jewelry that are in short supply.

Gao Jin knew that if this business was secure, his days of rapid success would not be far away.

He immediately took out a card, handed it to Zhou Yan, and said, "This is the highest level diamond VIP card in our store. Please keep it."

Zhou Yan nodded and returned the golden VIP card he had just received to the other party.

I actually changed three kinds of VIP cards in one day.

Later, Gao Jin took Zhou Yan to a large room where there were many people, including Luo Jiahao.

Zhou Yan then took out a lot of equipment, at least thousands of pieces. If Gao Jin hadn't said that only this much was needed for the first batch, Zhou Yan could have taken out more.

The people around him were stunned, and they were all so shocked that they couldn't even close their mouths.

They have never seen so many High Level equipment, and every piece of equipment is gold or above.

Moreover, these equipment are basically extremely rare weapons and jewelry equipment on the market.

Luo Jiahao knew that he was going to be prosperous too.

After all, he was the one who introduced Zhou Yan.

After Gao Jin saw these equipment, he knew that his development was very stable. He had to maintain a good relationship with Zhou Yan, so that he could continue to prosper.

They have all discussed that some of the equipment will be sold in the shop and then part of it will be auctioned.

They will wait until after the auction for the spiritual coins obtained from the auction to be paid to Zhou Yan.

As for the part sold, the other party purchased it directly from him with spirit coins.

The two quickly reached a deal, and he also received the spiritual coins paid by the other party.

A multi-billion deal was reached casually.

Naturally, they have added friends so that they can be contacted at any time.

Finally, Zhou Yan was leaving.

"Let me order someone to send you to the teleportation array. It's not safe outside the trading market."

Gao Jin said quickly.

When Zhou Yan heard this, he thought, "How can this be done?" Doesn't this not give others a chance to take action?

He quickly refused: "No, it's just a clown."

Zhou Yan left [Longyao Store] directly.

But Gao Jin was still worried and asked someone to secretly protect Zhou Yan from leaving smoothly.

He didn't want Zhou Yan's thighs to be hurt by others because of his improper arrangements. His boss would definitely scold him then.

Zhou Yan didn't care either.

Leave directly and walk towards the outside of the trading market.

Those tails who had been staring at the entrance of [Longyao Store] naturally saw Zhou Yan and followed him all the way away.

Those tails saw that Zhou Yan still chose the direction he had appeared before, and quickly sent a message to his teammates, "The big fish is coming."

When Zhou Yan left the trading market, a group of people appeared one after another. They seemed casual, but they vaguely surrounded Zhou Yan.

After walking for a while, Zhou Yan suddenly stopped and asked, "Well, if you don't take action, then I will."

They: "щ(゜ロ゜щ)、(ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)ヽ(´□`.)ノ・゚ (ノ゚0゚)ノ~"

After a brief look at each other, these people all made the same move.

He took out his weapon and attacked Zhou Yan.

(Author: There will be network maintenance here tomorrow, and the five chapters will be posted together in the evening, so everyone will read it at 8pm.)

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