Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 162, Amazing Transaction Volume

When they hit each other, they were suddenly stunned, because they found that when their weapons hit each other, they were not entities, but just shadows!

"No! Back away!" ε=ε=ε=┏(°ロ°;)┛!!

They have been doing evil things all year round, so they naturally have good skills. Unfortunately, just when they reacted, they wanted to avoid it.

They found that the whole person was knocked away by a huge force. The body flew in the air, spitting out a stream of blood from the mouth, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

They felt as if their entire bodies were about to break. This force was too strong and terrifying.

They knew that if they failed this time, they might be demoted.

They looked at their companions, but they were in the same situation as themselves. They were all knocked to the ground within a short period of time and seriously injured.

A group of people looked at the man in front of them in horror. They really couldn't figure out why this man was so powerful.

It's not just these robbers.

Those behind him who were sent by Gao Jin to protect Zhou Yan were also shocked.

When they saw Zhou Yan surrounded by so many people, they originally wanted to step forward, but they saw Zhou Yan's ghost-like speed, knocking down all the enemies surrounding him to the ground in a short period of time.

Everyone was stunned. ( ̄0 ̄)

I never expected that the opponent's strength would be so strong and that they could defeat these people in such a short period of time.

When Zhou Yan's eyes looked at them, these robbers who were licking blood from the knife edge suddenly felt a chill in their hearts and said, "You, what are you going to do?"

"What to do, you idiots, of course do what you want to do."

Zhou Yan spoke confidently.

Then he took out a three-meter-long spear and swung it towards them at a thunderous speed.

A few flashes of gun light flashed, and the robbers were completely killed by him. Dozens of corpses fell on the ground, which made the people around him look surprised.

This was your first move, I was just defending myself. <(▰˘◡˘▰)

Isn't it illegal to kill someone in self-defense, Mr. Zhang San? "( ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ

He saw a bunch of items exploded on the ground, and everyone exploded a lot. He quickly stepped forward to pick them up.

After picking it up, he cursed very dissatisfiedly: "You are so poor, you have the nerve to go out with just such a few things."

After saying that, he looked very dissatisfied and looked around.

In an instant, the onlookers moved away from Zhou Yan as quickly as possible, fearing that they would become his next target.ヾ(´・・`。)ノ

Zhou Yan put his hands on his hips, walked to the teleportation array in the distance in boredom, and left here.

"Manager, the other party has left safely, and..."

After listening to the report from his men, Gao Jin nodded and said, "I understand. Come back."

After Gao Jin heard this, he was also shocked. It was indeed a raptor.


After returning to [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall], Xiaowei told Zhou Yan that the previous maids had arranged to enter various worlds to start working, but there were still many maids left here ready to replace those who worked long hours.

As for Diao Chan and the others, they have all returned to their territory.

Zhou Yan nodded and asked Xiaowei to teleport him to [Moon Star].

Xiaowei quickly teleported him to [Moon Star Trading Market].

When he arrived at one of the cooperating stores, the bosses personally greeted Zhou Yan at the door. Many people were surprised by Zhou Yan's origins. They didn't know who this person was. He was able to make so many bosses wait for Zhou Yan in person and greet him. he.

They came upstairs, and Little Jinya said quickly: "Brother Long, thanks to your care, I have opened a shop. I hope you can do more business with us in the future. We are very grateful."

"Yes, Brother Long, thanks to you, our business is very good now, and we hope to buy some more things from you."

"We have collected a lot of the materials you need, and we will collect more in the future. We only hope to establish a long-term cooperative relationship with you."

"What other materials do you need? Just say a word and we will do our best to collect them."


They tasted the sweetness and sold Zhou Yan a lot of rare metals, and also purchased many rare items from Zhou Yan.

After having these items, their store's business was quite booming, and the items were sold out in a short time.

And still urging them when to replenish the goods.

They now worship Zhou Yan as a 'god', who is their God of Wealth.

"This is easy to talk about. As long as you get things done, the sale will definitely be easy to talk about."

This is a mutually beneficial thing, so he will naturally not refuse.

Anyway, he earns five or six times more than these people, so it is appropriate to give them some benefits.

Afterwards, they began to trade with Zhou Yan. The smallest one, Little Jinya, traded almost 600 million spiritual coins. As for the others, the most traded items were as much as 3 billion spiritual coins.

This time, the amount of Zhou Yan's transaction was also relatively large, reaching a total of about 10 billion spiritual coins. It took several hours to complete all the transactions.

Zhou Yan asked them to collect more rare metals with six stars and above next time so that he could use them later.

Of course they agreed immediately.

Shuangman was very satisfied with this transaction. Each of them earned a lot of spiritual coins.

But they were far from knowing that Zhou Yan would be able to earn at least tens of billions of spiritual coins this time, far beyond their imagination.

Although it was very late, the Elf Queen Emera of [Elf Forest Continent] sent him a message and asked him if he could come over to trade wood now. She really had too much there.

Well, someone is rushing to give him money again. It's really helpless.

He quickly responded to the other party and would be there soon.

Anyway, he is short of wood to upgrade his buildings, and hopes to get more High Level wood this time.

He changed his appearance to the elf appearance he had last time.

"Xiaowei, teleport me to [Elf Forest Continent·Trading Market]!" Zhou Yan said.

Xiaowei replied: "Spirit Coin-2600, start teleportation..."

"The transmission to [Elf Forest Continent·Trading Market] was successful!"

Coming to this world full of nature again will always make people happy physically and mentally.

He hurriedly walked towards the trading tree house of Elf Queen Emera.

"I'll go, there are so many elves lining up, what are they doing?"

He saw many elves lining up along the way, and the queue had already formed a long queue.

He was shocked when he finally discovered that the source of this team was actually the Elf Queen's tree house.

He didn't expect that the Elf Queen's appeal would be so strong. This was really... great!

He quickly reported his identity, and an elf guard who was familiar with him quickly took him to the elf queen's room.

After seeing Zhou Yan coming, the Elf Queen finally felt relieved and said quickly: "My people are too enthusiastic. From the moment the message was sent, there has been a long queue. I have already All the spiritual coins have been used to purchase timber. If you don’t come here, I won’t have the spiritual coins to purchase timber for my people.”

Zhou Yan was completely shocked!

How many spirit coins does the Elf Queen of a world have?

Even if there are no merchants in the Spirit World, the queen who can control the entire Spirit World is definitely the richest person in the entire Spirit World.

Even she almost ran out of funds to purchase items. One can imagine how much wealth she spent on this purchase.

When he thought that he was about to have a large fortune, he felt that he was about to be killed by money.

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