"Queen, don't worry, I also brought a lot of spiritual coins this time, just buy the materials."

He doesn't mind having too much money at all.

He quickly communicated with Xiaowei and asked him to notify others that he would not purchase items for the time being, leaving enough funds. He was going to purchase a very large batch of items in [Elf Forest Continent].

Xiaowei quickly gave orders to the maids in other worlds, asking them to temporarily stop purchasing items and instead sell items in exchange for spiritual coins.

Zhou Yan began to purchase wood from the Elf Queen.

When he saw the amount of wood, he was stunned.

"One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand... one billion."

The amount of one-star wood alone has reached several billion, and this is just the amount purchased on the first day.

The price of one-star lumber, the price they negotiated at that time was 3 spirit coins per piece.

Therefore, for one star of wood alone, he paid the Elf Queen nine billion spiritual coins.

Three billion units of the first batch of One-Star Timber were traded.

But he was able to sell the nine billion one-star wood for at least tens of billions of spiritual coins.

You can easily earn tens of billions of price differences.

Then there are two-star wood, three-star wood...,

Fortunately, he had such a large financial support. If it had been anyone else, how could he have carried out such a large transaction.

The Elf Queen also breathed a sigh of relief.

With enough spirit coins, she can continue to purchase materials from her people.

This does have huge benefits for them.

The people don't have to worry about not being able to sell things, and she can also get a lot of funding, and she can also do some things that are beneficial to the entire spirit in reality and improve the security of the entire Spirit World.

Elf Queen Emera felt happy at the thought that she could become the greatest queen in history.

Although she shouldn't have such thoughts, she felt very happy at the thought of being able to do something meaningful for the entire elves.

She had just sent out the news of purchasing items yesterday, and she found that the elves in the entire Spirit World worshiped her to a higher level. All the elves were happy, cheering, and shouting long live the queen.

She felt a great sense of accomplishment when she saw her people so happy.

Emerald then asked, By the way, I still don’t know your name?

Zhou Yan quickly replied: "My name is Jade Emperor."

"Jade Emperor? This name is quite different."

Although Emera was strange, she still called the other party this way.

The other party even concealed their friend information, which really made her feel very strange.

Zhou Yan then also traded a large amount of equipment to the Elf Queen, and then began to calculate the value of these equipment.

Zhou Yan was now well prepared. He had prepared 100,000 sets of leather armors, ranging in quality from bronze to dark gold equipment, which shocked the Elf Queen.

But these equipment can hardly offset these huge quantities of wood.

There are so many elves in the entire Spirit World. If each elf takes out some wood, he can make up a large amount.

He still needs to spend more spiritual coins to purchase.

As funds were consumed, Zhou Yan actually felt a sense of crisis.

They quickly asked Xiaowei to quickly deal with these Low Level wood.

Anyway, there are countless Low Level woods in the entire [Elf Forest Continent], so there is no need to worry about not having them.

Xiaowei immediately asked people to start processing it.

There are many worlds in need of wood in the entire Myriad Worlds. Even if he sells them in a hurry, he will only make a little less money. He doesn't care at all.

The wood in the territory soon began to decrease.

The squeeze of other items within the territory is also decreasing rapidly.

He made all the materials needed for his territory non-tradable so that they would not be sold out.

His funds finally began to skyrocket, and he was able to conduct a long-term acquisition with the Elf Queen Emera.

After the Elf Queen had sufficient funds, she said to the guards: "Arrange a dozen more elves to purchase items. Don't let the people queue up for too long."

Zhou Yan: "(゜-゜)"

The speed of acquisitions has increased by more than ten times, so a lot of materials have just been traded, and a lot more have been added soon.

The Elf Queen and Zhou Yan only need to keep making transactions.

Zhou Yan was happy and in pain.

He never imagined that such a deal with the Elf Queen could last for several days!

Fortunately, they are not ordinary people. It doesn't matter if they don't eat or drink for a few days or nights.

The Elf Queen also had sufficient liquidity and was able to purchase a large number of items, so Zhou Yan finally had time and only needed to go and trade with the Elf Queen once a day.

After trading continuously for several days, Zhou Yan didn't know how many spirit coins he had.

Because it was difficult to calculate his funds, he bought too many things.

But he is sure that he has reached the level of a trillionaire now.

As for whether it was ten trillion, one hundred trillion, or even one quadrillion level, he didn't know.

All he knew was that he did have a little money.

Just left [Elf Forest Continent·Trading Market].

Zhou Yan didn't have time to rest, so he came to the [Fantasy World Trading Market] again.

Tantai Xinyue sent him several messages yesterday, asking him to come over as soon as possible in the next two days to trade a batch of items.

He replied that the other party would wait a moment. He was busy and had no time. He would come over when he was done.

But he seemed to feel a bit dissatisfied from Tantai Xinyue's message.

I hurriedly teleported to the [Fantasy World] and came to "Huan Yin Fang".

Through the maid, he came to Tantai Xinyue's room again.

"It seems that Mr. Ye Fan is very busy, and he just came to trade with me now."

Tantai Xinyue seemed a little dissatisfied.

No matter how many men wanted to get close to her, they would never get a chance. If it wasn't for transaction, she wouldn't take the initiative to send messages to him.

The key is that after she sent the message, the other party responded that she was unavailable.

This really surprised her that there were men who would answer her like this.

She originally thought that the other party's reason for trading with her was to get close to her, but judging from yesterday, she had doubts again.

She was not sure whether this Mark Ye was really out of time, or was using a 'play hard to get' trick.

"Sorry, I'm really busy and haven't slept for several days."

Zhou Yan told the truth.

When Tantai Xinyue called him Ye Fan, he was confused for a moment.

Then I remembered that when I introduced her to her, I seemed to have used this name instead.

When he goes to a new world, he changes his name. He is really worried that he will forget it one day.

He can really do this kind of thing.

"Have you not slept in several days?"

Tantai Xinyue looked at Zhou Yan's eyes with a pair of curious big eyes. Although the other person had a mask, she could still see a pair of eyes.

She saw nothing.

After all, both sides are strong. Even if they don't sleep for days and nights, nothing will happen.

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