Tantai Xinyue said to her, "If you hadn't come here, I almost thought you didn't want those equipment."

Zhou Yan smiled and said: "How could it be? Since I have negotiated the price with you, I will definitely come to buy it. It's just that I was really busy yesterday. I haven't slept in the past few days, so I'm not deceiving you."

"Now that we're here, let's start trading."

Tantai Xinyue opened the space ring, and with a flash of light, the table was suddenly filled with a lot of masks, and the quality was all silver or above. Each piece of equipment had an attribute that increased luck.

Zhou Yan nodded and started trading with Tantai Xinyue.

He also took out a lot of equipment, each piece of equipment is needed by this world.

They both exchange items for items, and equipment of the same quality is traded at a 1:1 ratio.

The remaining equipment that is insufficient is traded with spirit coins.

Therefore, Tantai Xinyue needs to pay Zhou Yan a lot of spiritual coins this time.

There was also a lot of trading volume this time.

It took several hours to complete the transaction.

Tantai Xinyue is very satisfied with this transaction. After she owns these equipment, she can increase her customer base for "Huanyuefang".

Every store needs sufficient supply to attract more customers.

Only by ensuring sufficient supply of goods can we avoid losing old customers.

When doing business, the biggest fear is not having a stable supply of goods. If the supply of goods is sufficient and stable, then business will naturally come rolling in.

Tantai Xinyue didn't expect that the other party would have so much equipment, which really surprised her.

"I'm really curious where you got so many equipment, skill books, job transfer scrolls, and those precious items."

Tantai Xinyue's beautiful eyes moved, trying to see clearly who the person in front of her was.

But in the fantasy world, everyone wears masks and scarves. It is very difficult to see clearly a person's appearance and expression changes.

"Woman, you are in danger, do you know?" When a woman starts to be curious about men, it is very dangerous.

Zhou Yan stared at the other party. The more he looked, the more he felt that this woman looked like a character in the second dimension.

This doesn't mean that he will pursue such a woman, he is just out of curiosity.

Normal men would be curious about what they look like under this mask, right?

He will not be merciful when it comes to transactions, and he must earn what he deserves.

The hidden information will not be revealed at all.

He is not the kind of man who can't move when he sees a woman.

"I will inform you of the next transaction time." Tantai Xinyue replied.


Zhou Yan left without saying a word.

Tantai Xinyue: "[・ヘ・?]"

He returned to the territory. If there is anything else, let him wait until he has had enough rest.

Arriving at the [Lingxiao Palace], the entire Lingxiao Palace, under Li Shuang's arrangement, had completely turned into a large room.

It's like a fairy house.

There are all kinds of facilities, mainly even the beds are big.

It can sleep more than a dozen people at one time.

He is very satisfied with Li Shuang, the housekeeper, and I like him very much.

"I don't know what Li Shuang can change his job into." He was curious.

Li Shuang changed jobs a few days ago, hoping that she could get a good career.

He began to practice sitting on the big bed, and the entire spiritual energy of [Lingxiao Palace] was quickly absorbed by him.

He has been stuck in Martial Dao Thirty-Ninth Layer for several days, and he doesn't know when he will be able to break through.

Of course, this is not the point.

The point is, if there really is a Great Emperor in this world, and this [Lingxiao Palace] really comes from the Immortal World.

I don’t know what his expression will be when he sees [Lingxiao Palace] being transformed into this appearance.

I don’t know if I will be so angry that I will vomit blood.

He was still curious. (o゚▽゚)o

the next day.

He still failed to break through Martial Dao Fortieth Layer days.

Each Tenth Layer day is a level, and the higher the level, the more difficult it becomes.

He looked at his friend's messages.

A lot of messages went unanswered.

He didn't expect that [Hegemon of the World] would also contact him. This guy was also the only one who would take the initiative to contact him after the newcomer trial.

But...wait! This guy is not too boring. I want to chat with him all day long.

With this idiot's temperament, it's really possible that this is the case.

Therefore, he was determined not to reply.

Let him talk about his loneliness alone.

Then there were messages from friends in other worlds. After he responded to them one by one, he felt that the richer he became, the busier he became.

As a capitalist, how can you be busy all the time?

These are all things employees should do.

He is really an unqualified capitalist.

What capitalists think about every day is how to live a depraved life.

First upgrade the building, then upgrade the territory level to let more people take over his work.

He looked at his building. The current level of [Spirit Field] is only Level 30. It needs to be upgraded first.

Yesterday, I purchased a lot of earth-attribute crystal cores, which is enough to upgrade [Spirit Field].

Territory prompt: "Consume one hundred thousand spirit coins and fifty two-star earth attribute crystal cores to raise the [Spirit Field] level to Level 31."



After raising the levels of the two [Spirit Fields] to level seventy, he stopped.

Because the seven-star earth attribute crystal core is needed.

This kind of High Level crystal core is not easy to buy, and it takes a long time to collect enough.

He looked at [Lingquan]. Two of the quality of this building had been upgraded to RRR a few days ago, but due to lack of materials, they had not been upgraded.

After looking at the materials in the [Treasure Room], he found that the territory had Spirit Stone, whether it was Low Grade Spirit Stone or Middle Grade Spirit Stone, and there were quite a few of them.

Out of curiosity, he asked Xiaowei where he collected this stuff.

Xiaowei answered him that this was a Spirit Stone from a certain cultivation world, and it was also used as a cultivation material and trading currency.

After having the Spirit Stone, he can naturally upgrade the two [Spiritual Fountains].

After upgrading the two highest quality [Spiritual Fountains] to Level 60, he looked at the next building.

That's the [treasure room].

The treasure room is only Level 20 and requires four-star wood and stone.

He has no shortage of wood and stone below six stars, so this building can be easily upgraded to level sixty.

By the way, he also upgraded the [Shen Weapon Workshop] to Level 60. It was only upgraded to Level 50 a few days ago because of insufficient materials.

There is also a [sewage toilet]. As the number of people in the territory increases and the territory expands, he needs to build a lot of this building.

So he plans to build nine more [sewage toilets].

After looking at the building of the [Treasure Room], he had already purchased a lot. He started to build [Cottages], and each [Cottage] evolved into [Sewage Toilets].

He then upgraded the quality of [sewage toilet] to RRR quality.

Including the one he built before, he now has ten [sewage toilets].

He began to upgrade the building.

Each building is upgraded to Level 60.

Then he looked at [Drunken Immortal Tower]. The quality of this building was SSS. He first improved the quality of this building.

Start building [Restaurant], then [Restaurant] evolves into [Drunken Immortal Tower].

It will not stop until the quality of this [Drunken Immortal Tower] is improved to RRR.

At this stage, one [Drunken Immortal Tower] is enough.

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