Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 165, Dragon Vein Floor Tiles

[Drunken Immortal Tower] requires energy crystals to upgrade. After he upgraded [Drunken Immortal Tower] to Level 50, there was no more material.

He didn't have many five-star energy crystals, and they were no longer enough to upgrade.

He looked towards the next building.

The upgrade of [Cinema] requires space stones, but the territory does not have them, so we will put them aside for now.

The next one is the [Great Wall] building. As the territory of this building increases, even the spiritual coins and materials required for upgrading have increased a lot.

Moreover, this building costs the most spirit coins and materials, basically ten times as much as other buildings.

But this building is very important. It is the largest layer of protection for the territory. No matter how much spiritual coins and materials are spent, it must be upgraded.

He began to upgrade the [Great Wall].

Upgrading this building is equivalent to upgrading ten RRR quality buildings.

But it's all well worth it.

After directly raising the level of [The Great Wall] to Level 60, he stopped.

The number of six-star stones needed next is really too much, and it will take a lot of time to save up.

The next [Three Life Stones] and [Five-Star Hotel] cannot be upgraded.

He looked towards the [Underworld].

I checked to see if there was a three-star Yinming Stone in the territory, but found that there was none, so I had to give up.

Then there is [Hot Spring Villa]. The quality of this building is SSS. He built the building first, and then upgraded the quality of this building to RRR.

This building requires a lot of things to upgrade, including spiritual coins, stone, wood, water attribute crystal cores, and fire attribute crystal cores.

He checked the materials in the [treasure room] and found that there were enough materials to upgrade.

He started to move up the ranks.

Just upgrade to Level 50.

The previous [Qingqingling Grassland] did not have a high level improvement due to insufficient wood attribute crystal cores.

He had already purchased a lot from Elf Queen Emerana, and decisively started upgrading [Qingqingling Grassland], and finally raised the level of this building to Level 70.

The [Big Han Iron Cavalry] was only upgraded to Level 50 last time, so he will be upgraded to Level 60 again.

He originally wanted to improve the quality of [Mysterious Shop].

But I found that this kind of building [altar] was very rare and was not sold.

Upgrading this building requires mysterious crystals. No one sells these, so the level has never been improved.

Look towards the defense tower.

There are many [Arrow Tower] and [Catapult] buildings in [Treasure Room]. These ordinary buildings are still easy to buy.

He built it first, and then upgraded the defensive tower quality of the previous building to the highest level.

Finally, the quality of these defense towers of the same quality was improved.

The quality of each type of defense tower has been upgraded to RRR quality.

These defense towers are: [Flame Tower], [Storm Tower], [Blade Tower], [Poison Gas Tower], [Earthquake Tower], [Ice Tower], [Meteor Tower].

He left four of each type of defense tower, which were placed between the four [Great Walls] and [Thorn Vine Walls] in the territory.

Because there is a need for passage on the city wall, placing it on it will hinder the passage of soldiers.

Except for the four [Poison Gas Towers], which were upgraded to Level 50 due to insufficient materials, he upgraded the levels of other defense towers to Level 60, which consumed a lot of materials.

As for the spirit coins, he no longer cares about the number of his spirit coins.

The materials required for [High Power Machine Turret] are also quite rare and can only be upgraded to Level 50.

The direction of the main entrance is the most important. It [high-power machine turret] is placed in the middle of the main entrance.

As for the [Plasma Nuclear Bomb Tower], it is still placed next to the [King Crystal].

This defense tower has an extremely far attack range and can be placed anywhere.

As for the level, it’s still Level 10.

There is no such material as high-energy alloy in the territory.

After doing all this, he could finally increase the level of his territory.

Territory prompt: "Spirit Coin - 250,000, the territory level is increased to Level 25, and the territory area is increased to 400,000 square meters."



After raising the territory level to Level 50, he checked the territory information.

[Territory name: Heaven (Diao Chan·Hidden)]

[Lord: Zhou Yan (details)]

[Quality: White (Color·Hidden)]

[Territory Talent: Special item probability +50%]

[Territory level: Level 50]

[Required for upgrade: 51 Level 51 buildings, of which 5 buildings with S quality or above are required. The territory has 20,000 people, including 5 heroes with S quality or above, 500 million spirit coins, and 10 million soul coins. ]

[Area: 10 million square meters]

[Special Attribute 1: All attributes of the territorial human race +50%]

[Special Attribute 2: Attributes of all clans in the territory +50%]

[Special attribute three: All building attributes in the territory +50%]

[Special attribute four: Defense of all races in the territory +50%]

[Special Attribute 5: Attack of all races in the territory +50%]

[Building: (Details)]

[Number of people in the territory: 27687]

[Source: (Details)]

The territory expanded again.

Such a large territory looks a bit empty again.

He can build a lot of buildings again, but his current buildings are enough, and he doesn't plan to build new ones. He will wait until one of the buildings is not enough.

After the territory area increases, building tiles will be needed.

Since there is a little bit of money, the floor tiles naturally need to be built better.

He looked directly at the most expensive floor tiles and unexpectedly discovered that several more floor tiles had been added. One of the floor tiles made him very excited.

He started looking at the properties.

[Architecture: Dragon Vein Floor Tiles]

[Level: 1 star]

[Required for upgrading: 10,000 spirit coins per square meter]

[Special Attribute 1: Movement Speed ​​+20%]

[Special Attribute 2: All building attributes in the territory +20%]

[Special Attribute Three: The defense of all buildings in the territory is extra +20%]

[Special Attribute Four: All attributes of all races in the territory +20%]

[Special Attribute Five: Territory Spiritual Energy Gathering Speed ​​+20%]

[Special attribute six: All buildings and racial skills in the territory consume -20%]

[Special Attribute 7: Damage received by all buildings and races in the territory -20%]

[Special Attribute Eight: The cultivation speed of all races in the territory is 20%]

[Special attribute nine: Lucky value of all races in the territory +20%]

[Special attribute ten: Dragon Vein (can be opened at level ten)]

[Price: 10,000 spirit coins per square meter]

[Introduction: It is necessary to build one million square meters initially. After upgrading the level, various attribute effects can be improved. ]

After seeing this floor tile, he was shocked.

This floor tile is very powerful and can be upgraded.

No, it should be said to be a rising star.

There are still requirements for building this floor tile. Initially, one million square meters need to be built.

The average person's territory might not even meet the conditions to trigger this floor tile.

He did the math.

To build all this kind of floor tiles in an area of ​​10 million square meters would cost a total of 100 billion spiritual coins.

The floor tiles alone require so many spiritual coins!

If the area of ​​the territory increases again, more spiritual coins will be needed to build it.

The key is that this territory can still be promoted to stars, and the number of spiritual coins required in the future is an astronomical number.

The properties of this floor tile were too strong. He looked at his wealth.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of billions of spiritual coins available.

(Author: Things like territorial construction are almost over.)

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