Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 166, Evolution Of 2 Buildings

He began building [Dragon Vein Tiles] to cover the entire territory.

One hundred billion spiritual coins can be spent as you wish.

Only a great man like him could be so generous.

Forget about rising stars.

Not urgent.

He found that someone had added him as a friend, and he was curious as to who would add him as a friend.

Open the message and take a look.

Territory prompt: "[Ziwei Academy·Outer Teacher·Sun Xiaowu] wants to add you as a friend. Accept or reject?"

Goose, this name...

"Ziwei Academy should have sent me the admission notice, but I didn't expect that I would be contacted directly by entering the territory."

He was very curious and clicked Agree.

"Hello, I am an outside teacher at Ziwei College, my name is Sun Xiaowu. I am honored to tell you that you have been admitted to our Ziwei College. This is your admission notice..."

The other party introduced him quickly and even traded something with him.

After he made the transaction, he took it out and took a look.

It read [Ziwei College Admission Notice] with nine large gilt characters.

As soon as he opened it, the entire admission notice flew into the air and turned into lines.

"Lord Zhou Yan, Ziwei College has officially admitted you to study in our school. Please use this admission notice to enroll before August 31, Lord Continent 111111. If it exceeds seven days, this admission notice will automatically disappear and become invalid."

There is a date and a mark of a crape myrtle on the back.

As expected of one of the four major colleges, even the admission notice is so unique.

He put it away.

We started chatting with Teacher Sun Xiaowu, who claimed to be an outer sect teacher, and asked curiously: "Is Ziwei Academy still divided into an inner sect and an outer sect?"

Sun Xiaowu replied: "You asked too many questions, remember what I said, goodbye."

Zhou Yan: "( ̄ー ̄)"

I just asked one question. Do you want to ask more?

Is it necessary to maintain a sense of mystery?

In any case, he has now been successfully admitted to Ziwei Academy, one of the four major academies in the Shenlong Kingdom.

The newbie trial and assessment ends on July 31st.

He looked at the day.

August 13th.

There are still more than ten days left.

The maglev train in Canglan Continent is very fast. According to the specific address Sun Xiaowu gave him, it can reach Luo City in a few hours.

Luo City is the heart of the Shenlong Kingdom and has a long history.

Some people even claim that Luo City is where the dragon veins of the Shenlong Kingdom are located.

If it’s online, just listen to it.

He plans to go to Los Angeles on August 25th, mainly to get familiar with the place and then check out the living environment. If the school dormitory is not good, he will buy a house to live outside.

He still has ten days left.

During these ten days, he planned to go to Lord Continent.

However, before that, he still needed to do some things.

That is to build more defense towers.

For the security of his territory, he needs to build more RRR-quality defense towers.

When he has all four walls surrounded by defensive towers, he can then go to the Lord's Continent.

He felt very happy when he thought that when the monster attacked the territory, he was covered by the attack of a defense tower, and finally died in frustration.

He took out the buildings he purchased yesterday. One was an S-quality [Spider Demon Lair], and the other was also an S-quality [Steel Shipyard].

He started building.

Territory tip: "Build [Spider Demon Lair], [Spider Demon Lair] evolves into [Spider Demon Lair Copy]."

Territory tip: "Build [Steel Shipyard], [Steel Shipyard] evolved into [Steel Intelligent Shipyard]."

He curiously checked the properties of [Spider Demon's Lair Copy].

This is a RRR-quality building with very simple attributes. Residents of the territory can enter the simple-level [Spider Demon Lair] instance once a day to spawn monsters, with a maximum of 3 people.

He curiously upgraded this building. After upgrading to Level 20, he needed a kind of one-star void stone to continue upgrading.

He doesn't have this material.

The copy has one more attribute.

[Special Attribute 2: Normal Difficulty (Residents of the territory can enter the Spider Demon Cave of normal difficulty once a day, and the maximum number of people cannot exceed 5 people.) ]

The number of easy difficulty sessions has been increased from once per person per day to twice per person per day.

He instantly understood what this building looked like.

As for the situation inside the copy, he had no time to pay attention to it for the time being.

He looked at another building property.

This is also a RRR quality build.

Now it is possible to build a [steel transport ship], and the ships produced by this construction can sail intelligently and can go anywhere without a captain.

Of course, the premise is that the intelligent functions of the ship are not destroyed.

If you have ship drawings, you can also build other ships directly.

He started to upgrade the ship. After Level 20, it needed iron ore, which he had a lot of.

Upgraded directly to Level 60.

Five ship types added.

[Battleship Gunship], [Steel Battleship], [Sea and Land Battleship], [Steel Submarine], [Steel Aircraft Carrier]

When he saw these ships, he took a deep breath silently, and then said: "Fuck!"

It’s only level 60, and even the aircraft carrier has appeared.

What about after level sixty?

What will happen?

He didn't know.


He came to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall].

He said to Xiaowei: "Xiaowei, the level of the territory has been upgraded to Level 50. You can arrange for people to enter Myriad Worlds again."

"It has already been arranged, Lord." Xiaowei replied.

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "Let them collect as many buildings related to defense towers as possible. I want to go to the Lord's Continent as soon as possible."

"Then arrange for me to go to a world about defense towers. This will be faster."

A Low Level defense tower can be randomly evolved into a defense tower above S.

Two S defense towers can evolve into one SS defense tower.

Two SS defense towers can evolve into one SSS defense tower.

Three SSS defense towers can evolve into an R defense tower.

Two R defense towers can evolve one RR defense tower.

It takes three RR defense towers to evolve one RRR Apex Level defense tower.

If you are unlucky, an Apex Level defense tower will require 72 ordinary defense towers to evolve.

When you are lucky, you can get a lot less.

Buildings with quality below C can only evolve up to SSS. Buildings with quality B or above have a high probability of evolving into buildings with quality R or above.

In the previous market, he had already bought a lot of Low Level defense tower buildings.

No matter what world you are in, high-quality architecture is rare.

Not to mention such an important building as a defense tower.

Once it appears, you only need to shout and it will be snatched away. Only a few lords who open shops will put the buildings in their shops for sale.

So he didn't plan to buy high-quality defense towers, so he just collected Low Level defense towers to evolve.

This is a very time consuming thing.

Not every store sells construction, and even if there are shops selling construction, they are far apart.

Sometimes, because they are too far apart, you fail to buy in time, resulting in someone buying it in advance.

Fortunately, there are many others and can run errands in multiple worlds, otherwise I really wouldn’t be able to buy so many buildings.

"We have found a lord world for you. There are many Low Level buildings there." Xiaowei said.

"Teleport me there." Zhou Yan said.

"Spirit Coin-800, start teleportation..."

"Transmission [Blue Star Trading Market] successful!"

This is also a Lord's Continent, and the entire planet is naturally incomparable to Canglan Continent.

Xiaowei told him that there are several B-quality buildings in this world, and they were just put up not long ago.

So he had to hurry up, after all, high-quality buildings were easily bought.

He quickly came to one of the shops, entered the area where the buildings were sold, and immediately saw this B-quality building. It was just not a defense tower, but a building called [Arena].

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