Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 167 The World Of Western Lords

The price of this building is three million spiritual coins. Although it is on the high side, the supply in the market has always exceeded demand.

If this building wasn't very useful, it would have been possible to sell it for five million.

He bought it directly and packed up all the dozens of Low Level buildings in the other party's store.

There are many D-quality [Blacksmith Shop] among them. He doesn't know if this building is an evolution [Shen Weapon Shop], so he will buy it first.

There are also several D-quality buildings called [Chicken Farms].

The rest are all E-quality buildings, and crucially there is not even a barracks building.

Barracks buildings were scarce, and he hadn't received one for so long.

Purchasing so many buildings at one time naturally made the shopping guide very happy.

Leave here under the sweet voice of the shopping guide.

He started to go to the next store, but at this moment, Xiaowei sent him news that all the B-quality buildings had been sold.

"So quick to do it."

Now that they were all bought out, he had no choice but to continue acquiring Low Level buildings.

He asked Xiaowei to continue to update store building information. He naturally focused on high-quality buildings, but those things were rare in the entire market.

There were still a lot of Low Level ones, so he started to buy them one by one.

Although the names of these buildings are somewhat different, when many buildings evolved, just like the buildings after the evolution of the Low Level buildings in Canglan Continent, no new buildings appeared.

He visited dozens of shops and wiped out all the buildings in these shops.

Later, Xiaowei told him that there was a defense tower in the Lord World, an elemental type defense tower, and asked him if he wanted to go there.

"Of course I have to go and have a look."

He immediately sent it back to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall], and then teleported to a place called [Marshall Planet Trading Market].

This is also a human world, but the people here are more similar to the Western world. He has not seen anyone with an Eastern face, and the culture of the lords in this world is still relatively old.

After seeing him, these blond Westerners looked at him like they were looking at a zoo.

"Sister, come and take a look. This person looks so strange."

"This person's eyes are black. They are very strange. Are these special pupils?"

"It should have some special ability, but his skin is different from ours. I don't know how it changed."

"Didn't you notice that he looks very different from us? He seems pretty good."


Coming to this foreign world, being too outstanding and handsome is also a kind of trouble.

He quickly came to a deserted corner, transformed himself into a handsome face from the Western world, and then walked into this world full of ancient Western culture.

Many people here ride horse-drawn carriages, and the shape of the carriages is similar to the ancient European style he saw in his previous life.

But there are quite a lot of people riding horses on the road.

Many of their shapes look like ancient knights.

Everyone wears a broad sword at their waist.

He rides [Lightning] through the streets.

Although Lightning is only a horse, it is an S-quality horse. It is spotless, majestic, tall and handsome. It is extraordinary at first glance.

In addition, Zhou Yan's transformed face is also very handsome, and his outfit is very noble, attracting the attention of many female lords.

In other developed lord worlds, [Lightning] would naturally not attract much attention, because [Lightning] is only a horse no matter how good its quality is.

In other lord worlds, there are many people riding various exotic beasts, so [Lightning] is not outstanding there.

But in this backward civilization of lords, Zhou Yan just rode a horse and ran on the street. The loud voice and rapid speed of [Lightning] attracted the attention of many people.

"The quality of this horse must be extraordinary."

"This looks like a war horse with noble blood."

"This man must be a prince of some kingdom."

"I'm so envious of having such a handsome mount."


Arriving outside a castle full of Western style, as soon as he put away his mount, a maid in a long skirt walked up to him, performed a noble etiquette, and said: "Distinguished nobles, welcome to [Hull Store" ], if you need anything, just ask.”

Zhou Yan was a little strange about this backward lord culture, but he didn't pay so much attention to it and said directly: "I want to buy some architectural items, please take me to see them."

"My noble noble, please follow me."

The maid took her into the shop. The whole shop looked like the style of ancient Rome.

He looked at the equipment inside. They were all Low Level equipment, at most a few pieces of gold quality equipment.

This is a poor world, there are not many good things, and good equipment is quite expensive.

He has no intention of doing business anymore, so he should leave business matters to his subordinates.

He looked at the building he cared about most.

[Flame Tower], [Wind Blade Tower], [Water Ball Tower], [Earth Wall Tower], [Archer Tower].

The quality of these defense towers is the lowest level E quality.

And there are only these five types of defense towers, four of which are of elemental type.

Including some other Low Level buildings, such as [Woodhouse], [Blacksmith Shop], [Tailor Shop], [Tavern] and other buildings, there are more than thirty buildings in total.

He waved his hand and said to the Western maid: "I want all these buildings."

The maid smiled, performed aristocratic etiquette towards Zhou Yan, and said, "You are a generous nobleman."

The prices of these buildings range from the lowest of 50,000 spirit coins to the highest of 150,000 spirit coins. The total cost of spirit coins is less than 5 million.

This is just a small amount of money.

He began to buy buildings in various stores, regardless of quality, as long as the price was not excessive, he bought them all.

He also unexpectedly obtained hundreds of C-quality [Magic Flame Towers].

Because he is generous, generous and spends a lot of money.

His name spread throughout the market, and every shop owner wanted him to patronize him because this man was so rich.

Some large shop owners took the initiative to meet and cooperate with Zhou Yuan, hoping to do something for him.

Zhou Yan would naturally not refuse and asked them to help him acquire a building. No matter what kind of building he wanted, he wanted it to be a high-quality building.

By the way, I also asked them to collect some other items. The prices of these items here are not high, so I asked them to collect some by the way.

They deliberated for a while before ending.

After he acquired thousands of buildings, he basically bought all the buildings in the world.

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