Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 168 Prepare To Come To Lord Continent

He left here.

After returning to the territory, it was already night.

But he started building these buildings anyway.

[Flame Tower] has evolved into the S-quality [Fire Sea Tower], which can continuously damage the enemy, and the attack range is not bad.

He was very pleased with the building.

He finally obtained two RRR-quality [Sea of ​​Fire Towers].

[Wind Blade Tower] has evolved into the SS-quality [Wind Tower], which can burst out strong winds to attack the enemy, and can also slow down the enemy. If the opponent attacks the territory, it can even blow these attacks back to the enemy.

Unfortunately, only one defense tower was obtained in the end.

The evolution of [Water Polo Tower] surprised him a little. It actually evolved into an auxiliary [Spa Tower].

It can treat injuries, restore physical strength, relieve injuries and pain for people in the territory.

This kind of defense tower is quite good and there are a lot of them. He has only evolved four RRR quality [Spa Towers], placing one on each city wall.

[Earth Wall Tower] has evolved into an SSS-quality [Earth Dragon Tower], which can form an earth dragon to attack the enemy. This defensive tower is indeed hard to surprise, and the quality of the evolution is also very high.

Finally, three RRR-quality [Tulong Towers] were obtained.

As for the last [Arrow Tower], it evolved into [Arrow Rain Tower], which can fly out a rain of arrows every time it attacks. After upgrading, several skills have appeared.

Such as arrow rain explosion, lightning arrow rain, scattered arrows and other skills.

This [Archer Tower] has the largest number, with a total of eight, and he placed two on each city wall.

Some of these defense towers have been upgraded to Level 60, while some are only Level 50 because of insufficient materials.

After placing the defense tower, he returned to the [Ling Qi Courtyard] and found that Diao Chan and the others were practicing.

In the past few days, people have come out of the [Heritage Temple] one after another.

Chen Qingzhi also successfully transferred his job.

Most people have successfully changed careers, but some people have failed.

He has received a large number of attribute rewards. Everyone who successfully changes jobs can receive from one to five attribute points depending on the difficulty of the job transfer.

With a unique profession like his, you can get 5 attribute points as a reward.

As for other professions, it depends on the strength of the profession.

Every person who successfully changed jobs would be given at least 1 attribute bonus. Thousands of people who successfully changed jobs would receive at least several thousand attribute points. You can imagine how terrifying his attributes are now.

He now has a lot of free attribute points, and he allocates his attributes so that each of his attributes has the same amount.

His four basic attributes are all at 1555 now, and they will improve a lot after all soldiers are transferred to different jobs.

In addition to Chen Qingzhi, Sun Shangxiang also successfully transferred jobs, and she is now in the room.

As a qualified lord, he needs to care about the physical condition of the heroes at all times.

He has always been a considerate lord to his subordinates.

He went directly to the room where Sun Shangxiang was practicing.

As for who told him about Sun Shangxiang's room, it was naturally the maid in the territory.

He summoned so many maids, maids, and maids. These people are responsible for cleaning the [Ling Qi Courtyard]. It makes sense!

He knocked on the door and...

no response. (゜-゜)

Probably practicing.

He had to go in and see if the other party had any misunderstandings about cultivation.

He has been practicing for a while and is a veteran in the world of cultivation. If he doesn't understand something, he can teach him step by step.

When he opened the door, he found Sun Shangxiang practicing.

The whole body exudes a light, absorbing the surrounding aura.

After returning from job transfer, Sun Shangxiang became more heroic and more charming.

The more he looked at her, the more heroic he became, which made him very new to her.

Such a hero among women has completely different personalities from Diao Chan and Zhen Mi.

He really just came to see Sun Shangxiang. Seeing that the other party was practicing so seriously, he left here.

After going out, he encountered a ghostly figure floating around the territory.

"Xiaoqian." Zhou Yan looked at the other party.

Nie Xiaoqian quickly floated in front of him and said: "Lord."

"It's so late, why don't you sleep?" Zhou Yan asked.

Nie Xiaoqian smiled and said: "The lord is really forgetful. How can we ghosts sleep at night?"

Zhou Yan: “(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))”

He did forget that Nie Xiaoqian was not a living person and did not sleep at all at night.

"I did forget, so where did you want to go?" Zhou Yan asked.

"I have been practicing for too long and I just happened to go out for a walk. The territory has changed a lot now. I wanted to look around. I found that the area of ​​the territory has expanded a lot. It will take a day to complete it."

Nie Xiaoqian looked around, very surprised.

Zhou Yan said: "You can see the changes in the territory at any time, but you can't stop practicing. Come on, let's practice together."

Zhou Yan pulled Nie Xiaoqian towards [Lingxiao Palace].

Nie Xiaoqian's face was red as she was taken to the [Lingxiao Palace] by Zhou Yan.

“It’s so unique here, it feels so different.”

Nie Xiaoqian was also surprised when she came to this place for the first time.

She didn't expect that this building was actually a room with all kinds of things so complete.

But it always feels like this room is a bit like a palace.

She didn't know that this was the room that the palace had renovated.

When she saw the big bed in the middle, she was completely stunned.

Nie Xiaoqian: "This...(;OдO)"

"This bed is very big. When the time comes, I will bring Diao Chan and the others here to practice together." Zhou Yan said.

Nie Xiaoqian couldn't say anything, she was too embarrassed.

"Come on baby."

Zhou Yan and Nie Xiaoqian finally started their first night of training in the [Lingxiao Palace].

[Lingxiao Palace]:ヽ(・_・;)ノ......

The next day, he left [Lingxiao Palace] refreshed.

Then he summoned Chen Qingzhi and asked him to put the soldiers in golden suits and prepare for battle.

He is going to the Lord's Continent for the first virgin battle in his life.


Zhen Mi and the others also saw Zhou Yan and ran over one by one.

Each of them has an excellent figure, and their steps are trembling.

The world is so wonderful, it jumps when you walk. (≖ᴗ≖)✧

Zhou Yan's eyes were straight.

"You have worked hard these days. You must be tired from running around the Myriad Worlds trading market."

Zhou Yan said quickly.

"It's not tiring, and those worlds are quite interesting."

"I'm happy to be able to earn spiritual coins for my territory."

Diao Chan and Zhen Mi are always so considerate.

Of course, he is also very good at understanding human clothing.

After caring about the two women, Zhou Yan said: "Today we are going to the Lord World for the first battle."

"What is the world of lords like?" the two women asked curiously.

"I also want to know this question. Let's order some troops first." Zhou Yan replied.

He has never been to Lord Continent, so how would he know what Lord Continent is like.

Because Gao Shun and Li Guang have not transferred out yet, [Trapped in the Camp] will be temporarily handed over to Chen Qingzhi's command.

As for the [Han Iron Cavalry], they didn’t have mounts yet, so Zhou Yan asked them to be archers and follow the command at the back of the team.

Everything is ready.

He communicates with the Heart of the Lord, causing the entire territory to begin teleporting to the Lord's continent.

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