Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 171, Unexpected Discovery

As they moved forward, they encountered more and more monsters. The levels of the monsters increased from more than 20 levels, and soon reached level 40.

There are quite a lot of these monsters, and they keep appearing from the dense forest.

But facing the impact of the soldiers, these monsters were not enough. They were all wearing strong armor and holding sharp weapons.

The equipment on each person's body is at least gold equipment, and there are even many set attributes.

People above the rank of officers even have one or two pieces of equipment of dark gold quality.

Not to mention that their level is still level 50.

In addition, each of them has changed jobs.

After adding the various building bonuses in the territory, they can handle them calmly even if they face boss monsters of level 70 or 80.

These monsters are all of ordinary quality and do not have a boss.

He hoped to encounter some stronger monsters so that he could unlock better treasure chests.

Most of the treasure chests exploded by ordinary monsters are wooden treasure chests, a few are Black Iron treasure chests, and occasionally some bronze treasure chests appear.

There will be a bronze treasure chest, probably because of the Talent in the territory.

[Territory Talent: Special item probability +50%]

Even if this Talent probability reaches 100%, it does not mean that special items will appear 100%, it just doubles the probability.

For example, among a hundred lottery tickets, only one lottery ticket can win the prize, and the other ninety-nine cannot win the prize.

After you have the attribute of a special item with a probability of +100%, among the one hundred lottery tickets, one lottery ticket that can win the prize will be added, and the remaining 98 lottery tickets will not win the prize.

The explosion rate of ordinary monsters is very low, so it is impossible to expect anything too good to appear.

From the map, he already knew that there were many monsters in this area. His main purpose this time was to kill the monsters and obtain treasure chests and monster corpses.

These monsters can also be sold for money, and he can sell them to worlds that are short of food.

There are many doomsday worlds and desert worlds in Myriad Worlds. Food in those worlds is very scarce. Selling the flesh and blood of these monsters to those places can earn a lot of spiritual coins.

He found that after becoming a capitalist, he thought about profits almost all the time.

Is this the instinct of capitalists?

He began to sweep the forest.

A thousand soldiers, riding horses and holding weapons, began to kill these monsters.

Half an hour later, they finally encountered the first boss.

A Level 45 boss. Unfortunately, with a few bows and arrows, this boss was killed before it even showed its power.

Every soldier can fight such a boss alone.

Their levels, equipment, job transfers, and territory bonuses are not decorations. If they can't even deal with such a boss, then they don't deserve to be a High Level unit.

Monsters were being cleaned up from all four directions, and they did not pass any place where there were monsters.

Zhou Yan could occasionally hear the messages between each officer, and they were all asking about their respective achievements and gains.

They don't want to lose to each other and will work hard to kill monsters every time.

This communication device adds a lot of entertainment to them.

He sent a message to Xiaowei and asked him to look for a simple communication device that was not easy to drop.

Xiaowei quickly found it. It is a communication earphone that can fit tightly into the ears and will not fall off easily.

He asked Xiaowei to buy 18,000 pieces first, and he would wear them for everyone above the corps commander.

After a long time, Si Teng sent him a message, saying that the reconnaissance plane had returned some pictures, and it seemed that it had discovered a broken territory, not a city.

This surprised him, he didn't expect such a gain.

In the world of lords, there are hundreds of millions of lords. According to historical records, it has been hundreds of thousands of years.

Those that have no historical records, let alone how old they are.

With so many lords adventuring and fighting in various parts of the lord continent, there is still a chance that they will encounter those ruined territories.

As for whether there are any gains from these territories, it’s hard to say.

If these territories were destroyed by monsters, they would naturally have a lot of resources.

The premise is also that the things inside have not been destroyed by monsters, and due to time, everything will not be known until we get there.

"Transmit the captured footage to me." Zhou Yan replied to Si Teng.

Si Teng, who was opposite, began to transmit the images captured by the smart reconnaissance aircraft to his watch. This was not just a simple communication function, but could also receive various files like a computer. It required a signal connection.

He has placed a signal tower in his territory. The signal tower is so powerful that it can receive even alien signals.

After looking at the territory, it was overgrown and dilapidated. It had obviously been a long time ago. Towering ancient trees had already grown in many places, and many monsters used it as their lairs.

This territory, at first glance, seemed to have been destroyed by monsters, and many buildings remained intact.

If it was destroyed by other lords, there would be no complete buildings on it.

This is a big gain, and he must definitely go and see it.

He looked at the location. It was in the northwest direction. He only needed to change the direction slightly to go there directly.

However, he definitely couldn't get there today because it was quite far from his location.

He asked about the situation in the other three directions. Everything was normal there and no powerful monsters appeared.

Everything went well on his side and nothing else happened.

He led the army towards the northwest.

By the way, I checked out the prospecting reconnaissance aircraft.

A lot of one- and two-star ores were discovered, but not even a shadow of six-star ores or above was seen.

The prospecting reconnaissance plane is slower than the reconnaissance plane. The reconnaissance plane only needs to take pictures along the way and scan the map and mountainous features.

However, to explore minerals, you need to go deep into the ground and proceed slowly, which takes a long time.

Moreover, this kind of machine can only be used in mountainous areas where they have finished killing monsters, or in places where there are no monsters. Otherwise, if these prospecting reconnaissance planes are destroyed by monsters, they will need to be purchased again.

The sky slowly turned gray. Zhou Yan took out countless tents and fortifications, and then said to all the soldiers: "Take a rest at night, wait until dawn tomorrow before setting off, and stay on duty in batches at night. Don't take it lightly."

"Yes! Lord!"

All the nearby monsters were killed by them.

But he definitely won't take it lightly.

There are also many monsters that haunt the night, and they must always be vigilant.

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