After stationing the troops, the soldiers began to light bonfires and conduct patrols.

Many soldiers began to act as cooks, and their food was the flesh and blood of the various monsters they killed today. They could eat as much of this food as they wanted.

There are also spiritual fruits and other foods for those who don’t want to eat. Anyway, after the territory’s maid prepares them, she only needs to put them in the [treasure room], and he can take them out directly for the soldiers to eat.

Very convenient.

His territory is like his universal space.

Who told him to be a loser?

Night falls.

As the reconnaissance plane conducted deeper investigations, Si Teng sent him more and more pictures.

He didn't expect that deep in this forest, there was actually an ancient battlefield.

He saw many traces of the ancient battlefield, where bones were everywhere, bloody, and there were many broken territorial buildings scattered around.

These images were all taken during the day.

It is far away from here, and he has asked the reconnaissance plane not to go any deeper, because the reconnaissance plane seems to have encountered an ominous energy.

He didn't know if there was a red-haired monster.

Let the reconnaissance plane return to the other side.

By the time their army arrives there, it will probably be almost time, and he still needs to leave some time to go to Ziwei Academy.

The reconnaissance range is far enough.

Everyone starts to fall asleep.

But the night here is really not that simple.

At two o'clock in the evening, Zhou Yan opened his eyes and picked up his weapon.

A white-robed ghost soldier hurried in and said, "Lord Qi, a monster is attacking."

"Is it a red-haired monster?" Zhou Yan asked.

Soldier: "ヽ(゜Q.)ノ???"

"No, it's a pack of wolves," the soldier replied.

He waved his hand and said: "Get ready for war!"


The entire territory moved into action in an instant.

Although it is night, it is not easy for the hooker to get light.

Not long after, an artificial light, like the moon, rose high and illuminated the surrounding area for more than ten kilometers.

This thing is only one million, so it’s not expensive. (๑*◡*๑)

The wolves looked at the rising sun and seemed a little confused. ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ

The sun may have risen too quickly.

The surroundings were surrounded by wolves. Originally, under the darkness of night, a pair of eyes looked like a pair of terrifying ghost eyes.

But when illuminated by this artificial moon, the entire wolf body appeared under the light.

A group of wolves seems not used to being under the light. One wolf, you look at me, I look at you.

After the soldiers in the territory saw these wolves, they were not only not afraid, but also very happy.

They don't care about the expressions of these wolves.

They didn't kill enough of anyone during the day, and they didn't expect to be able to do some hunting at night.

Moreover, the other party took the initiative to send it to the door. If you don't kill him, you won't kill him for nothing.

They are a group of well-disciplined troops. Even if they face monsters weaker than themselves, they will strictly abide by discipline.

Until the military order is issued, no one will take a step forward, let alone a step back!

He doesn’t even fart!

A thousand people formed several circles, surrounding the entire station like a flower.

Following Zhou Yan's command, "Kill!"

First, a hail of arrows attacked the surrounding monsters, and then the soldiers rushed towards the still confused wolves.

Zhou Yan stood at a commanding height, and then he took out a technological sniper rifle. This thing does not require bullets. It consumes a kind of psychic bullet. It only needs to input some spiritual energy to fire unlimited bullets.

The premise is that you have to aim.

Zhou Yan said he was good at this.

When he was playing absolute survival on Earth, he never survived for five minutes.

He takes aim at a monster and pulls the trigger.


As a result, no bullets?

Zhou Yan: ""( ̄(エ) ̄)ゞ? ? ? "

I took out the instruction manual and stood under the artificial moon, and I also stood at the highest point of the entire station.

The evening wind blew by, messing up his handsome hair.

He read the instructions carefully to see what the problem was with this thing.

Finally, it was discovered that he had not loaded the magazine.

He thought that this thing only needed to lose Entering Spirit energy.

It turned out that it was not possible, and a special magazine that could hold spiritual energy was needed. When the bullet was fired, the bullet wrapped in spiritual energy could unleash a terrifying explosion attack.

The lethality is huge.

He was still wondering which weapon this magazine belonged to.

He thought he had picked it up by mistake.

It turned out to be the one in his hand.

He took out the magazine and installed it, then began to aim at the monster again and pulled the trigger.

‘Click! ’

Zhou Yan: "(・_・)ヾ"

No more bullets.

He took out the instruction manual again, and under the artificial moonlight, you began to read the instruction manual silently, mistaking the surrounding shouts of death for nothing.

This time, he knew the problem.

Not insured.

He was wondering why weapons from alien worlds were so troublesome.

He has to give a bad review.

He put on the safety, released his spiritual power, aimed at the monster again, and pulled the trigger.


Zhou Yan: ""(°ヘ°)"


Depend on!

He is known as the leader in the gun world, how could he miss it? This must be a problem with this gun!

He fired again.


"Hey!" He fell down this time.

Look carefully, damn, that monster was hacked to death.

"Damn it, I missed it again!" ヽ(#`Д´)ノ

"Who is that? Come here, who asked you to grab monsters!" Zhou Yan said angrily. (▼へ▼メ)

"Lord! What is monster grabbing?" The soldier looked at Zhou Yan with a confused look on his face. ⊙(・◇・)?

"I am complimenting you." Zhou Yan replied.

"Thank you for the compliment, lord. I will continue to grab monsters!" After the soldier was praised, he went out and killed even more fiercely.

He jumped down, came to a monster, stepped on it with one foot, pointed his sniper rifle at the monster's head, and then fired.


The monster is okay.

So, it's the gun's problem.

But wait, I seem to have forgotten to release the spiritual energy...

He did it again, pulled the safety, released the spiritual energy, and pulled the trigger.


The monster's head is missing.

Blood sprayed everywhere.

Cum all over him.

He released his spiritual energy and shook his whole body, and the blood foam on his body was immediately shaken off by him.

In the end, it turned out: it was the gun’s problem.

His marksmanship is fine.

He took out his sword and slashed at random, and a monster was cut in half by him.

He is still better suited to the sword!

The battle lasted only ten minutes.

The monster ran away in despair.

The soldiers chased them for about a kilometer, and then he asked everyone to come back and go to bed late at night.

There seems to be no water or lakes around.

After cleaning up the battlefield, it was time for them to rest.

They didn't set off again until the next day.

All the way west! Go north.

The journey was very fast this time, and in the afternoon, they arrived around the ruins of this broken territory.

This place is occupied by many monsters and used as a lair.

After they arrived, these monsters looked at them fiercely, and then.

How can there be more?

The whole family was put into the pot by Zhou Yan.

"Look around and see if you can find anything."

After taking care of the monsters, he asked his men to start searching.

He also began to search to see if he could find anything.

Everything you see along the way are broken buildings.

These buildings have no value if they fall into pieces.

Equipment can be repaired, but once a building is destroyed, it is useless.

He came with great expectations, just as he left with great disappointment.

Don't say a hundred yuan!

Not even a piece!

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