Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 173, Weird Ancient Battlefield

In the end, he could only vent his dissatisfaction on the food in the pot.

“It smells so good!”

It would be wrong to say that nothing was left behind.

There are still a lot of high-quality stones left. Although these stones are not very many, the trip is not in vain.

The area of ​​​​this territory is not small, and the minimum is about sixty levels.

It is not easy to develop to this scale.

He asked the soldiers to look for the crystal in this territory, and he didn't know if it was still there.

"Lord, I found some broken crystals. I don't know if they are the ones you need."

He clicked to view:

[Item: Broken Lord Crystal Shard]

[Quality: None]

[Introduction: The shattered Lord Crystal. ]

This is really what it is.

This thing can improve the quality of [King Crystal], and I don’t know if it can be repaired.

If it can be repaired and the [King Crystal] is upgraded, one less piece can be collected, so I will put it away first.

Apart from some high-quality stones and ores, there is really no extra harvest here.

He wanted to rush to that ancient battlefield as soon as possible to see it.

It's such a huge ancient battlefield, it's hard to gain anything if you want to.

Set off again, heading towards the ancient battlefield.

I didn’t get here until the afternoon of the next day.

It was gloomy here, without a trace of sunshine, and the entire sky was covered with a thick layer of dark clouds.

Although it cannot be said that there is no grass growing, all you can see is a strange bloody environment.

The dark wind howled, as if there were endless ghosts roaring, which was very scary.

Even during the day, one can see ghost fires appearing throughout the ancient battlefield.

Too many people have died here, the yin energy is too strong, the resentment is too strong, and there is a very unsettling aura.

"It certainly has an ominous aura."

There is a hot and dry atmosphere in the air.

Don't get me wrong, this is an uneasy aura that just makes him head over heels.

This is why he said there was an ominous atmosphere here.

Because this place is truly ominous.

He felt a great crisis, his eyelids twitched, and there seemed to be a voice telling him not to get close to here.

"Brothers, retreat, evacuate this ominous place quickly!"

His luck attribute is very high, and if he still runs in when he is so obviously uneasy, wouldn't he be hanging himself - looking for death?

An outstanding person like him should live well and contribute more to this world.

So, as soon as Zhou Yan arrived here, he retreated at a faster speed.

There is no scope to even enter this bloody ancient battlefield.

Ancient battlefield:......

After leaving safely, Zhou Yan patted his heart and said, "I'm scared to death. Lord Continent is really full of dangers. It seems I'm not strong enough at all."

He sat on [Lightning], thinking about how to increase his strength.

The level is already full. As for equipment and skills, he has enough for now.

It’s just one level away.

Improving your realm is nothing more than training, techniques, environment, and taking drugs.

It seems... and sleeping. (๑╹◡╹)ノ"""

It looks like he hasn't taken any medicine yet.

Go back and see which elixir is better, buy a hundred million points and take them.

Fortunately, he sent the reconnaissance plane back to conduct reconnaissance yesterday, and it was also investigating an unexplored area. Otherwise, if he entered that ancient battlefield, the reconnaissance plane would have been completely destroyed.

He told Si Teng about the situation, and then asked Si Teng if he had detected any special places in front of him.

Si Teng quickly answered him and said: "Lord, there are two places nearby that you can visit, but you must be careful of the dangers."

After hearing Zhou Yan's words, Si Teng was also worried that there would be more dangers nearby. No one expected that the ancient battlefield would be so dangerous.

"Which two places are they?" Zhou Yan asked.

"One is a canyon, and it looks like there are a lot of monsters. As for the monsters, because the woods are dense, there are no monsters visible."

"The other place is a mountain peak. Yesterday, I photographed a flash of light. I don't know what it was. I will send you the specific location."

Si Teng quickly sent the locations of the two places to Zhou Yan.

After Zhou Yan looked at it, he said: "No problem, everything is fine in the territory now."

"Don't worry, lord. Everything in the territory is fine and there are no problems. Not even a single monster has appeared."

"That's good."

After Si Teng sent him the two locations, he clicked on his watch.

A 3D plane graphic appeared on it. He looked carefully at his location, then at the locations of the two places Si Teng mentioned, and headed towards the nearest place.

But first he looked for a place to spend the night.

That night, they encountered a group of cat-like monsters attacking them. They were like ghosts in the dark and were very fast.

However, when he raised the artificial moon, the monsters quickly left on their own initiative, leaving them to kill a lonely man.

Monsters that travel at night don't like strong light.

Especially these night cat monsters.

These monsters are dark monsters with dark crystals in their bodies.

In the market, there are relatively few dark-type monsters, and crystals are more expensive than other elemental crystal cores.

Out of curiosity, he purchased a tracking intelligent aircraft, which was only the size of a fly, and tracked these monsters to a cave not far away.

Under the night scan, many images of monsters were transmitted back.

The entire cave is densely packed with monsters.

He immediately had a small idea.

"That's right, that's right. As long as we block the outside of the cave, we can handle the whole thing."

He called the soldiers, prepared weapons, bows and arrows, and torches, and prepared to set fire to the Cat Demon Cave.

Their speed was very fast, and they were attacked by several lone cat monsters on the way. These monsters were still elite monsters, but it was a pity that they were only level 40, which was not on the same level as theirs.

After killing along the way, they came to the entrance of the cave, found a location, and then lit a fire at the entrance of the cave, and a thick smoke drifted into the cave.

Not long after, a strange cry came from the cave.

Zhou Yan raised his hand, and the soldiers pulled Gong Xuan on.

‘Whoosh! ’

A large group of monsters emerged from the cave, and then they were greeted by a black bow and arrow.

Before these cat demons could react, they fell down in pieces.

The soldiers could just wait and shoot these monsters by firing arrows.

Although some very fast cat demons were able to escape, they were surrounded by a group of soldiers holding weapons and waiting for hunger. When they saw these cat demons rushing towards them, they raised their weapons one by one and killed these cat demons. On the ground.

Although there are many cat demons, the soldiers are very strong and these cat demons have no chance at all.

In addition, Zhou Yan will also release powerful skills such as "Meteor and Fire Rain", "Wind Spell", and "Sword Control".

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