Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 182, The Mount Is Coming (7Th Update)

He said to the soldiers: "Knock all these crazy iron war rhinos unconscious and try not to kill them!"

Although the soldiers were a little surprised by this order, the smart soldiers immediately understood what the lord meant and quickly shouted: "Yes!"

Some soldiers were confused and asked: "What do you mean by this, Lord? Why don't you kill these monsters?"

"I don't know. I also think these monsters look weird and delicious."

A corps commander quickly knocked the two of them on the head and said, "What are you mumbling about?"

"Captain, why didn't the lord kill these rhinos? Look at how good they look. They must be very tasty to eat!"

The corps commander hit them on the head again and said, "Do you know why you can't become corps commander?"

The two shook their heads: "I don't know."

"That's because you are stupid! The Lord has made it very clear. He wants to get mounts for the brothers. Don't you think riding these crazy iron war rhinos is more majestic than riding a horse?"

The corps leader explained to the two of them.

When the two soldiers heard this, they immediately became happy and said, "So that's it. I thought the lord wanted to take it back to his territory and raise it for food."

After the soldiers knew the reason why the lord did this, their eyes changed when they looked at these crazy iron warriors.

It's like the way a bunch of bad uncles look at their little sister.

It seems to be saying: Don't worry, little rhinoceros, come to us quickly, we are not bad people and will treat you well.

It is easy to kill monsters, but it is a bit difficult for others to stun them.

But for soldiers, it can still be done.

However, even if you knock them out, it is not easy to make them behave as mounts.

But these are not things they need to consider. They believe that their lords will find a way.

Will Zhou Yan have any idea?

It must be difficult for others.

However, for cheaters, money is enough.

Zhou Yan quickly contacted Xiaowei and asked, "Xiaowei, help me find something that can subdue monsters. It's best to find something for me that can charm monsters."

Xiaowei immediately started searching.

He quickly said to Zhou Yan: "Lord, we have found many kinds. There is a very powerful smoke. Even Level 90 monsters will fall down if they smell it. The price is 50,000 spirit coins a bottle."

"It's only fifty thousand spirit coins. If it's such a big deal, let's get ten thousand bottles first!" Zhou Yan said.

Isn't it just a few hundred million? That's a lot.

Xiaowei: "(゚~゚)"

"There is a beast-control world that sells a beast-control contract talisman that can force a contract with a monster that has lost its resistance." Xiaowei said again.

"Oh, this thing is good. Buy one hundred thousand and use it first." Zhou Yan smiled.

"One hundred thousand spirit coins." Xiaowei answered.

"Buy!" Zhou Yan did not hesitate.

Xiaowei: “(・o・)”

Zhou Yan: "Wait!"

Xiaowei: "???"

"Buy one million sheets." Zhou Yan said.

Xiaowei: "( ̄0 ̄)"


Zhou Yan has lost interest in money. He is only interested in useful things.

Buy more at once to save yourself from having to buy more later.

With a contract talisman, you can contract a High Level mount. This transaction is very cost-effective no matter how you look at it.

The quality of the Level 70 Mad Iron Fighting Rhinoceros is still a bit lower, but use it first, just replace it later if it doesn’t work well.

Isn't it just a matter of hundreds of millions of dollars?

Just think of buying an extra mount for the soldier.

They all put away their weapons and dealt with these crazy iron rhinoceros with their bare hands. Their only target was.

Not only do you want to hit the opponent, but you also want to hit the opponent's body, and even their heart.

More ruthless than shrimp and pig heart.

Call it "Ronin!"

In order to have mounts, the soldiers broke out with terrifying fighting power one by one, knocking down the crazy iron war rhinoceros to the ground.

Zhou Yan was so strong that wherever he walked, Kuang Tie Zhan Xi would be knocked unconscious.

These poor crazy iron warriors were knocked unconscious before they could even react.

Originally, these Mad Iron War Rhinoceros were a group of very powerful monsters, but after seeing the smirking expressions in front of them and the constant falling of their companions, they became more powerful.

They were actually scared, terrified, their legs were trembling, they kept retreating, and their eyes looked at these grinning humans in horror.

His mouth opened, as if to say: "Don't come over, don't come over, humans are too scary! Linen!"

Thousands of Crazy Iron Fighting Rhinoceros were all defeated by this group of people.

At this time, Zhou Yan discovered something.

It seems that he didn't even take out the smoke.

"Didn't I buy it in vain?" Zhou Yan was surprised that the soldiers could be so strong with bare hands.

Xiaowei sent him a message. He clicked on it and asked, "Xiaowei, what's going on?"

"Lord, you need so many beast-controlling contract talismans that it scares the other party's boss." Xiaowei replied.

Zhou Yan: "..."

Although the other party cannot produce so much at once, they have promised that they will try their best to produce it, so they have to be given some time.

In this transaction, there were only hundreds of thousands of beast-controlling contract talismans, and there were only so many by buying all the beast-controlling contract talismans in the entire trading market.

Zhou Yan did not expect that the number of these things was so small, only a few hundred thousand in total.

The entire beast-controlling world can't even come up with one million copies. It's really poor.

He still gave each soldier a beast-control contract talisman, asking them to contract the mount in front of them first.

As for himself, he definitely doesn't need it.

He doesn't look down on these low-quality Mad Iron War Rhinos unless the quality of these monsters reaches Dark Gold or above.

There are only more than 500 Crazy Iron War Rhinoceros, and the remaining soldiers can only wait for the next wave.

The soldiers who got the mounts were naturally very happy. These crazy iron war rhinos were much better than war horses.

They continued to move forward and found dozens more Crazy Iron War Rhinos, and dozens more soldiers obtained mounts.

However, they did not encounter the Mad Iron War Rhino again, but encountered another kind of monster.

A fire-breathing wolf.

"This wolf looks better and more majestic than the Crazy Iron War Rhino. It looks like a good mount at first glance..."

Nowadays, when soldiers look at monsters, they no longer aim to kill them, but to see whether these monsters are suitable as mounts.

When the soldiers saw these monsters, they were like bachelors seeing beautiful women. They wanted to rush over and push them to the ground.

The shapes of these wolves are indeed very good, and even Zhou Yan thinks these wolves are very suitable as mounts.

Zhou Yan started to check the properties.

[Monster: Flame Demon Wolf]

[Quality: Leader]

[Race: Monster]

[Level: Level 75]

[Special: fire breathing, agility, bite, endurance enhancement, flame enhancement]

[Introduction: Contains a trace of the blood of the ancient fire wolf. ]

They didn't expect that these wolves were all leader-level. Although they were small in number, they looked very majestic and domineering.

These wolves are not easy to deal with, they breathe fire.

However, Zhou Yan did not give them a chance.

He took out a few bottles of smoke he had just bought and threw them towards the wolves.

The wolves showed human expressions of disdain, then opened their mouths and spit out flames at the bottles.


The bottles were ignited by the fire and exploded, then a puff of smoke enveloped them.

Eventually, they lose consciousness.

Zhou Yan said, this is all your own doing and has nothing to do with me.

(Author: Today’s update is awesome. I am really a hard-working author.)

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