Zhou Yan stepped forward, and the soldiers behind him ran faster than rabbits and quickly followed him.

Zhou Yan turned around and was almost startled.

Each of these soldiers looked at him eagerly, and those who didn't know better thought they had other ideas.

"What are you doing?" Zhou Yan asked.

"Lord, this mount..."

They all looked at these mounts. This was a leader-level mount. The key was its shape. It was so handsome and it could breathe fire. If they could have such a mount, they would laugh in their dreams.

"Those who have mounts cannot have more. After all, there are still so many brothers who don't have mounts. We must give some to other brothers."

"As for these mounts, what are you afraid of? In such a large lord continent, are you still afraid of not having mounts?"

Zhou Yan's words are indeed correct. There are so many monsters in such a large Lord's Continent that they don't need to worry about not having any mounts.

So, they discussed for a while and let others conclude the contract first.

They walked towards the depths of the forest again. After encountering a monster, the first thing they thought about was not to kill it, but to see what abilities the monster had and whether it could become a good mount.

They have gone further and further on the road to capturing the mount.

They met several more flame demon wolves. Each of these wolves was at the leader level.

Wolves are gregarious monsters and usually appear in large numbers.

Although I'm curious why they don't all gather together, but like to wander in twos and threes, which is very different from other wolf packs.

If they are gathered together, hundreds of bottles of smoke will be able to confuse them all, and they will get more mounts by then.

Only rich people like Zhou Yan can use such large sums of smoke and contracts.

Others, even if they have money, can't buy the mist and beast-controlling contract talismans at all.

Because the Flame Demon Wolf is indeed very powerful, many soldiers like this kind of mount.

They began to search specifically for this kind of Monster, and everyone was given dozens of bottles of cigarettes, just to be able to be fascinated by this kind of Monster at the first time.

The poor flame demon wolf, with Level 75 and leader-level quality, was completely miserable by these guys with weapons in their hands.

As soon as it appears, even a flame has no time to come out, and it feels dizzy and the whole wolf falls unconscious.

When they woke up again, they had arrived in the pet space and had an extra piece of information in their minds.

They were forced...

While searching, Zhou Yan found a bronze-quality flame demon wolf. It was taller and more handsome than the leader-level demon wolf, and its hair was more fluffy, like an enlarged version of Erha.

After a bottle of smoke went down, the bronze demon wolf did not fall down immediately, but he was still in a daze.

It seems that this kind of smoke is slightly less effective on high-quality monsters.

But it still works.

He stepped forward and knocked out the demon wolf, and then took it into his territory. A demon wolf like this must be equipped with soldiers above the officer level.

There were not many of these flame demon wolves. After they captured seven or eight hundred of them, they could not find any one.

Good guys, they all got it all in one go.

Although it was a pity, they had no choice but to give up.

After all, everyone here has a mount.

Next, they once again set their sights on the monsters deeper inside.

They have been led astray, from a soldier who kills monsters to a person who wants to capture mounts.

This is a great place to catch a mount.

The levels of the monsters are all above Level 70, and they do not appear in large numbers every time. At most, there are only a dozen or so, which is very suitable for them to capture.

Many soldiers discovered new prey.

A Level 72 enhanced elite, the Steel Teeth Cheetah, is known for its speed. This monster is tall and mighty, and the key is that it is fast enough, making it suitable for use as a light cavalry.

He immediately ordered: "Catch me!"

The soldiers summoned the mounts they had just obtained, and then chased the steel-toothed cheetah.

The steel-toothed cheetah was frightened. It just came out for a walk. How could it be trapped without any problems? This was too tragic.

Seeing so many enemies around, as well as the old enemy Flame Demon Wolf, how could it defeat it? It was so frightened that it was trembling. Are you going to roast it?

A soldier stepped forward and knocked it unconscious. The steel-toothed cheetah fainted happily and no longer needed to be afraid.

A hunt for mounts is underway here.

Zhou Yan began to prepare for his cavalry, intending to knock out more mounts.

High Level mounts are rarely encountered. If you can find them this time, there is no reason to let them go.

Soon, not a single steel-toothed cheetah was left.

Several additional monsters were discovered.

Level 78 Mammoth. Although this kind of giant elephant is relatively slow, its defense, strength, endurance, and physical strength are very powerful.

Moreover, the quality of this mammoth giant is above bronze, and the most powerful one has even reached dark gold. If Zhou Yan hadn't been so powerful, it would have been very difficult to knock it out.

It’s just that the number is not very large, only a few hundred.

Another type, the Level 76 Wind Lizard, can breathe out Wind Blade and crawl very fast, especially in the forest, and disappear in the blink of an eye.

Such monsters are also at the boss level, and many of them are even of bronze or silver quality.

The number is also very small, and each one acts alone.

But the soldiers attack in groups, and they have the advantage of mounts, otherwise it would be really difficult to capture them.

The last type is Level 77's war boar, a violent boar.

Not only does he have a bad temper, but he also has very powerful fangs and is ready to gouge others.

Even in the face of dozens of times more soldiers, he still showed no fear and decisively stepped forward and opened the door.

It lives up to its name as a war boar.

Its quality is to strengthen the elite, and it is also very suitable for use as a cavalry.

Although riding this kind of war boar looked a bit weird, this kind of mount was very powerful in combat. He asked everyone to collect all the monsters and not let any one go.

They have been capturing these mounts in this forest for two or three days, and have captured all the monsters from Level 75 to Level 79.

However, there is another biggest boss here, which Zhou Yan has never encountered.

This was all said through telepathy by the flame demon wolf who had made a contract with the soldiers.

These flame demon wolves soon began to help the soldiers fight against their own race.

Although the relationship between them is also between food, in a certain sense, they still rebelled.

Well, the real reason is that they really enjoy the soldiers' barbecue.

Zhou Yan began to think of ways to pack up the boss and take it away.

If the boss wants to survive, it must eat, but all the monsters here have been taken away by him. It will definitely not be able to survive without food.

So, Zhou Yan ordered: "Everyone cook more barbecue, I don't believe that the boss won't show up!"

Somewhere, a huge white shadow was searching all over the forest, looking everywhere, but unfortunately found nothing.

It searched for several days and couldn't find even a single piece of food.

It was very unclear where all the food had gone and why it had escaped.

It is really hungry.

Suddenly, a scent attracted it.

In a fragrant place, a boss who had been hungry for several days suddenly smelled the most unforgettable fragrance in his life.

So, it headed there crazily.

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