Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 188, Spider Demon Cave Copy

After summoning the soldiers, he asked them all to enter the [Heritage Temple] for job transfer.

Then we came to the [Shen Weapon Workshop], where there were many dwarves, all of whom were rescued from the mountain elf tribe.

At this time, they got along with these dwarves and became the best assistants, and every dwarf had a happy smile on his face.

"The lord is coming!"

"Hello, Lord!"

"Dear Lord, I don't know if you have anything to tell us."

After the dwarves saw Zhou Yan, they hurriedly came forward. Every dwarf respected him very much.

It was Zhou Yan who gave them a good life and also provided them with a large amount of ore-making equipment.

Even through the [Heritage Temple], many of them have switched to very good blacksmithing professions.

To them, the lord is a god-like figure in their hearts.

"Lord, I finally see you."

After Jerry saw Zhou Yan, he quickly came over and said happily: "Jerry lived up to the lord's expectations and successfully obtained the inheritance of the God of Blacksmith. He can now create stronger equipment for the territory."

"That's all your own hard work. I look forward to you bringing me more surprises."

Zhou Yan quickly checked Jerry's occupation.

[Occupation: Heritage of the God of Blacksmith (can greatly improve equipment attributes, reduce material loss, increase forging speed, independently design various equipment, and have a probability of obtaining special attribute bonuses) ]

After changing jobs, Jerry's quality improved from the previous A quality to SSS quality, which surprised him.

It seems that Jerry did gain a lot from this trip.

Moreover, his forging level has been raised to platinum level, and he can forge platinum quality equipment.

"Jerry, I didn't expect your forging level to reach platinum!" Zhou Yan was indeed surprised.

"As long as you give me enough materials, I will soon be able to advance to the diamond level and then move towards forging the Great Master."

Jerry said confidently.

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "You can use the current materials in the territory at will. Any high-quality ore will be provided to you first. I am looking forward to your achievement of forging the realm of Great Master."

"Don't worry, Lord, Jerry will definitely work hard." Jerry replied.

"I believe in your ability very much." Zhou Yan left with satisfaction.

If Jerry can forge the Great Master, he can forge Spirit Weapon-level equipment.

Even in the entire Myriad Worlds, forging Great Masters is very rare.

The shops in each world didn’t even sell a piece of Spirit Weapon-level equipment.

Because this kind of equipment will only be sold at auctions.

He found that many dwarves had improved their quality after changing jobs, and there were even several S-quality dwarves.

They have all received a good inheritance. As long as they are given time and sufficient materials, they can become Great Master level blacksmiths.

As for others, it just depends on their fate.

However, their lowest achievement is that they can forge platinum quality equipment, which is enough.

After leaving Shen Weapang, he came to the [Mysterious Shop]. He had not been there for several days. These days, Si Teng came in to buy things.

After looking at the things that appeared today, they were all five-star level materials. After taking them away, he came to the [Three Life Stones].

I found that the level of [Three Life Stones] has been upgraded to Level 3, and there are several pairs of names on it.

He naturally supports this. Only if there are more couples, this building can be upgraded.

[Three Life Stones] prompt: "Lord Zhou Yan successfully signed in [Three Life Stones] and received 500 soul coins."

He checked the various buildings in the territory. Many of the buildings lacked materials and were of very low level. He had to find a way to improve the level of these buildings.

However, he saw one of the buildings, and while there was still time, he had to go and see what that building was like.

That is the [Spider Demon Lair Copy]. He has never seen this building, but now that he has time, he plans to go and see it.

He walked towards [Lingqi Courtyard], planning to take Diao Chan with him to have a look.

However, he spotted someone on the way.

"Cai Yan pays homage to the lord." Cai Yan saluted Zhou Yan.

Cai Yan also successfully changed jobs.

Because there were too many people transferring jobs, he naturally couldn't pay attention to them all. Since Cai Yan had successfully transferred jobs, he could just take him with him.

"It just so happens that this lord needs you for something, please come with me." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes." Cai Yan nodded slightly.

Zhou Yan found Diao Chan's room, knocked on the door and asked, "Chan'er, are you there?"

Diao Chan opened the door and said, "Yes, what's going on?"

"Come and take a trip to [Spider Demon Cave Dungeon] to see what's going on inside." Zhou Yan said.

"Okay." Diao Chan nodded, and after seeing Cai Yan, she said, "Sister Cai Yan is here too."

"Hello, mistress." Cai Yan saluted.

Diao Chan walked over and said to Cai Yan, "Just call me sister. Sooner or later we will all be sisters anyway."

When he finished saying this, he looked at Zhou Yan specifically.

Zhou Yan said: Then I will help you. (* ̄︶ ̄)

If he is indifferent to a girl like Cai Yan, then is he still a man?

He was just doing what a normal man would choose, which makes sense.

"Yes, sister." Cai Yan's pretty face turned red imperceptibly, and she lowered her head and said nothing.

The three of them came outside [Spider Demon Lair Dungeon].

[Spider Demon Lair Dungeon] Prompt: "If there are multiple people, please form a team first, and then select the difficulty."

After arriving here, there was an additional team-building function, and he began to create a team, adding Cai Yan and Diao Chan into the team.

Then I chose the normal difficulty to see the situation.

The main reason is that this dungeon is only Level 20, and the highest difficulty is only normal.

[You have entered the spider demon lair instance. ]

The three of them came to a cave. Above the cave, the four characters "Spider Demon Cave" appeared.

"Go in and take a look at the situation."

They walked into the cave. The cave was very wide, like a huge passage, and there were many spider webs on the stone walls.

Not long after, spiders as big as cats appeared in front of them, crawling towards them.

"Is this a spider? It's similar to the monsters outside."

He checked the properties.

[Monster: Silk-Spinning Spider]

[Quality: Normal]


[Level: Level 15]

[Special: None]

It was a very simple introduction, and it was just a Level 8 monster. He casually released the move "Meteor Fire Shower", and the meteor-like flames devoured these monsters.

[Soul Coin Experience +5]

[Soul Coin Experience +5]

[Soul Coin Experience +5]


Zhou Yan was stunned for a moment, then looked at the back of his level, and indeed found that the soul coin experience was increasing.

Then he laughed and said, "This copy is so good!"

He had no idea that this dungeon could directly increase the level. Although each person could only enter once a day, with so many people in the territory, even if they could only enter once a day, it would still save him a large amount of soul coins for upgrading.

He definitely found a treasure this time.

It seems that people in that world still despise buildings like this.

"After we go out, we have to go and see if they have collected other types of buildings and materials as soon as possible. This space stone is really a headache."

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