Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 189, This Is All A Misunderstanding

There are many more materials he needs, [Spider Demon Lair Copy] needs Void Stone, [Mysterious Shop] needs Mystical Crystal, [Cinema] needs Space Stone, [Underworld] needs Yin Ming Stone.

He even has a B-quality [Arena] building yet to be built.

There is also a shortage of materials for six stars and above.

If he hadn't owned Myriad Worlds and been able to purchase materials from so many worlds, he might not have been able to build his territory so quickly.

They continued to walk towards this dungeon. The monsters behind them were all spiders, and their levels were all within Level 20.

These mobs were too weak, and using his skills to attack them was like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer.

Because of their high luck value, these monsters also broke out a lot of equipment, but they were all the lowest level Black Iron equipment.

Because of the team formation, the soul coin experience of one monster needs to be divided among three people.

The level of this dungeon was too low, so they quickly reached the end and met the BOSS, a Level 30 Spider Banshee.

The quality is bronze, and there are dozens of other Elite Level spider banshees around her.

These spider banshees have human heads, but their bodies are in the form of spiders, which completely ruins the beauty.

After killing with one sword, a piece of bronze equipment exploded.

After leaving the dungeon, he immediately came to the barracks and ordered everyone to go to the [Spider Demon Den Dungeon] every day.

And let them download the dungeon alone, so that they can get more soul coin rewards.

Then he asked people to transmit the order to everyone in the territory, asking them to enter the dungeon once a day. This can greatly reduce the number of soul coins required for upgrades.

After conveying the order, the soldiers walked towards the dungeon one after another and began to hunt spiders to gain soul coin experience.

Then, he came to the [Myriad Worlds Virtual Mall] alone and said to Xiaowei: "Teleport me to the [Longyao Jiuzhou Trading Market]."

Xiaowei quickly found that world and said, "Okay."

"Spirit Coin -1600, start teleportation..."

"The transmission [Long Yao Jiuzhou·Trading Market] was successful!"

When he came to this chaotic trading market again, he saw many people being killed and many items exploded.

Zhou Yan looked at himself, and with an idea, he took off his coat, put on his equipment, and took out several rings from the territory and put them on his hands. At first glance, he looked like a nouveau riche.

His outfit really attracted a lot of people's attention.

Then someone slowly approached him, surrounded him, and without saying a word, took out the weapon in their hands and started taking action.

“Ding ding ding!!!”

Robber: "∑(O_O;)???"

Their weapons struck each other, expecting to make the opponent's blood splatter three feet, but they found that their weapons were broken.

They stared at the broken weapon on the ground in a daze, wondering whether it was because Pin Duoduo bought the weapon or for other reasons.

"Um, are you going to rob?" Zhou Yan looked at the other party and asked.

Several people looked at each other, then quickly put away their broken weapons and replied: "We were just passing by, what could we have any bad intentions?"

"Yes, yes, that's it."

Others nodded quickly.

Zhou Yan said "oh".

He casually took out a five-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd and said to them: "Originally, since we are all peers, it is not easy for everyone, but since you are not robbers, there is no need to let you go. Now, do you do it yourself, or should I help you."

Robber: "What(@[]@!!)?"

Damn it!

They were all shocked!

There is such an operation!

They looked at the weapons in each other's hands and were all shocked.

Good guy, the five-meter-long Fang Tian Hua Ji, how much strength does it have?

A person who can hold such a weapon is not simple at first glance.

"Brother, if you have something to say, can we put down our weapons first?"

"Brother, we are colleagues and fellow villagers. It's not easy."

"We are both little robbers who are suffering from fate, so why are we so anxious to torture each other?"

Zhou Yan asked doubtfully: "Are you really robbers?"

"More real than pearls. Look, this is the evidence of my crime just now!"

The robbers took out the weapons they had broken before and showed them to Zhou Yan.

Zhou Yan nodded and said: "Yo Xi! Then I can't let you go. I hate internal fighting the most in my life, and you just attacked me, who is also a robber. I can't let you go." !”

Several people: "(O_O)?"

They were confused and shouted: "This is all a misunderstanding!"

"Die! If there are any misunderstandings, wait till you die to discuss them."

Zhou Yan held Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand and swept past them. Several people didn't even scream, their bodies were cut in half, and a lot of things exploded.

The eyes of the people around him lit up when they saw what was on the ground.

Zhou Yan glanced at the eyes of the people around him, quickly put away the five-meter-long Fangtian painted halberd, and then said with a harmless look: "Come on, come on, take a look, I see something." Don’t be polite, just grab and take whatever you want, no charge for each item.”

Everyone: "(゜-゜)o(´^`)o゛(◎_◎;)"

If they hadn't seen the other party holding a five-meter-long Fang Tian painted halberd and casually cutting the five people in half, they would have almost believed the other party's lies.

"Is it true that no one wants it?"

Zhou Yan asked everyone.

Seeing that the people around him were indifferent, he said again: "You really don't want it, it's for free, and whoever picks it up will be the one!"

Everyone was scolding Zhou Yan in their hearts: I believe you are a ghost!

"Don't forget it." Zhou Yan picked up the things on the ground.

But someone walked up to him and said, "It's for free, that's good."

Zhou Yan stood up, smiled, and said, "This is... you, Luo Jiahao!"

The person who came was none other than Luo Jiahao from [Longyao Store]. He thought it was some idiot who sent something.

"Mr. Zhou Xingxing, our manager has been waiting for you for a long time. What are you..."

Luo Jiahao looked at Zhou Yan puzzled.

Zhou Yan quickly picked up the equipment on the ground and said seriously: "It's not because of poverty. I'm doing some small business to support my family."

Gary Locke: (´`;)? ? ?

Are you poor?

If you are poor, wouldn’t I be worse than a beggar?

Luo Jiahao took Zhou Yan to [Longyao Store].

Before he came, he had already talked with Gao Jin, and the other party would send Luo Jiahao there to pick him up to show respect for him.

Gao Jin personally waited for him outside the shop. After seeing Zhou Yan, he quickly stepped forward and held Zhou Yan's hand and said, "You are finally here. Please invite me."

Zhou Yan is now his big customer, the most important person, so he must be treated with the highest standards.

The people around him were surprised, and they were all curious about who Zhou Yan was. Even the manager of [Longyao Store] respected him so much.

Gao Jin had contacted Zhou Yan a few days ago, but at that time, Zhou Yan was still killing monsters outside the territory and had no time at all.

Now that I saw Zhou Yan coming, I finally felt relieved and quickly made the other party a pot of good Biluochun.

"All the equipment you put here last time has been auctioned. This is the record list of auction transactions. Check it out."

Gao Jin handed the list on the auction list to Zhou Yan for review.

Zhou Yan took it over and looked at it. He was not interested in the small money. What he needed was a copy-type building.

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