Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 313, Endless Yin Soldiers

A series of tinkling sounds, explosions, and the sounds of various traps soon came from the passage.

Then a green smoke came out. These are highly toxic things. If they spread out, the soldiers would be poisoned.

But for Zhou Yan, he had many ways to deal with these poisonous gases. He remembered that there was a gadget in the warehouse that was very useful for dealing with these poisonous gases.

"Found it!" Zhou Yan took out the thing and said, "Transcendent Level vacuum cleaner, vacuum it for me!"

Zhou Yan took out something that looked like a vacuum cleaner, and then started to suck the poisonous gas. As the vacuum cleaner made a "buzzing" sound, all the poisonous gas was sucked in by the vacuum cleaner.

"Lord, what kind of Law Weapon is this? It looks pretty good." Yan Chixia's eyes lit up when she saw it.

"What kind of Law Weapon is this? It's used to suck dust on the ground. It's just that the thing I have is relatively High Level. It won't be a problem to absorb these poisonous gases." Zhou Yan replied.

After a long time, there was no trace of poisonous gas in the entire passage. Zhou Yan said: "Keep going!"

They walked forward again and found that various hidden weapons and mechanisms had appeared in front of them. Zhou Yan concentrated his Spirit Gathering power and swung a fist print the size of a basketball, smashing everything in front of him.

Various hidden weapons appeared on the ground, and there were quite a lot of them. It seemed that the owner of the tomb didn't like others entering his tomb.

This passage was a full kilometer long. There were countless murals carved on the stone walls. Zhou Yan was not interested in knowing what they meant. They saw a large black iron gate again. This iron gate exuded a stronger odor than before. There is also a strong and cold atmosphere.

Bai Qi and others have already stepped forward, ready to fight.

Zhou Yan looked at the big black iron door and said, "Open the door!"

Wu Song, Bai Qi and other heroes stepped forward and pushed open the large iron door. The iron door was quite heavy. They used all their strength to slowly open the door.

Following the quaint door, accompanied by creaking sounds, a hell-like atmosphere hits your face!


Bai Qi and others stood ready, and they all felt an unusual aura. A large stream of very powerful Yin energy appeared in it, as unfathomable as the sea.

Bai Qi and others walked inside, followed by Zhou Yan and others. This was a huge palace with countless dragon pillars, each with a giant dragon carved on it. The dragon pillars extended all the way inside, with no end in sight. It was dark inside, and the atmosphere here was extremely strange.

They should have entered the core area here, which is like a real underground underworld.


Zhou Yan raised his hand, and then took out hundreds of illuminated crystal balls and suspended them in the air. Then, they saw rows of soldiers standing in front of them, densely packed, and exuding a yin energy.

They were all soldiers formed by Yin Qi. With such a large number, it was no wonder that they felt a terrifying and terrifying Yin Qi.

These Yin soldiers were arranged neatly, standing there like statues, motionless.


I saw these Yin soldiers opening their eyes, which turned out to be blood red. They moved in unison, raised their weapons, and shouted: "Kill!"

"Array up!" Bai Qi shouted immediately.

The soldiers began to form formations and let Chen Qingzhi lead the army. Only he could unleash the power of the white-robed army.

“Dong dong dong!!!”

The sound of dense footsteps sounded, and the Yin soldiers in front began to walk towards them. There were too many Yin soldiers, and there was no telling how many Yin soldiers were hidden in the darkness.

They all look like regular troops, with various weapons, armors, helmets, shields, bows and arrows, and even many Yin soldiers riding war horses made of Yin energy!

Zhou Yan looked back again, and the same footsteps came from behind, and then they heard a huge door closing.

"Lord, countless Yin soldiers have also appeared in the rear. We are surrounded by these Yin soldiers!" A soldier replied.

"Lord, if you guessed it right, that gate has also been closed. Do you want Shangshu Zhang Liang to send people to support?" Yan Chixia felt frightened and unsure when she saw so many underworld soldiers.

"What can this little Yin soldier do to me?"

Zhou Yan did not take these Yin soldiers into consideration at all, he took out the Heavenly Soul Sword, strengthened the power of the Great Saint, and burst out endless holy light.

In addition, this Heavenly Soul Sword has extra bonus damage against such soul-type monsters.

Because of this, when the Heavenly Soul Sword appears, the Yin soldiers are a little afraid. This is the Saint Weapon, and it carries soul damage, so these Yin soldiers are naturally afraid.

But these Yin soldiers are not simple. Zhou Yan can feel the depths of darkness, and there are several powerful cold auras. Those guys are also more powerful.

As a Yin soldier's horn sounded, these Yin soldiers began to rush towards them quickly.


Zhou Yan gave the order, jumped up hard, and his whole body turned into a ray of light. He held the Heavenly Soul Sword in his hand, exuding a terrifying and terrifying sword energy, and rushed towards the Yin soldiers in front, and gave a fierce blow.

The hundreds of meters long sword light slashed down, killing countless Yin soldiers! Zhou Yan ran "Floating Ripple Microsteps", and like a bolt of lightning, he rushed into the endless army of Yin soldiers.

His strength was unparalleled and his fighting power was astonishing. With his own strength, he broke up the formation of these Yin soldiers and swept towards the Yin soldiers' archers.

"Open the military formation, follow me to kill!" Chen Qingzhi and the others will naturally not fall behind, and start the entire [white-robed ghost soldiers] charging and killing military formation. Under the leadership of Bai Qi, Chen Qingzhi, Meng Yi, Wu Song, and Yan Chixia, they become An arrow rushed forward fiercely!

They rushed into the Yin soldiers, and with supreme impact, rushed within hundreds of meters of the Yin soldiers. They killed an unknown number of enemies, leaving only piles of soul boxes on the ground.

At this time, he also showed his powerful profession as the God of Killing. He seemed to have transformed, with a bloody aura lingering around his whole body, and his eyes became blood red.

He held a long sword, turned into a bloody light, and rushed into these Yin soldiers. Where he walked, all the Yin soldiers disappeared into thin air.

He raised the red sword and released a burst of red energy, like clouds and mist, like the sunset.


The blood-colored cloud turned into a blood-colored ocean and rushed towards the Yin soldiers. The Yin soldiers who were penetrated by this energy screamed and then all turned into fly ash.

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