Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 314, Fighting The Yin Soldiers

The bloody energy crossed countless Yin soldiers, and the entire Yin soldiers were wiped out by Bai Qi.

On the other side, Chen Qingzhi’s strength should not be underestimated. He is like the natural nemesis of these Yin soldiers. There is something like a ghost king about him, which makes these Yin soldiers fearful and difficult to get close to. Even if they get close, their strength will be affected. Great impact.

On the contrary, Chen Qingzhi himself is very strong, and he has learned a lot of skills in [Sutra Pavilion]. With one skill, he can kill a group of Yin soldiers.

Others are also very strong, such as Wu Song, who comes from [Drunken Immortal Tower] and is a specially recruited hero who retains complete memories. Likewise, his strength is quite weak.

However, after evolving, changing jobs, and learning new skills, his combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

His new profession is Fuhu. Every time he strikes, he looks like a tiger, capable of bursting out with terrifying combat power.

The others are also very good. Meng Yi is a battlefield hero. His performance on the battlefield is also very good, killing the Yin soldiers to a rout.

Although their number was only a few thousand, they had killed tens of thousands of people in a short period of time, tore a huge hole in the endless army of Yin soldiers, and then killed these Yin soldiers bit by bit. , eliminated little by little.

Although there were a lot of Yin soldiers and they were killed one after another, their combat effectiveness was also very strong. No matter how many Yin soldiers came, they could not cause any harm to them.

Zhou Yan, Bai Qi, and Chen Qingzhi, who were at the forefront, were like three sharp knives, destroying all the formations of the Yin soldiers and breaking through the siege of the Yin soldiers one after another.

Wherever they are, the Yin soldiers will fall in large numbers, and no Yin soldiers can stop them even half a step.

This hall is indeed very large and long, and can accommodate countless armies fighting here. Zhou Yan and the others are not in a hurry, but are very happy.

Because what he gets by killing these Yin soldiers are soul boxes, which are full of soul coins. These are the things he needs most now, so he is happy to keep killing these Yin soldiers here.

Zhou Yan discovered that after entering through the iron gate, this place should be another space world, or a transformed cave. Otherwise, there would be no such a large underground world. They have been killing for so long, but they have not yet finished. .

An hour later, the three of them killed the Yin soldiers, but in front of them, it was not that there were no more Yin soldiers, but a stronger team of Yin soldiers appeared.

Later, Meng Yi and the others also came here. After seeing the Yin soldiers in front of them who were even more Yin, they were surprised, how many Yin soldiers there were!

"Lord, there are too many of these Yin soldiers. The Yin soldiers in front of them seem to be more powerful, and they don't seem to be easy to deal with." Yan Chixia was a little worried after observing carefully.

"It turns out that the people we killed before were all minions. These are the regular army. These underworld soldiers are so abominable. They actually know how to use the minions to consume us." Meng Yi clenched his weapon and was ready to attack at any time. monster.

"What are you afraid of? No matter how many Yin soldiers he has, come and kill one by one, come in a group and kill a group. I, Wu Song, will take the lead." So, Wu Song swallowed his saliva, looked at Zhou Yan with a smile, touched his head and said: " Lord, I’ve been killing for a long time and I’m a little thirsty. Could you please give me some wine?”

"Hahaha..." Zhou Yan smiled and said, "Don't drink too much."

"Thank you, Lord!" Upon hearing this, Wu Song's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait to take out a bottle of wine that had been prepared, and then couldn't help but take a sip.

“It smells so good!”

After Wu Song drank, he felt more energetic and his fighting power increased greatly.

This is Wu Song's passive skill. "Drunkenness" starts to activate. The more wine you drink, the more your strength will increase.

Zhou Yan saw several generals riding Yin horses. They had a strong aura and were quite powerful. They were several levels stronger than the Yin soldiers they had encountered before.

The soldiers behind quickly eliminated the remaining Yin soldiers and regrouped. Their fighting spirit was high and their morale was greatly boosted. They did not look like they had just experienced a fight.

Zhou Yan looked behind him and said, "Can we still continue to fight?"

"Kill, kill, kill!!!"

The soldiers were full of fighting spirit and shouted the word "kill".

"Okay!" Zhou Yan raised his weapon again, pointed his sword forward, and said, "Form up and charge!"


They rushed towards the Yin soldiers in front again. The Yin soldiers in front were indeed very different from the previous batch of Yin soldiers. They were more powerful and had thicker Yin energy. They even formed a formation, forming a huge The skull rushed towards them.

"It's interesting." Zhou Yan smiled.

"Lord, I'm going to break their formation!" Bai Qi said quickly without fear.

"Okay!" Zhou Yan replied.

Bai Qi's speed exploded, and sure enough, his bloody aura became even stronger, and his powerful murderous aura made the Yin soldiers retreat from the death aura, daring not to get close to them.

Bai Qi turned into a bloody lightning, raised the sword in his hand, and once again burst out a sea of ​​blood. The sea of ​​blood was boundless and terrifying, and could drown hundreds of millions of troops.

The sea of ​​blood directly flooded the skeleton formation of the Yin soldiers. After a few seconds, an explosion sounded and the entire skeleton exploded.

Bai Qi directly destroyed this elite Yin soldiers army with one person, then rushed into the Yin soldiers army and began to massacre the Yin soldiers inside.

"Not bad." Zhou Yan nodded. Bai Qi is worthy of being Bai Qi. He is very powerful in terms of personal strength, command, and combat.

Zhou Yan also circulated the yin and yang energy and released a sword.


The terrifying sword energy killed countless Yin soldiers. Even though these Yin soldiers were much stronger than the previous Yin soldiers, the gap between them and Zhou Yan was really too big.

Chen Qingzhi, who was behind, took the opportunity to lead his army towards the Yin soldiers. Their formation was very lethal. Wherever they rushed, the Yin soldiers would fall to pieces. Their formation was also broken by Bai Qi and Zhou Yan, and they had long been lost. In order to maximize the damage to the soldiers, we can only let the soldiers massacre.

Wu Song directly transformed into a huge tiger, rampaging, and with one paw, several Yin soldiers turned into flying ashes. The tiger roared with a sound that shook hundreds of meters, directly killing the Yin soldiers in the area.

Meng Yi swung his sword to kill the Yin soldiers, one by one with his sword, and with a burst of sword energy, he killed several Yin soldiers.

Other soldiers also took action, and they rushed towards the Yin soldiers. They all fought in groups, with three groups in groups, and several groups in one formation. They pushed horizontally into the Yin soldiers and began to eliminate these Yin soldiers.

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