Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 315, Powerful Stone Array

Suddenly, several Yin soldiers generals rode on Yin soldiers' horses and rushed towards Zhou Yan with spears in their hands. They were very fast and arrived in front of Zhou Yan. They stabbed Zhou Yan with their spears in hand.

"Don't hurt my lord!"

Bai Qi turned into a red light and rushed directly towards the Yin soldier generals. The terrifying murderous aura directly enveloped the Yin soldiers, and then he swung a bloody sword energy towards them.


Several Yin soldier generals took out their weapons and stood in front of them, but were knocked back several steps by Bai Qi's sword energy.

With Bai Qi's strength, he could only force them back a few steps, which shows that the strength of these three Yin soldier generals is not very weak.

Bai Qi also felt that these three Yin soldier generals were difficult to deal with, and they were definitely not weak in life.

Later, Chen Qingzhi also came from other places and said, "How can we let General Bai Qi face it alone?"

"One for you and two for me." Bai Qi said.

"Okay!" Chen Qingzhi replied.

The three Yin soldiers generals did not stop and rushed towards Bai Qi and the others. Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi each stepped forward and started a fierce battle with each other.

“ding ding ding ding ding!!!!”

The three Yin soldiers generals are indeed extraordinary, their strength is astonishing, and they can compete with Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi on a par.

Zhou Yan looked at the battle between Bai Qi and Chen Qingzhi.

Then I felt that there was a more powerful aura deep in this passage. This aura was much more powerful than the three Yin soldier generals.

He held the Heavenly Soul Sword and walked alone into the bottomless passage, keeping vigilant at all times.

Because he felt that this breath was very special.

This aura is very powerful and should be the biggest BOSS here.

After walking a few hundred meters, he saw a huge coffin.

This coffin is hung in the air by nine chains. Under the coffin, there are nine dragon-shaped stone sculptures, and each dragon-shaped stone sculpture has a different shape.

This coffin exudes a heart-stopping aura of death, which is dozens of times more powerful than the previous ones.

In front of the coffin, there are many stone statues. On the left are three rows of statues of civil servants, and on the right are three rows of statues of generals.

Civil officials hold stone swords, and military generals hold stone spears.

The materials of these weapons are the same as the stones on them. They look a bit special, like white jade, but I don't think they are.

Zhou Yan couldn't tell what kind of material it was. It was the first time he had seen such a stone statue.

He also felt the breath of death from these stone sculptures, and there was also a very powerful breath of death.

If he wanted to get close to the coffin, he had to pass by these stone statues.

He took the initiative and released the Yin and Yang Qi, and the Tianhun Sword emitted strong energy.

The nine iron chains on the coffin made a jingling sound. It seemed that it felt threatened, and black death aura began to emerge. These death auras were far more powerful than those seen before.

In the coffin, there lay a very powerful guy.

It was at this time that the eyes of these stone statues turned blood red, and then a strange light flowed on the entire stone statues. These lights were very weak and small, but he still discovered them. It should be a A special rune.

These stone statues began to move.

They moved quickly and were distributed in front of the coffin, forming a kind of battle formation, and looked at Zhou Yan with their bloody eyes.

"This should be some kind of formation that can increase their strength several times. This formation is quite interesting. If you can learn it, it would be a good thing."

After Zhou Yan observed carefully, he found that a very powerful formation was deployed around the coffin, and those stone statues should exist to protect the coffin.

He held the Heavenly Soul Sword, and after releasing the Yin and Yang Qi, he dropped the sword.


The energy sword light, which was hundreds of meters in size, fell on the stone statue in front, but a very powerful energy defense shield appeared in the sky, which not only blocked his sword energy, but also felt that this formation blocked his The energy of this attack was absorbed.

Zhou Yan's eyes changed, and he was surprised: "I didn't expect this formation to be so powerful and able to absorb energy attacks. It seems that I can only enter the formation to try."

He walked toward the formation and felt the huge energy spreading under his feet. The entire ground was covered with strange formation patterns, runes, inscriptions, and images.

This is a very powerful formation.

If he had time, he could do some research, but unfortunately he didn't have time now, and these stone statues wouldn't give him time to study.

The stone statues began to walk towards him. Even though they were stone statues, their movements were no slower than those of a normal person.

"Let me see what you stone statues are capable of."

Zhou Yan moved forward, and these stone statues attacked him, and they held weapons and attacked him fiercely.

Zhou Yan slashed at them with the Heavenly Soul Sword, and the other party attacked him with the weapons in their hands.

"Clang clang clang!!!"

He thought that their weapons would break into pieces upon contact, but the result surprised Zhou Yan.

The opponent's weapon was very strange. After colliding with his Heavenly Soul Sword, there was no crack at all.

Moreover, the power of these stone statues is very powerful. In terms of strength alone, it is no weaker than a strong man from the Martial Dao Seventieth Layer.

If he hadn't been very powerful, he probably wouldn't have been able to confront them head-on.

His heavenly soul weapon was the Saint Weapon. Ordinary weapons could not fight it. These stones were able to block his weapons, which really shocked him.

"No, although their stones are special, it is obviously not enough to resist Saint Weapon, unless their materials are very special and have profound runes engraved on them."

He carefully identified them and exchanged dozens of moves with their weapons. Every time the weapons exchanged, he found that the opponent's weapons would emit a very secret rune wave. It was those powerful runes that Enables a head-to-head confrontation with his weapons.

"These runes are very profound. At first glance, they are not simple runes. The material of the stone statues itself is also a very rare material. I don't know if it can be obtained."

This formation and these runes alone were a huge treasure. He really wanted to get it, but he had to break the formation first.

This formation was very powerful. When he entered it, he discovered several very special characteristics, all of which were very detrimental to him.

For example, his physical and spiritual energy consumption has doubled. There is a formation that can swallow up his spiritual energy.

This formation is very strange, and the defense of these stone statues is amazing. Even if his Heavenly Soul Sword attacks these stone statues, it cannot cause any damage to these stone statues.

These stone statues cooperated closely, and even a simple attack made him unable to do anything to these stone statues.

He burst out powerful yin and yang qi, trying to kill them, but the powerful yin and yang qi could only repel them, and the energy could be absorbed by them, which was very strange.

He can only fight against these stone statues with pure strength, but the opponent's numbers are large and their defense is strong. Even he can't break any stone statue now. He really doesn't know what method to use to defeat these stone statues.

This really surprised Zhou Yan. What are these stone statues made of?

What level is the rune pattern on it? It is so terrifying.

He met his opponent and felt troubled for the first time.

He fought with these stone statues in the formation for half an hour. He didn't know how many times he attacked with the Sky Soul Sword, but he could only repel them every time and could not cause any crushing damage to the stone statues. He still didn't have any reward.

Instead, his spiritual power was exhausted.

His "Seven Star Sword Technique" actually encountered an existence that could resist him for the first time. A terrifying sword fell on the stone statues, but it could only repel them.

Instead, his weapon was buzzing.

The hardness of this stone statue was beyond his imagination.

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