Lord Of All: My Territory Can Infinite Evolution

Chapter 316, Join Forces To Break The Formation

Zhou Yan planned to withdraw from the stone statue formation, but these stone statues would not let him go so easily.

The stone statues began to surround him and kept attacking him, but in terms of power, even if several of them united, they could not pose a threat to him.

Zhou Yan's power is still very powerful. With one strike of his sword, the stone statue will be knocked out.

Coupled with his very fast speed and "Floating Ripple Microsteps", it is not easy for these stone statues to attack him.

Zhou Yan used his powerful speed and body skills to retreat quickly. After knocking down several stone statues with force, he exited the stone statue array.

He looked at this formation and fell into deep thought.

He was thinking about how to break this formation.

Obviously, one person's strength alone cannot break this formation.

He needs the cooperation of other heroes to break this formation. This formation is really weird.

He still doesn't understand the subtlety of this formation, so he can only join forces with other heroes to give it a try.

He wanted to go back to look for Bai Qi and the others, but he saw Bai Qi and the others coming towards him from a distance.

Bai Qi and others came to Zhou Yan and said: "Lord, all those Yin soldiers have been killed. I have asked the soldiers to clean up the battlefield."

Zhou Yan nodded and said with great satisfaction: "Very good, you guys take a rest and we will destroy this stone formation together later."

Bai Qi and others all looked at this formation. They knew very well that if it were an ordinary formation, the lord's strength would definitely be able to break it easily.

But the lord said that they need to break it together, which has proved that this formation is extraordinary.

They looked at it for a long time and found nothing special.

Wu Song looked at the stone statue and said, "Aren't these just a few stone statues? I don't see anything special about them."

"If you can see this thing, wouldn't you be very powerful? From what I see, this thing should be a very strong formation."

Although Yan Chixia couldn't understand the formation, she also knew that the formation was very powerful.

"Don't you understand formations too?" Wu Song looked at Yan Chixia.

"Although I don't understand, it's better than you knowing nothing." Yan Chixia said proudly.

Chen Qingzhi asked: "Lord, I wonder what's so special about this formation?"

Zhou Yan replied: "Don't underestimate this stone statue formation. Not only are these stone statues made of powerful materials, they are also engraved with a very powerful divine pattern that even Saint Weapon can block."

"This is not the most critical thing. The key is that there are many factors that are unfavorable to us in the entire formation. As long as we enter the formation, our physical and spiritual energy consumption will be doubled."

"Moreover, once we use any powerful spiritual attack, it will be absorbed by the entire formation."

"So, to break this formation, you can only use pure force to break it. You need to pay attention to this."

"It's the first time I've heard of such a formation." Chen Qingzhi was a little surprised.

"Strength, then I, Wu Song, have a lot of strength!" Wu Song quickly clenched his fist.

"Even Saint Weapon can block it. You want to use your fists to smash those stone statues. Wu Song, do you think your fists are stronger than Saint Weapon?" Yan Chixia asked.

When Wu Song heard this, he immediately scratched his head and said with a smile: "This, this..."

"That means we can only rely on pure strength to break the formation." Meng Yi said.

"It's true. I only entered half of the formation before. It's not clear what happened to the second half. Everyone must be careful." Zhou Yan reminded.

They all have a little knowledge of this formation.

Bai Qi observed it for a moment and said, "Let's give it a try first. You have to see the formation before taking corresponding measures."

They all thought so, so after they rested for a while and restored their condition to its peak, they entered the formation together.

Ordinary soldiers are no match for these stone statues. Only six people, Zhou Yan, Bai Qi, Chen Qingzhi, Meng Yi, Wu Song, and Yan Chixia, entered them.

As soon as they entered, the stone statue began to change again.

Perhaps because their number has increased, the changes in the stone statues are also very different from before.

This formation will also change depending on the number of people, and it is indeed not easy to deal with.

"I will open an opening, and you will be responsible for the stone statues on both sides." Zhou Yan said.

"Yes, Lord!" everyone responded.

Zhou Yan took out the Dragon Soul Gun this time.

The Dragon Soul Gun combined with the "Batian Spear Technique" can unleash even greater power.

With his overbearing spear skills, he directly knocked back the stone statue in front of him, and then rushed forward.

The stone statues began to block him, and the stone statues on the left and right began to attack him.

But after Bai Qi and the others joined, his pressure was greatly reduced, and Bai Qi and the others began to attack these stone statues.

As soon as they fought, they discovered that these stone statues were indeed as strong as the lord said, and their weapons could only throw out sparks when they hit them.


Wu Song put on his gloves and punched the stone statue. The powerful counterattack made his fists tremble slightly.

"Let me go, what are these stone statues made of, and why are they so hard!" Wu Song said in great surprise.

"Didn't you want to crush them with your bare hands before?" Yan Chixia smiled.

"I said Yan Chixia, you old boy, please don't always expose my shortcomings." Wu Song said very dissatisfied.

The defense of these stone statues was too strong. They followed Zhou Yan step by step, not to smash these stone statues, but to withstand the attacks of these stone statues.

Even Zhou Yan couldn't break these stone statues, let alone the others. They followed Zhou Yan and rushed forward step by step.

As they got closer and closer to the coffin, the attacks on these stone statues became more and more frequent.

The stone statue's attack speed increased a lot, and it continuously launched fierce attacks against Zhou Yan and the others.

Fortunately, Zhou Yan and others were not weak in strength and were able to defend all the time, but they were a little frustrated in the fight. These stone statues were too hard and could not be broken or killed. They could only defend passively, which really made them feel sad. Very unhappy.

Zhou Yan was getting closer and closer to the coffin. He felt that the coffin should be the core of the stone statue formation. As long as he could rush to the coffin, the formation would definitely be self-defeating.

But the next section of the road was not so easy to walk. Suddenly, they felt a force of gravity.


Zhou Yan knocked out several stone statues with one shot, and then quickly reminded: "Be careful, everyone, a gravity formation has been added here."


Wu Song was unsteady due to the sudden gravity, and was almost cut in half by the stone statue's sword. Fortunately, Meng Yi had quick eyes and quick hands and pulled Wu Song over.

"Thanks, brother." Wu Song thanked him quickly.

"Be careful." Meng Yi nodded.

"What kind of ghost formation is this? Why is it so strange? It can absorb any other energy besides physical strength." Yan Chixia tried her own Taoist techniques, but unfortunately they had no effect and were completely absorbed.

"Everyone, be careful about the changes that will occur later. This formation is very powerful, so don't take it lightly." Chen Qingzhi reminded.

The further back this formation goes, the more dangerous it becomes.

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