Zhou Yan is so powerful that he can use even the most basic Wudang swordsmanship with unpredictable changes and extraordinary power.

As soon as he took action, Zhou Yan used Wudang swordsmanship and fought with Huo Gong Tutuo.

Xiao Zhao was very surprised. She had competed with Wudang disciples before, but she didn't realize how powerful Wudang swordsmanship was.

But when he saw that Zhou Yan was using it, it was so much more powerful, he quickly asked Zhang Wuji, "You are so powerful, this little martial uncle of yours. This Wudang sword technique can be used by him with such great power. He deserves to be the number one disciple of Wudang." "

"I just hope that my junior uncle is safe and sound. This Huo Gong Tutuo has been practicing for so many years, and his strength is only a step behind the Grand Master." Zhang Wuji said worriedly.

"Don't worry, look at your junior uncle, he is equally matched with that ugly monster, nothing will happen to him, I have full confidence in him." Xiao Zhao said.

The more Huo Gong Tutuo fought, the more surprised he became. His previous challenge to Zhou Yan was ridiculous, but as the battle began, he found that he could not do anything to him.

"Boy, how on earth did you practice and why are you so powerful!" Huo Gong Tutuo was very shocked, then stopped and said: "Let's do this, as long as you worship me as your teacher, I will teach you the "Nine Yang Divine Art" immediately, you Let’s see how it goes.”

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he quickly said: "I said you are really calculating. You know you can't defeat others, but you still want to recruit disciples in this way. You really don't keep your word."

"I've been practicing the Nine Sun Magic Skills for decades, how could I not be able to beat a young boy? Boy, watch your moves!"

After Huo Gong Tutuo was provoked, he launched another attack on Zhou Yan. Zhou Yan did not want to win so easily, lest this guy fail to hand over the "Nine Yang Divine Art".

As a result, he has always remained invincible, but Huo Gong Tutuo became more and more frightened the more he fought, and his internal energy was severely consumed.

Zhou Yan saw that it was almost done and said quickly: "Senior is very strong and has limited mobility, so let's fight to a draw."

When Huo Gong Tutuo heard this, he became more and more satisfied with Zhou Yan, and said in a pretentious manner: "Well, let's let it be a draw."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Zhao quickly said to Zhou Yan: "You are obviously stronger than the other party, but why don't you defeat the other party?"

"Forget it, senior has lived alone in this dark place for so many years, and with inconvenient legs and feet, even if he wins, it will be a weak victory." Zhou Yan said quickly.

This sentence made Xiao Zhao admire Zhou Yan. In the martial arts world, those who maintain a gentlemanly demeanor like Zhou Yan are almost extinct.

Huo Gong Tutuo was very pleased when he heard this, so he said: "Although we are tied, I still decided to pass on the "Nine Yang Magic" to you."

"Thank you, senior." Zhou Yan said quickly.

"You're welcome. I do it because of our fate, and I don't want this magical skill to be abandoned here with me."

Huo Gong Tutuo then told Zhou Yan the inner strength and mental methods of the "Nine-Yang Divine Art". After Zhou Yan learned it, he suddenly found that the "Yin-Yang Creation Technique" in his mind began to change again.

"I didn't expect that this "Nine Yang Divine Art" could also improve my skills. It seems that the skills in each world have certain merits."

Zhou Yan was very happy. This was an unexpected surprise, and there was also a "Nine Yin Sutra" in this world. I believe that after learning the "Nine Yin Sutra", his skills can be further improved.

After Zhou Yan learned it, he mastered it in just a moment, which made Huo Gong Tutuo surprised: "It is indeed a gift from heaven. He mastered it in a moment. It is not a disgrace to this skill."

"Senior, do I want to take you away?" Zhou Yan asked.

"No need, I'm fine here." Huo Gong Tutuo said and left.

"Let's leave here first." Zhou Yan said to Xiao Zhao.


Then they left here together and found a place. Zhou Yan said to Zhang Wuji: "Your Xuanming Divine Palm needs to learn the "Nine Yang Divine Art" to get rid of it. Now I will teach you."

When Xiao Zhao heard this, he admired Zhou Yan again and said, "This is the "Nine Yang Divine Art". You passed it on to others like this. You are really an open-minded person."

When Zhou Yan heard this, he was very happy. He was indeed very ambitious and wanted to include Xiao Zhao.

"Uncle Junior, now that you have learned the "Nine Yang Divine Art", why don't you just help me exorcise the Xuanming Divine Palm." Although Zhang Wuji wanted it very much, he felt that he owed Zhou Yan too much.

"Don't say so much. You still have a lot of things to do, and you still have deep hatred. With "Nine Yang Divine Art", you can do a lot of things. After your affairs are over, I hope you will leave with me and go A new world." Zhou Yan said.

"Thank you, Junior Master. After I take my revenge, I will definitely follow Junior Junior Uncle and leave." Zhang Wuji said.

Now that he is here, if he doesn't kidnap Zhang Wuji away, wouldn't his trip be in vain?

Later, Zhou Yan passed on the "Nine Yang Divine Art" to Zhang Wuji and gave him instructions on how to practice it.

As worthy of being a person with the aura of the protagonist, he quickly learned and mastered the "Nine Yang Divine Art". As he practiced, the Xuanming Divine Palm in his body began to disappear, and his skills became stronger day by day.

Xiao Zhao asked: "What is the new world you mentioned before?"

"If you want to go, I can take you there." Zhou Yan said.

"I'm a little curious, let's take a look again." Xiao Zhao replied.

But Zhou Yan thought: Xiao Zhao, Xiao Zhao, you can't escape from my grasp.

In the following time, Zhou Yan gave advice to Zhang Wuji while cultivating a relationship with Xiao Zhao. Xiao Zhao was quickly convinced by his various charms and did everything he had to do except not breaking through the last layer.

Zhang Wuji had eaten countless meals of dog food, but now his mind was full of hatred and he was working hard to practice the "Nine Yang Magic" all day long.

One month later, Zhang Wuji's "Nine Yang Magic" was also greatly accomplished. They decided to leave and came to an inn.

I saw the two elders Xuan Ming, Zhao Min, who was disguised as a man, and Chen Kun, discussing the attack on Mingjiao.

Not to mention, Zhao Min, who is disguised as a man, is indeed very stunning. She looks heroic and very attractive.

"Don't be impulsive, now is not the time to take action," Zhou Yan said.

"Who is hiding in the dark!" Luzhangke shouted and shot directly towards where Zhou Yan was.

Zhou Yan directly forced him back with a palm, which shocked Luzhangke.

"Mr. Lu, don't be impulsive." Zhao Min called out to Lu Zhangke, and then looked at Zhou Yan.

Because Zhou Yan is very handsome and has a dignified appearance, coupled with the previous palm, she can see that he is a handsome man with extraordinary strength, but she doesn't know who he is.

"I'm sorry, many of my subordinates have offended, and we have no intention of offending them." Zhao Min held a folding fan and cupped his hands towards Zhou Yan.

"It's okay. I forgot to bring money when I went out. Can you help pay the bill? How about letting the matter go?" Zhou Yan replied.

When Zhao Min heard this, he burst out laughing and said: "A little money is not a problem, but I want to make friends with you. I wonder if you are willing to make me a friend."

"Of course." Zhou Yan replied.

"Since we are friends, I have some small gifts here, and I hope you won't refuse." Zhao Min gestured to his subordinates, and then someone presented a plate of gifts.

Zhou Yan opened it and saw that it was all gold, but he was unmoved.

"The gift is very expensive, but I don't need so much." Zhou Yan refused.

"In that case, I don't know what you like. I can send someone to buy it." Zhao Min asked.

"I want you, are you willing?" Zhou Yan said.

This sentence made Xiao Zhao very angry and wanted to say something, but Zhang Wuji stopped him.

"Bold!" The person behind Zhao Min was dissatisfied and was about to steal the guy.

Zhao Min quickly stopped and said: "Brother, you are joking. Let's do this. I still have things to deal with now. How about I invite you to my house next time."

"It's a deal." Zhou Yan nodded.

"It's a deal!" Zhao Min hugged Zhou Yan and left.

After walking downstairs, Elder Xuan Ming asked: "Princess Princess, why don't you take down that guy? That guy offended you so much."

"You exchanged a move with the other party before, but he was easily repelled by the other party. It shows that the other party is very powerful. I need more masters to work for me. Since this person has seen that I am a girl, there is a good-looking woman behind me. A woman can tell that the other person likes beauty, and since he likes women, it’s easy to handle.”

Zhao Min was very confident and said to his men: "Go back home and look for some women to go back to. I will be of great use."


Afterwards, Zhao Min and the others left the inn on horseback.

Zhou Yan, who was upstairs, happened to see the scene of Zhao Min looking back at him and smiling. This scene was so stunning that it made many people reluctant to leave.

"My eyes are falling when I look at it again." Xiao Zhao said angrily and jealously.

Zhou Yan quickly comforted him: "Okay, don't be angry. I said that on purpose before."

"Really?" Xiao Zhao asked.

"Of course it's true. This woman is not simple at first glance. She has two elders, Xuan Ming and Xuan Ming. Are you curious about her origins?" Zhou Yan asked.

It is said that women in love will be brainless. Even the smart Xiao Zhao was deceived by Zhou Yan and replied: "I am really curious."

"Uncle Junior, you said that guy was a woman before." Zhang Wuji was very surprised. No wonder Uncle Junior would say such things before, and then he realized that the other person was a woman.

"Only now can you see the look in his eyes." Xiao Zhao said with disdain.

"No wonder she always looked like my mother before. It makes sense that she is a woman." Zhang Wuji said.

Xiao Zhao laughed and said, "You won't see beautiful women saying they look like your mother."

"You miss my mother a lot now," Zhang Wuji said.

"Then call her, come and listen." Xiao Zhao said with a smile.

"Okay, stop joking, let's go up to the Bright Dome now."

They walked towards the Bright Summit.

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